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Table T14. Cultivation experiment results for putative iron-oxidizers, Site C0014.

Depth (mbsf) Hole, core, section,
interval (cm)
time (days)
Growth media
Top Bottom ASW A ASW B
0.23 0.38 C0014D-1H-1, 23–38 5–6 ND
0.27 0.39 C0014G-1H-1, 28–40 4.5 ++ ++
0.33 0.42 C0014B-1H-1, 35–45 5–6 +++ ND
1.81 1.93 C0014G-1H-2, 45–57 4.5 + ND
2.35 2.44 C0014B-1H-2, 110–120 5–6 ND
8.54 8.67 C0014B-2H-3, 20–35 6
8.63 8.83 C0014D-2H-2, 75–95 5–6 ND
12.23 12.41 C0014B-2H-7, 50–70 6 ND
18.52 18.67 C0014E-1H-3, 95–110 6
19.67 19.87 C0014E-1H-4, 70–90 5–6 ND
20.69 20.84 C0014E-1H-5, 31–46 6 ND
21.67 21.84 C0014B-3H-7, 99–119 6
27.40 27.55 C0014E-2H-4, 25–40 6
42.31 42.45 C0014B-5H-14, 33–48 6

+++ = good growth (lots of cells), ++ = medium growth, + = little growth (a few cells), — = no growth. ND = no data.

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