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Table T20. Paleomagnetic data from archive-half sections, Hole U1332C, at 20 mT AF demagnetization. (See table notes.)

Depth CSF
Declination VGP (°)
Core mean
Geographical coordinates
0°–360° –90°–270° Latitude Longitude
1H-1 0.50 0.50 210.8 42.4 6.01E–03 3321180839.55225 142.9 67.9 67.9 24.9 –72.8
1H-1 0.55 0.55 213.7 40.5 5.97E–03 3321180844.88037 142.9 70.8 70.8 22.1 –71.4
1H-1 0.60 0.60 213.4 43.7 6.25E–03 3321180850.19287 142.9 70.5 70.5 22.6 –74.0
1H-1 0.65 0.65 211.0 38.8 7.17E–03 3321180855.52100 142.9 68.1 68.1 24.6 –69.9
1H-1 0.70 0.70 206.7 31.7 7.15E–03 3321180860.84912 142.9 63.8 63.8 28.3 –64.3
1H-1 0.75 0.75 201.1 35.5 6.59E–03 3321180866.17725 142.9 58.2 58.2 33.7 –66.8
1H-1 0.80 0.80 200.1 37.3 7.07E–03 3321180871.50537 142.9 57.2 57.2 34.7 –68.3
1H-1 0.85 0.85 198.8 38.2 7.41E–03 3321180876.81787 142.9 55.9 55.9 35.9 –69.1
1H-1 0.90 0.90 193.9 37.2 7.33E–03 3321180882.14600 142.9 51.0 51.0 40.5 –68.3
1H-1 0.95 0.95 193.7 31.2 6.78E–03 3321180887.47412 142.9 50.8 50.8 40.7 –63.1
1H-1 1.00 1.00 195.5 31.0 6.17E–03 3321180892.80225 142.9 52.6 52.6 38.9 –63.0
1H-1 1.05 1.05 202.0 32.6 6.27E–03 3321180898.13037 142.9 59.1 59.1 32.8 –64.6
1H-1 1.10 1.10 201.3 35.3 6.52E–03 3321180903.44287 142.9 58.4 58.4 33.5 –66.7
1H-1 1.15 1.15 186.5 34.0 5.90E–03 3321180908.77100 142.9 43.6 43.6 47.5 –65.7
1H-1 1.20 1.20 186.2 31.3 4.53E–03 3321180914.09912 142.9 43.3 43.3 47.8 –63.2
1H-1 1.25 1.25 188.7 27.4 3.37E–03 3321180919.42725 142.9 45.8 45.8 45.4 –59.8
1H-1 1.30 1.30 153.0 48.9 9.38E–04 3321180924.75537 142.9 10.1 10.1 69.8 –114.9
1H-1 1.35 1.35 7.8 –13.9 5.65E–04 3321180930.06787 142.9 224.9 224.9 –45.5 –229.0
1H-1 1.40 1.40 5.7 –30.3 2.45E–03 3321180935.39600 142.9 222.8 222.8 –48.3 117.8
1H-2 0.10 1.60 17.0 –28.9 1.60E–03 3321181846.00537 142.9 234.1 234.1 –37.4 118.5
1H-2 0.15 1.65 36.3 –52.1 10.00E–04 3321181851.31787 142.9 253.4 253.4 –20.3 98.2
1H-2 0.20 1.70 7.7 –30.5 3.47E–03 3321181856.64600 142.9 224.8 224.8 –46.4 117.6
1H-2 0.25 1.75 0.1 –22.5 4.05E–03 3321181861.97412 142.9 217.2 217.2 –53.6 125.3
1H-2 0.30 1.80 358.2 –11.4 3.42E–03 3321181867.30225 142.9 215.3 215.3 –54.6 –224.2
1H-2 0.35 1.85 144.2 32.4 7.54E–04 3321181872.63037 142.9 1.3 1.3 84.2 –128.8
1H-2 0.40 1.90 176.0 26.4 3.54E–03 3321181877.94287 142.9 33.1 33.1 57.7 –58.4
1H-2 0.45 1.95 178.5 23.3 5.21E–03 3321181883.27100 142.9 35.6 35.6 55.2 –55.3
1H-2 0.50 2.00 179.0 25.6 5.19E–03 3321181888.59912 142.9 36.1 36.1 54.8 –57.6
1H-2 0.55 2.05 190.2 37.5 1.68E–03 3321181893.92725 142.9 47.3 47.3 43.9 –68.8
1H-2 0.60 2.10 331.9 38.8 7.08E–04 3321181899.25537 142.9 189.0 189.0 –55.1 –155.7
1H-2 0.65 2.15 344.3 5.7 1.28E–03 3321181904.56787 142.9 201.4 201.4 –64.1 –197.6
1H-2 0.70 2.20 349.3 2.2 1.33E–03 3321181909.89600 142.9 206.4 206.4 –60.7 –206.4
1H-2 0.75 2.25 350.5 –3.0 1.36E–03 3321181915.22412 142.9 207.6 207.6 –60.7 –212.3
1H-2 0.80 2.30 347.1 –11.0 2.10E–03 3321181920.55225 142.9 204.2 204.2 –65.3 –218.2
1H-2 0.85 2.35 353.2 –15.1 1.32E–03 3321181925.88037 142.9 210.3 210.3 –59.9 –225.8
1H-2 0.90 2.40 345.1 8.6 5.78E–04 3321181931.19287 142.9 202.2 202.2 –62.6 –196.0
1H-2 0.95 2.45 345.3 11.3 5.60E–04 3321181936.52100 142.9 202.4 202.4 –61.6 –193.9
1H-2 1.00 2.50 177.1 28.2 8.08E–04 3321181941.84912 142.9 34.2 34.2 56.6 –60.3
1H-2 1.05 2.55 11.8 75.0 3.26E–04 3321181947.17725 142.9 228.9 228.9 –7.0 –162.1
1H-2 1.10 2.60 315.5 –3.5 1.67E–03 3321181952.50537 142.9 172.6 172.6 –77.5 –104.7
1H-2 1.15 2.65 325.4 –15.5 2.58E–03 3321181957.81787 142.9 182.5 182.5 –85.3 –172.8
1H-2 1.20 2.70 324.0 –12.4 2.93E–03 3321181963.14600 142.9 181.1 181.1 –84.3 –152.0

Notes: Time = since 1 January 1904. VGP = virtual geomagnetic pole. Core 320-U1332C-6H overlaps Core 7H by about 3 m CSF because Core 6H was advanced 4 m but recovered >7 m of core. The upper 2.6 m was slurry (cement and water with mixed sediments). To partially fix the overlap, we have subtracted 2.6 m from the Core 6H depths. This brings the top of the good core from Core 6H up to the base of Core 5H and reduces the overlap between Cores 6H and 7H to about 50 cm. Only a portion of this table appears here. The complete table is available in ASCII.

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