Table T1. Expeditions, locations, and hole numbers for CORK deployments. (See table note.)
Location/Expedition name
139 | 1991 | Middle Valley | 857C, 858G | Davis, Mottle, Fisher, et al., 1992 |
146 | 1992 | Cascadia margin | 889C, 892B | Westbrook, Carson, Musgrave, et al., 1994 |
156 | 1994 | Northern Barbados Ridge | 948D, 949C | Shipley, Ogawa, Blum, et al., 1995 |
168 | 1996 | Eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge | 1024C, 1025C, 1026B, 1027C | Davis, Fisher, Firth, et al., 1997 |
174B | 1997 | North Pond | 395A | Becker, Malone, et al., 1998 |
195 | 2001 | South Chamorro Seamount | 1200C | Salisbury, Shinohara, Richter, et al., 2002 |
196 | 2001 | Nankai Trough accretionary prism | 808I, 1173B | Mikada, Becker, Moore, Klaus, et al., 2002 |
205 | 2002 | Costa Rica convergent margin | 1253A, 1255A | Morris, Villinger, Klaus, et al., 2003 |
301 | 2004 | Eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge | U1301A, U1301B, 1026B | Fisher, Urabe, Klaus, and the Expedition 301 Scientists, 2005 |
319 | 2009 | NanTroSEIZE | C0010A | Saffer, McNeill, Byrne, Araki, Toczko, Eguchi, Takahashi, and the Expedition 319 Scientists, 2010 |
327 | 2010 | Eastern flank of Juan de Fuca Ridge | U1362A, U1362B | This volume |
328 | 2010 | Cascadia subduction zone ACORK observatory | 889D | Davis and Petronotis, 2010 |
332 | 2010 | NanTroSEIZE | C0002G, C0010A | Kopf et al., 2010 |
336 | 2011 | Mid-Atlantic Ridge flank microbiology, North Pond | 395A and two new CORKs | Edwards et al., 2010 |
TBA | 2012 | Cascadia subduction zone | 889, U1327, U1328 | None |
Note: NanTroSEIZE = Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment, ACORK = advanced subseafloor borehole observatory, CORK = subseafloor borehole observatory, TBA = to be announced.