AAI: angular acceleration index
AB: acme beginning
A/D: analog-to-digital
AE: acme end
AF: alternating field
AIST: National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
AMO: anaerobic methane oxidation
AMS: anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility
APRS: average annular pressure measurement
APC: advanced piston coring
APCT-3: advanced piston coring temperature tool
APWD: annular pressure while drilling
ARC: Array Resistivity Compensated (tool)
ARM: anhysteretic remanent magnetization
ASR: anelastic strain recovery
AVS: acid volatile sulfide
BBOBS: broadband ocean-bottom seismometer
BGO: bismuth germanate
BHA: bottom-hole assembly
BOP: blowout preventer
bps: bits per second
BSR: bottom-simulating reflector
CARD-FISH: catalyzed reporter deposition–fluorescence in situ hybridization
CBL: cement-bond log
CCD: carbonate compensation depth
CDEX: Center for Deep Earth Exploration
CDP: complex drilling project
CDS: colleted delivery system
CGG: Compagnie Générale de Géophysique
CHNS: carbon-hydrogen-nitrogen-sulfur analyzer
CHNS/O: carbon-hydrogen-nitrogen-sulfur/oxygen analyzer
ChRM: characteristic remanent magnetization
CLSI: core-log-seismic integration
CMC: crown-mounted motion compensator
CMP: common midpoint
CMS: corrected volume magnetic susceptibility
CORK: circulation obviation retrofit kit
CPOs: crystallographic preferred orientations
cps: counts per second
CQG: crystal quartz gauge
CT: computed tomography
DAT: drilling ahead tool
DCS: Data Consulting Services
DC-SQUID: direct-current superconducting quantum interference device
DDW: distilled deionized water
DIC: dissolved inorganic carbon
DICOM: Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine
DIRM: drilling-induced remanent magnetization
DITF: drilling-induced tensile fractures
DLIS: digital logging interchange standard (file format)
DNA: deoxyribonucleic acid
DONET: Dense Oceanfloor Network System for Earthquakes and Tsunamis
DP: dynamic positioning
DPS: dynamic positioning system
DSI: Dipole Sonic Imager
DTCO: compressional wave delay time
DVTP: Davis-Villinger Temperature Probe
DVTPP: Davis-Villinger Temperature-Pressure Probe
ECD: equivalent circulating density
EDS: energy dispersive spectrometry
EDTC: Enhanced Digital Telemetry Cartridge
EMI: electromagnetic interference
EMS: Environmental Measurement Sonde
EMW: equivalent mud weight
EPSP: Environmental Protection and Safety Panel
ESCS: extended shoe coring system
EUE: external upset end
FCO: first consistent occurrence
FFF: free-fall funnel
FID: flame ionization detector
FISH: fluorescence in situ hybridization
FMI: Formation MicroImager
FMS: Formation MicroScanner
FO: first occurrence
FOV: field of view
FWHM: full widths half maximum
GC: gas chromatograph
GFZ: GeoForschungsZentrum
GHSZ: gas hydrate stability zone
GMI: Geomechanics International
GPIT: General Purpose Inclinometry Tool
GPS: Global Positioning System
GPTS: geomagnetic polarity timescale
GR: gamma ray (only in figures)
GRA: gamma ray attenuation
GSJ: Geological Survey of Japan
GVR: geoVISION resistivity tool
HDPE: high-density polyethylene
HGNS: Highly Integrated Gamma Ray Neutron Sonde
HLDS: Hostile Environment Litho-Density Sonde
HNGC: Hostile Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry Cartridge
HNGS: Hostile Environment Natural Gamma Ray Sonde
HPCS: hydraulic piston coring system
HRDD: High-Resolution Density Device
HRLA: High-Resolution Laterolog Array
HRLT: High Resolution Laterolog Array Tool
HRMS: High-Resolution Mechanical Sonde
HU: Hounsfield units
IAPSO: International Association of Physical Sciences of the Oceans
IBOP: inline blowout preventer
IC: ion chromatography
ICP-AES: inductively coupled plasma–atomic emission spectroscopy
ICP-MS: inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry
ICS: International Commission on Stratigraphy
ID: inside diameter
IDEAL: integrated drilling evaluation and logging
IFREE: Institute for Research on Earth Evolution
IGRF: International Geomagnetic Reference Field
IL: in-line
IPL: intact polar lipid
IR: infrared
IRM: isothermal remanent magnetization
ISIP: instantaneous shut in pressure
JAMSTEC: Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology
JST: Japan Standard Time
KCC: Kochi Core Center
LAC: linear attenuation coefficient
LAS: log ASCII standard (file format)
LCM: lost circulation material
LCO: last consistent occurrence
LILE: large ion lithophile elements
LO: last occurrence
LOI: loss on ignition
LOT: leak-off test
LWD: logging while drilling (n.), logging-while-drilling (adj.)
MAD: moisture and density
MAXIS: Multitask Acquisition Imaging System
mbsf: meters below seafloor
MCFL: Mirco-Cylindrically Focused Log
MCS: multichannel seismic
MDT: Modular Formation Dynamics Tester
MDT modules:
MRPO: pumpout module
MRPA: dual packer module
MRFC: flow control module
MMS: mass magnetic susceptibility
MP: mixed processing
MPS: monopole P-wave/S-wave-wide (sonicVISION data filtering sequence; also MP)
MS: magnetic susceptibility
MSCL: multisensor core logger
MSCL-C: color spectroscopy logger
MSCL-I: photo image logger
MSCL-W: whole-round multisensor core logger
MSPI: multishot shear parametric inversion
MTL: miniature temperature logger
MWD: measurement while drilling (n.), measurement-while-drilling (adj.)
NanTroSEIZE: Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment
NGA: natural gas analyzer
NGR: natural gamma ray
NMO: normal moveout
NRM: natural remanent magnetization
NT-PMT: NanTroSEIZE Project Management Team
NVT: nonvolcanic tremor
OBS: ocean-bottom seismometer
OD: outside diameter
OOST: out-of-sequence thrust
OSI: Operations Superintendent
PB: paracme beginning
PBS: phosphate-buffered saline
PDS: picture description standard (file format)
PE: paracme end
PEF: photoelectric effect
PEX: Platform Express
PFC: perfluorocarbon
PGS: Petroleum Geo-Services
PI: principal investigator
PNMDC: pony nonmagnetic drill collar
ppb: parts per billion
PPC: Power Positioning Device and Caliper Tool
ppmv: parts per million by volume
PSD: power spectral density
PSDM: prestack depth migration
psi: pounds per square inch
PSTM: prestack time migration
P-T: pressure-temperature
PTFE: polytetrafluoroethylene
PWL-D: P-wave logger for discrete samples
QA: quality assurance
QC: quality control
QMS: quadrupole mass spectrometer
RAB: resistivity-at-the-bit (adj.)
RARS: Riser Antirecoil System
RCB: rotary core barrel
RCP: reducing compound photometer
RE: reentrance
RNA: ribonucleic acid
ROP: rate of penetration
ROV: remotely operated vehicle
rpm: rotations per minute
RSD: relative standard deviation
SAC: Sample Allocation Committee
SAFOD: San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth
SAS: Science Advisory Structure
SD: standard deviation
SEGY: Society of Exploration Geophysicists standard (file format "Y")
SEM: scanning electron microscope
SET: sediment temperature
SET-P: sediment temperature-pressure
SFA: slowness frequency analysis
SG: specific gravity
SMT: sulfate-methane transition (preferred term, replaces SMI; as per G. Wheat, 3/25/08)
SP: spontaneous potential
SPT: single probe test
SQUID: superconducting quantum interference device
SRM: superconducting rock magnetometer
SSE: slow slip events
STC: slowness time coherence
STP: Science and Technology Panel
SVD: singular value decomposition
SWD: seismic while drilling (n.), seismic-while-drilling (adj.)
TAB: time after bit
TC: total carbon
TCD: thermal conductivity detector
TD: total depth
TEM: transmission electron microscopy
TLD: Three-Detector Lithology Density [tool]
TN: total nitrogen
TOC: total organic carbon
TS: total sulfur
UTC: Universal Time Coordinated
UV: ultraviolet
VAM: Vallourec and Mannesmann
VCD: visual core description
VE: vertical exaggeration
VHF: very high frequency
VIV: vortex-induced vibration
VLF: very low frequency
VRM: viscous remanent magnetization
VSI: Versatile Seismic Imager
VSP: vertical seismic profile
WOB: weight on bit
WOW: wait on weather
XCB: extended core barrel
XL: cross-line
XRD: X-ray diffraction
XRF: X-ray fluorescence