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Table T1. Depths and geometrical parameters for holes, casing, and subseafloor borehole observatories (CORKs) associated with Expedition 327 and related experiments. (See table notes.)

Hole 1027C
Hole U1301A
Hole U1362B
Seafloor mbrf 2669.1 2667.3 2667.3 2667.8 2672.0 2672.0
Basement mbsf 247.1 613.7* 262.2 265.2 236.0 242.0
Total depth of hole* mbsf 295.2 632.7 369.7 582.8 528.0 359.0
msb 48.1 19.0 107.5 317.6 292.0 117.0
20 or 21-1/2 inch hole mbsf NA NA 270.2 268.2 236.0 243.5
msb NA NA 8.0 3.0 0.0 1.5
18-1/2 inch hole mbsf NA NA 271.9 276.2 242.0 250.0
msb NA NA 9.7 11.0 6.0 8.0
14-3/4 inch hole mbsf 350.2 584.8 369.7 350.2 346.0 282.0
msb 103.1 –28.9 107.5 85.0 110.0 40.0
9-7/8 inch hole mbsf 295.2 632.7 NA 582.8 528.0 359.0
msb 48.1 19.0 NA 317.6 292.0 117.0
20 inch casing shoe mbsf NA NA 42.9 42.5 53.0 53.0
16 inch casing shoe mbsf 39.7 37.6 265.3 270.9 230.0 242.0
10-3/4 inch casing shoe mbsf 248.5 578.7 277.1 346.1 308.5 272.0
msb 1.4 –35.0 14.9 80.9 72.5 30.0
Base of CORK system mbsf 201.6 NA 291.9 291.9 469.7 311.0
msb –45.5 NA 29.7 26.8 233.7 69.0
Packer depth(s) mbsf 198.1 NA 270.3 428.8, 472.2 307.3, 429.2 271.1
msb  –49.0 NA 8.1 163.6, 207.0 71.3, 193.2 29.1

Notes: mbrf = meters below rig floor, mbsf = meters below seafloor, msb = meters subbasement (msb values <0 indicate location within the sedimentary section). * = basement depth in Hole 1027C refers to uppermost ocean crust below a sill and intercalated sediments. † = conductor casing jetted in for Holes 1026B and 1027C had 16 inch outer diameter and no larger hole was drilled. Packer depths reported are for base of deepest packer element in each set deployed. NA = not applicable.

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