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Table T19. Event summary for leak-off tests. (See table notes.)

2325 Flush line, replace seawater by mud, pressure test line.
0148 End of test of kill line at 1000 psi. The test is ~0.4 bbl. Bleed off at 0155 h. Data being recorded.
0158 Reset cumulative volume and zero of pumping rate.
0200 Pressure test of the line. Pressure set at 1300 psi and kept 5 min. Stop and bleed off.
0215 Pump tank at Level 2 (20 cm below brim of the tank).
0201 Reset the cumulative volume and zero of pumping rate.
0220 Start LOT 1. Initial pressure = 44 psi (attributed to hydrostatic load: pipe manifold is above pump). Flow rate = 0.25 bbl/min. LOP = ~105 psi.
0230 Shut in (after sudden drop of pressure?).
0245 Bleed-off after only 15 min because pressure is stable.
0204   Pump tank level at 1.5.
Flow-back in the BOP. Mud seen in moonpool. Perhaps due to BOP leak at seafloor. 2nd leak-off test is planned.
0306 Both mud tanks filled to the brim.
0309 Pressure test of line. Pressure stays at 272 psi.
0322 Start LOT 2. Initial pressure = 42 psi. Rate 0.25 bbl/min. Leak pressure = 100 psi.
0337 Shut in.
0352 Bleed off. 3.5 bbl did not return.

Notes: Summary compiled by scientists on location and from daily drilling report. LOT = leak-off test, LOP = leak-off pressure. BOP = blowout preventer.

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