Figure F5. Close-up photographs of representative lithologies and lithofacies, Site U1373. A. Multicolor bioclast basalt conglomerate in Subunit IA, interpreted as deposited in a subtidal, shallow-marine environment (interval 330-U1373A-1R-1A, 0–15.5 cm). B. Multicolor basalt conglomerate with few bioclasts in Subunit IB (interval 330-U1373A-1R-2A, 16–56 cm). The brownish matrix reflects higher clay content relative to other lithofacies at Site U1373. Sediment is interpreted as mudflow deposited in a subtidal, shallow-marine environment. C. Multicolor bioclast basalt conglomerate in Subunit IC, interpreted as deposited in a subtidal to intertidal environment (interval 330-U1373A-1R-3A, 39–74 cm). D. Cemented multicolor basalt breccia in Unit II interbedded with lava flows and interpreted as a debris flow deposit emplaced in a submarine, shallow-water environment (interval 330-U1373A-2R-2A, 1–41 cm). (Continued on next page.)
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