Table T6. Sedimentation rates and their control points, Site U1339. (See table note.)
Age (ka) |
Depth CCSF-A (m) |
Control point |
Sedimentation rate (cm/k.y.) |
52 ± 5 | 16.6 | Average depth of LO Lychnocanoma nipponica sakaii | 32 |
90 ± 10 | 35.5 | Average depth of LO Amphimelissa setosa | 50 |
300 ± 20 | 83.9 | Average depth of LO Spongodiscus sp. | 23 |
460 ± 50 | 118.5 | Hole U1339C depth of LO Stylatractus universus | 22 |
740 ± 3 | 215.6 | Hole U1339D depth of FO Distephanus octangulatus and LO Dictyocha subarctios | 35 |
Note: LO = last occurrence, FO = first occurrence.
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