Figure F8. Photomicrographs of typical mineral assemblages, abundances, and groundmass textures within pillow lava basalt from Hole U1362A. A. Spherulitic groundmass (Sample 327-U1362A-2R-2 [Piece 8, 73–76 cm]) (FOV = 2.5 mm; plane-polarized light). B. Variolitic groundmass (Sample 327-U1362A-3R-2 [Piece 9, 79–81 cm]) (FOV = 1 mm; plane-polarized light). C, D. Glomeroporphyritic to subophitic clinopyroxene and plagioclase phenocrysts (Sample 327-U1362A-6R-2 [Piece 14, 74–77 cm]) (FOV = 2.5 mm) under (C) plane-polarized light and (D) cross-polarized light. E. Hyalophitic to intersertal groundmass (Sample 327-U1362A-13R-1 [Piece 7, 41–43 cm]) (FOV = 2.5 mm; plane-polarized light).
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