Figure F9. Photomicrographs of partially to completely replaced phenocrysts. A. Saponite and iron oxyhydroxide replacing plagioclase and clinopyroxene crystals along crystal edges and cracks (Sample 327-U1362A-7R-1 [Piece 5, 29–31 cm]) (FOV = 2.5 mm; plane-polarized light). B. Olivine pseudomorphed by bright green celadonite and pale to red-brown saponite (Sample 327-U1362A-12R-1 [Piece 10, 125–129 cm]) (FOV = 2.5 mm; plane-polarized light). C. Skeletal seriate olivines pseudomorphed by pale brown saponite and disseminated oxides (Sample 327-U1362A-18R-2 [Piece 3, 100–102 cm]) (FOV = 2.5 mm; plane-polarized light).
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