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Expedition-related bibliography*Citation data for IODP publications and journal articles in RIS format For related publications, see Expedition 322. IODP publicationsScientific ProspectusHenry, P., Kanamatsu, T., and Moe, K.T., 2010. NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: subduction inputs 2 and heat flow. IODP Sci. Prosp., 333. doi:10.2204/ Preliminary ReportExpedition 333 Scientists, 2011. NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: subduction inputs 2 and heat flow. IODP Prel. Rept., 333. doi:10.2204/ Scientific Drilling journalHenry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Moe, K.T., Strasser, M., and the IODP Expedition 333 Scientific Party, 2012. IODP Expedition 333: return to Nankai Trough subduction inputs sites and coring of mass transport deposits. Sci. Drill., 14:4–17. doi:10.2204/ Proceedings volumeHenry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Moe, K., and the Expedition 333 Scientists, 2012. Proc. IODP, 333: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/ Expedition reportsExpedition 333 Scientists, 2012. Expedition 333 summary. In Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Moe, K., and the Expedition 333 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 333: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/ Expedition 333 Scientists, 2012. Methods. In Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Moe, K., and the Expedition 333 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 333: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/ Expedition 333 Scientists, 2012. Site C0018. In Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Moe, K., and the Expedition 333 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 333: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/ Expedition 333 Scientists, 2012. Site C0011. In Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Moe, K., and the Expedition 333 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 333: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/ Expedition 333 Scientists, 2012. Site C0012. In Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Moe, K., and the Expedition 333 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 333: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/ Expedition research resultsDaigle, H., and Dugan, B., 2014. Data report: permeability, consolidation, stress state, and pore system characteristics of sediments from Sites C0011, C0012, and C0018 of the Nankai Trough. In Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Moe, K., and the Expedition 333 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 333: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/ Gao, Y., and Casey, J.F., 2014. Data report: major and trace element geochemistry of upper oceanic crust at IODP Site C0012. In Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Moe, K., and the Expedition 333 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 333: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/ Hashimoto, Y., and Yamaguchi, M., 2014. Data report: compressional wave velocity measurements on sediments from the reference site off Kumano, Nankai Trough, NantroSEIZE Expedition 333. In Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Moe, K., and the Expedition 333 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 333: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/ Saitoh, Y., 2014. Data report: grain size distribution of the late Cenozoic hemipelagic mud from Site C0011. In Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Moe, K., and the Expedition 333 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 333: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/ Underwood, M.B., and Guo, J., 2017. Data report: clay mineral assemblages in the upper Shikoku Basin, results from IODP Expedition 333, Sites C0011 and C0012. In Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Moe, K., and the Expedition 333 Scientists, Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 333: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). Journals/BooksAgrinier, P., Bonifacie, M., Bardoux, G., Lucazeau, F., Giunta, T., and Ader, M., 2021. Chlorine isotope data of chlorides challenge the pore fluid paradigm. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 300:258–278. Agrinier, P., Destrigneville, C.M., Giunta, T., Bonifacie, M., Bardoux, G.B., Andre, J., and Lucazeau, F., 2019. Strong impact of ion filtration on the isotopic composition of chlorine in young clay-rich oceanic sediment pore fluids. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 245:525. Alves, T.M., Kurtev, K., Moore, G.F., and Strasser, M., 2014. Assessing the internal character, reservoir potential, and seal competence of mass-transport deposits using seismic texture: a geophysical and petrophysical approach. AAPG Bulletin, 98(4):793–824. Alves, T.M., Strasser, M., and Moore, G.F., 2014. Erosional features as indicators of thrust fault activity (Nankai Trough, Japan). Marine Geology, 356:5–18. Amsler, H.E., Reusser, E., Millikin, K., and Strasser, M., 2014. Elemental distribution and microfabric characterization across a buried slump scar: new insights on the long-term development and reactivation of scar surfaces from a microscopic perspective. In Krastel, S., Behrmann, J.-H., Völker, D., Stipp, M., Berndt, C., Urgeles, R., Chaytor, J., Huhn, K., Strasser, M., and Harbitz, C.B. (Eds.), Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research (Volume 37): Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. 23–32. Azevedo, M.C., Alves, T.M., Fonseca, P.E., and Moore, G.F., 2018. Strike-slip deformation reflects complex partitioning of strain in the Nankai accretionary prism (SE Japan). Tectonophysics, 723:81–94. Bale, S., Alves, T.M., and Moore, G.F., 2014. Distribution of gas hydrates on continental margins by means of a mathematical envelope; a method applied to the interpretation of 3D seismic data. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15(1):52–68. Conin, M., Henry, P., Godard, V., and Bourlange, S., 2012. Splay fault slip in a subduction margin, a new model of evolution. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 341–344:170–175. Daigle, H., 2014. Microporosity development in shallow marine sediments from the Nankai Trough. Marine Geology, 357:293–303. Daigle, H., Ghanbarian, B., Henry, P., and Conin, M., 2015. Universal scaling of the formation factor in clays; example from the Nankai Trough. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 120(11):7361–7375. Daigle, H., Reece, J.S., and Flemings, P.B., 2019. Evolution of the percolation threshold in muds and mudrocks during burial. Geophysical Research Letters, 46(14):8064–8073. Daigle, H., Thomas, B., Rowe, H., and Nieto, M., 2014. Nuclear magnetic resonance characterization of shallow marine sediments from the Nankai Trough, Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 333. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(4):2631–2650. Destrigneville, C., Fabbri, O., Henry, P., Agrinier, P., and Karpoff, A.M., 2013. Fluid-sediment interactions in the Nankai subduction zone (NanTroSEIZE): pore fluid and mineralogical records. Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 7:207–210. Eisin, A.E., 2010. The seismic stratigraphy and sedimentation along the Ninetyeast Ridge [MS thesis]. Texas A&M University, College Station, TX. Fergusson, C.L., 2019. Subduction accretion and orocline development in modern and ancient settings: implications of Japanese examples for development of the New England Orogen of eastern Australia. Journal of Geodynamics, 129:117–130. Hammerschmidt, S., Davis, E.E., and Kopf, A., 2013. Fluid pressure and temperature transients detected at the Nankai Trough megasplay fault: results from the SmartPlug borehole observatory. Tectonophysics, 600:116–133. Hammerschmidt, S.B., Davis, E.E., Hüpers, A., and Kopf, A., 2013. Limitation of fluid flow at the Nankai Trough megasplay fault zone. Geo-Marine Letters, 33(5):405–418. Harris, R., Yamano, M., Kinoshita, M., Spinelli, G., Hamamoto, H., and Ashi, J., 2013. A synthesis of heat flow determinations and thermal modeling along the Nankai Trough, Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 118(6):2687–2702. Hüpers, A., Kasemann, S.A., Kopf, A.J., Meixner, A., Toki, T., Shinjo, R., Wheat, C.G., and You, C.-F., 2016. Fluid flow and water–rock interaction across the active Nankai Trough subduction zone forearc revealed by boron isotope geochemistry. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 193:100–118. Ikari, M.J., Kopf, A.J., Hüpers, A., and Vogt, C., 2018. Lithologic control of frictional strength variations in subduction zone sediment inputs. Geosphere, 14(2):604–625. Ikari, M.J., Strasser, M., Saffer, D.M., and Kopf, A.J., 2011. Submarine landslide potential near the megasplay fault at the Nankai subduction zone. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 312(3):453–462. Ikari, M.J., Wilckens, F.K., and Saffer, D.M., 2020. Implications of basement rock alteration in the Nankai Trough, Japan for subduction megathrust slip behavior. Tectonophysics, 774:228275. Jaeger, D., Stalder, R., Masago, H., and Strasser, M., 2019. OH defects in quartz as a provenance tool; application to fluvial and deep marine sediments from SW Japan. Sedimentary Geology, 388:66–80. Jonas, A.S., Schwark, L., and Bauersachs, T., 2017. Late Quaternary water temperature variations of the Northwest Pacific based on the lipid paleothermometers TEXH86, UK'37 and LDI. Deep-Sea Research, Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 125:81–93. Kanamatsu, T., Kawamura, K., Strasser, M., Novak, B., and Kitamura, Y., 2014. Flow dynamics of Nankai Trough submarine landslide inferred from internal deformation using magnetic fabric. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 15(10):4079–4092. Kimura, T., Araki, E., Takayama, H., Kitada, K., Kinoshita, M., Namba, Y., and Kyo, M., 2013. Development and performance tests of a sensor suite for a long-term borehole monitoring system in seafloor settings in the Nankai Trough, Japan. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 38(2):383–395. Kington, J.D., IV, 2012. The structure and kinematics of the Nankai Trough accretionary prism, Japan [PhD dissertation]. University of Wisconsin - Madison, Kinoshita, C., and Saffer, D.M., 2018. In situ permeability and scale dependence of an active accretionary prism determined from cross-borehole experiments. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(14):6935–6943. Kinoshita, M., Kimura, G., and Saito, S., 2014. Seismogenic processes revealed through the Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiments: core, log, geophysics, and observatory measurements. In Stein, R., Blackman, D., Inagaki, F., and Larsen, H.-C. (Eds.), Developments in Marine Geology (Volume 7): Earth and Life Processes Discovered from Subseafloor Environments: A Decade of Science Achieved by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP). R. Stein (Series Ed.). Amsterdam (Elsevier B.V.), 641–670. Kitamura, Y., Strasser, M., Novak, B., Kanamatsu, T., Kawamura, K., and Zhao, X., 2014. Characteristics of magnetic fabrics in mass transport deposits in the Nanka Trough trench slope, Japan. In Krastel, S., Behrmann, J.-H., Völker, D., Stipp, M., Berndt, C., Urgeles, R., Chaytor, J., Huhn, K., Strasser, M., and Harbitz, C.B. (Eds.), Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research (Volume 37): Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. 649–658. Kremer, K., Usman, M.O., Satoguchi, Y., Nagahashi, Y., Vadakkepuliyambatta, S., Panieri, G., and Strasser, M., 2017. Possible climate preconditioning on submarine landslides along a convergent margin, Nankai Trough (NE Pacific). Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 4(1):20. Kuranaga, M., Kawamura, K., and Kanamatsu, T., 2020. The progressive development of microfabrics from initial deposition to slump deformation: an example from a modern sedimentary mélange on the Nankai Prism. Journal of the Geological Society (London, UK), 177(3):619–628. Laberg, J.S., Strasser, M., Alves, T.M., Gao, S., Kawamura, K., Kopf, A., and Moore, G.F., 2017. Internal deformation of a muddy gravity flow and its interaction with the seafloor (Site C0018 of IODP Expedition 333, Nankai Trough, SE Japan). Landslides, 14(3):849–860. Lin, W., Tadai, O., Kinoshita, M., Kameda, J., Tanikawa, W., Hirose, T., Hamada, Y., Matsubayashi, O., Byrne, T., Underwood, M.B., III, Fisher, D., McNeill, L., Saffer, D., Ujiie, K., and Yamaguchi, A., 2018. Thermal conductivity changes in subducting basalt, Nankai subduction zone, SW Japan: an estimation from laboratory measurements under separate high-pressure and high-temperature conditions. In Byrne, T., Underwood, M.B., III, Fisher, D., McNeill, L., Saffer, D., Ujiie, K. and Yamaguchi, A. (Eds.), Geology and Tectonics of Subduction Zones: A Tribute to Gaku Kimura. Geological Society of America Special Paper, 534. Marcaillou, B., Henry, P., Kinoshita, M., Kanamatsu, T., Screaton, E., Daigle, H., Harcouet-Menou, V., Lee, Y., Matsubayashi, O., Thu, M.K., Kodaira, S., and Yamano, M., 2012. Seismogenic zone temperatures and heat-flow anomalies in the To-nankai margin segment based on temperature data from IODP Expedition 333 and thermal model. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 349:171–185. Miyazaki, T., Kimura, J.-I., and Katakuse, M., 2016. Geochemical records from loess deposits in Japan over the last 210 kyr: lithogenic source changes and paleoclimatic indications. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17(7):2745–2761. Novak, B., 2012. Magnetic fabric analyses of ocean floor sediments: characterizing depositional processes in the Nankai Trough and Shikoku Basin [MS thesis]. Western Washington University, Bellingham, WA. Novak, B., Housen, B., Kitamura, Y., Kanamatsu, T., and Kawamura, K., 2014. Magnetic fabric analyses as a method for determining sediment transport and deposition in deep sea sediments. Marine Geology, 356:19–30. Parendo, C., Jacobsen, S.B., and Plank, T., 2022. Potassium-isotope variations of marine sediments adjacent to the Izu-Bonin Trench and Nankai Trough. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. Pickering, K.T., Underwood, M.B., Saito, S., Naruse, H., Kutterolf, S., Scudder, R., Park, J.-O., Moore, G.F., and Slagle, A., 2013. Depositional architecture, provenance, and tectonic/eustatic modulation of Miocene submarine fans in the Shikoku Basin: results from Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14(6):1722–1739. Rohan, T., 2016. Grain size and seismic analysis of IODP Expedition 333, Site C0018 and the pink volcanic ash horizon, Nankai Trough, Offshore Japan [BS thesis]. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Rohan, T.J., 2016. Grain size and seismic analysis of IODP Expedition 333, Site C0018 and the pink volcanic ash horizon, Nankai Trough, offshore Japan [BS thesis]. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH. Rowe, K.T., Screaton, E.J., and Ge, S., 2012. Coupled fluid flow and deformation modeling of the frontal thrust region of the Kumano Basin transect, Japan: implications for fluid pressures and décollement downstepping. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13(3):Q0AD23. Saitoh, Y., Ishikawa, T., Tanimizu, M., Murayama, M., Ujiie, Y., Yamamoto, Y., Ujiie, K., and Kanamatsu, T., 2015. Sr, Nd, and Pb isotope compositions of hemipelagic sediment in the Shikoku Basin: implications for sediment transport by the Kuroshio and Philippine Sea plate motion in the late Cenozoic. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 421:47–57. Saitoh, Y., Tanimizu, M., and Ishikawa, T., 2020. Sr-Nd-Pb isotope systematics of fine sediments from the modern rivers in SW Japan: implications for sediment provenance of the Northwest Pacific. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences: X, 3:100029. Sassa, K., He, B., Miyagi, T., Strasser, M., Konagai, K., Ostric, M., Setiawan, H., Takara, K., Nagai, O., Yamashiki, Y., and Tutumi, S., 2012. A hypothesis of the Senoumi submarine megaslide in Suruga Bay in Japan—based on the undrained dynamic-loading ring shear tests and computer simulation. Landslides, 9(4):439–455. Schumann, K., Behrmann, J.H., Stipp, M., Yamamoto, Y., Kitamura, Y., and Lempp, C., 2014. Geotechnical behavior of mudstones from the Shimanto and Boso accretionary complexes, and implications for the Nankai accretionary prism. Earth, Planets and Space, 66(1):129. Schumann, K., Stipp, M., Behrmann, J.H., Klaeschen, D., and Schulte-Kortnack, D., 2014. P and S wave velocity measurements of water-rich sediments from the Nankai Trough, Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 119(2):787–805. Schumann, K., Stipp, M., Leiss, B., and Behrmann, J.H., 2014. Texture development in naturally compacted and experimentally deformed silty clay sediments from the Nankai trench and fore-arc, Japan. Tectonophysics, 636:125–142. Scudder, R.P., Murray, R.W., Schindlbeck, J.C., Kutterolf, S., Hauff, F., Underwood, M.B., Gwizd, S., Lauzon, R., and McKinley, C.C., 2016. Geochemical approaches to the quantification of dispersed volcanic ash in marine sediment. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 3(1):1. Spinelli, G., Wada, I., Wang, K., He, J., Harris, R., and Underwood, M., 2018. Diagenetic, metamorphic, and hydrogeologic consequences of hydrothermal circulation in subducting crust. Geosphere, 14(6):2337–2354. Stipp, M., Rolfs, M., Kitamura, Y., Behrmann, J.H., Schumann, K., Schulte-Kortnack, D., and Feeser, V., 2013. Strong sediments at the deformation front, and weak sediments at the rear of the Nankai accretionary prism, revealed by triaxial deformation experiments. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14(11):4791–4810. Strasser, M., Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Moe, K.T., Moore, G.F., and the IODP Expedition 333 Scientists, 2012. Scientific drilling of mass-transport deposits in the Nankai accretionary wedge: first results from IODP Expedition 333. In Yamada, Y., Kawamura, K., Ikehara, K., Ogawa, Y., Urgeles, R., Mosher, D., Chaytor, J., and Strasser, M. (Eds.), Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research (Volume 31): Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. 671–681. Sugihara, T., Kinoshita, M., Araki, E., Kimura, T., Kyo, M., Namba, Y., Kido, Y., Sanada, Y., and Thu, M.K., 2014. Re-evaluation of temperature at the updip limit of locked portion of Nankai megasplay inferred from IODP Site C0002 temperature observatory. Earth, Planets and Space, 66(1):107. Sun, T., Ellis, S., and Saffer, D., 2020. Coupled evolution of deformation, pore fluid pressure, and fluid flow in shallow subduction forearcs. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(3):e2019JB019101. Tilley, H., Moore, G.F., Underwood, M.B., Hernández-Molina, F.J., Yamashita, M., Kodaira, S., and Nakanishi, A., 2021. Heterogeneous sediment input at the Nankai Trough subduction zone: implications for shallow slow earthquake localization. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22(10):e2021GC009965. Tobin, H., Henry, P., Vannucchi, P., and Screaton, E., 2014. Subduction zones: structure and deformation history. In Stein, R., Blackman, D.K., Inagaki, F., and Larsen, H.-C. (Eds.), Developments in Marine Geology (Volume 7): Earth and Life Processes Discovered from Subseafloor Environments: A Decade of Science Achieved by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP). R. Stein (Series Ed.). New York (Elsevier), 599–640. Tomaru, H., and Fehn, U., 2015. Movement of fluids in the Nankai Trough area: insights from 129I and halogen distributions along the IODP NanTroSEIZE transect. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 149:64–78. Torres, M.E., Cox, T., Hong, W.L., McManus, J., Sample, J.C., Destrigneville, C., Gan, H.M., Gan, H.Y., and Moreau, J.W., 2015. Crustal fluid and ash alteration impacts on the biosphere of Shikoku Basin sediments, Nankai Trough, Japan. Geobiology, 13(6):562–580. Torres, M.E., Hong, W.-L., Solomon, E.A., Milliken, K., Kim, J.-H., Sample, J.C., Teichert, B.M.A., and Wallmann, K., 2020. Silicate weathering in anoxic marine sediment as a requirement for authigenic carbonate burial. Earth-Science Reviews, 200:102960. Underwood, M.B., 2018. The origin of strata within the inner accretionary prism of Nankai Trough: evidence from clay mineral assemblages along the NanTroSEIZE transect. Island Arc, 27(3):e12252. Underwood, M.B., and Pickering, K.T., 2018. Facies architecture, detrital provenance, and tectonic modulation of sedimentation in the Shikoku Basin: inputs to the Nankai Trough subduction zone. In Byrne, T., Underwood, M.B., III, Fisher, D., McNeill, L., Saffer, D., Ujiie, K., and Yamaguchi, A. (Eds.), Geology and Tectonics of Subduction Zones: A Tribute to Gaku Kimura. Special Paper - Geological Society of America, 534. Usman, M.O., Masago, H., Winkler, W., and Strasser, M., 2014. Mid-Quaternary decoupling of sediment routing in the Nankai Forearc revealed by provenance analysis of turbiditic sands. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 103(4):1141–1161. Van Tuyl, J., Alves, T.M., and Moore, G.F., 2015. Strain decoupling reveals variable seismogenic risk in SE Japan (Nankai Trough). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 16(7):2025–2037. Wang, F., Lu, S., Orcutt, B.N., Xie, W., Chen, Y., Xiao, X., and Edwards, K.J., 2013. Discovering the roles of subsurface microorganisms: progress and future of deep biosphere investigation. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58(4):456–467. Wiemer, G., Reusch, A., Strasser, M., Kreiter, S., Otto, D., Mörz, T., and Kopf, A., 2014. Static and cyclic shear strength of cohesive and non-cohesive sediments. In Krastel, S., Behrmann, J.-H., Völker, D., Stipp, M., Berndt, C., Urgeles, R., Chaytor, J., Huhn, K., Strasser, M., and Harbitz, C.B. (Eds.), Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research (Volume 37): Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. 111–121. Yamano, M., Kawada, Y., and Hamamoto, H., 2014. Heat flow survey in the vicinity of the branches of the megasplay fault in the Nankai accretionary prism. Earth, Planets and Space, 66:126. ConferencesAmerican Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2011Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Marcaillou, B., Matsubayashi, O., Lee, Y., Underwood, M., Moe, K.T., and the IODP Expedition 333 Scientists, 2011. Downhole temperature measurements at NanTroSEIZE input sites and their implications [presented at the 2011 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 5–9 December 2011]. (Abstract T12A-03) Kanamatsu, T., Kawamura, K., Kitamura, Y., Novak, B., Chiyonobu, S., Nagahashi, Y., Satoguchi, Y., Henry, P., Strasser, M., Moe, K.T., and the IODP Expedition 333 Scientists, 2011. Age constraints for NanTroSEIZE sedimentary sequences: drilling of subduction input sediments and mass transport deposits, IODP Expedition 333 [presented at the 2011 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 5–9 December 2011]. (Abstract T51F-2417) Kitajima, H., and Saffer, D.M., 2011. Effects of stress paths on physical properties of sediments at the Nankai Trough subduction zone [presented at the 2011 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 5–9 December 2011]. (Abstract T12A-05) Novak, B., Housen, B.A., Kanamatsu, T., Kitamura, Y., Kawamura, K., Henry, P., Moe, K.T., and the IODP Expedition 333 Scientists, 2011. The effects of compaction on the paleomagnetic record from IODP Expedition 333, Nankai Trough and Shikoku Basin [presented at the 2011 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 5–9 December 2011]. (Abstract GP51A-1150) Screaton, E., Rowe, K.T., Daigle, H., and the Expedition 333 Scientists, 2011. Separating seawater and basalt: when do sediments isolate the basement from the seafloor? [presented at the 2011 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 5–9 December 2011]. (Abstract T51F-2414) Screaton, E., Rowe, K.T., Strasser, M., Moore, G.F., Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Moe, K.T., and the Expedition 333 Scientists, 2011. Fluid flow, deformation and mass movement in subduction zones: examples from NanTroSEIZE [presented at the 2011 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 5–9 December 2011]. (Abstract T21E-02) Song, B., Morgan, J.K., Yamaguchi, A., Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Moe, K.T., and the IODP Expedition 333 Scientists, 2011. The deformation structure of submarine landslide recorded in the incoming sediments on the Kashinosaki Knoll, in the Nankai Trough [presented at the 2011 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 5–9 December 2011]. (Abstract T51F-2418.) Strasser, M., Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Moe, K.T., Moore, G.F., and the IODP Expedition 333 Scientists, 2011. Submarine landslides and mass-transport deposition in the Nankai fore-arc [presented at the 2011 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 5–9 December 2011]. (Abstract T21E-01) Torres, M.E., Joseph, C., Sample, J.C., and the Expedition 322 and 333 Scientists, 2011. 87/86Sr of pore fluids and authigenic carbonates from the Nankai subduction zone, IODP NanTroSEIZE Expeditions 322 and 333 [presented at the 2011 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 5–9 December 2011]. (Abstract T51F-2415) Underwood, M., Saito, S., Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., and the Scientific Teams of IODP Expeditions 332 and 333, 2011. The importance of inputs to the Nankai Trough subduction zone: integration of results from ODP and IODP drilling transects in the Shikoku Basin [presented at the 2011 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 5–9 December 2011]. (Abstract T44C-03) AGU Fall Meeting 2012Kitajima, H., and Saffer, D.M., 2012. Quantification of in situ pore pressure and stress in regions of low frequency earthquakes and anomalously low seismic velocity at the Nankai Trough [presented at the American Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T23G-02) Naito, K., and Park, J., 2012. Seismic inversion for incoming sedimentary sequence in the Nankai Trough margin off Kumano Basin, southwest Japan [presented at the American Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T13A-2577) Underwood, M., Guo, J., and Song, C., 2012. Diagenesis of clay mineral assemblages in the Shikoku Basin: inputs to the Nankai Trough megathrust and seismogenic zone [presented at the American Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T23G-01) Yamaguchi, M., and Hashimoto, Y., 2012. Relationship between compressional-wave velocity and porosity of sediments along subduction plate interface [presented at the American Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T13A-2578) AGU Fall Meeting 2013Chauvel, C., Garcon, M., Yobregat, E., Chipoulet, C., and Labanieh, S., 2013. Nature and origin of the sedimentary pile subducting in the Nankai Trough [presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall 2013 Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T31F-2578) Daigle, H., and Thomas, B., 2013. Integrating mercury injection and nitrogen adsorption data to characterize marine sediment pore systems: an example from the Nankai Trough [presented at the 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T33F-08) Oda, H., Yamamoto, Y., Yamamoto, Y., Lin, W., Ishizuka, O., Zhao, X., Wu, H., Torii, M., Kitamura, Y., and Kanamatsu, T., 2013. Paleomagnetism and rock-magnetism of basaltic basement rocks from IODP Site C0012, Shikoku Basin [presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall 2013 Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract GP41A-1101) Pickering, K.T., Underwood, M., and Moore, G.F., 2013. Provenance of Miocene submarine fans in the Shikoku Basin: Results from NanTroSEIZE and implications for stratigraphic correlation of subduction inputs [presented at the 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T33F-04) Scudder, R., Murray, R.W., Schindlbeck, J.C., and Kutterolf, S., 2013. Geochemistry of sediment from IODP Expeditions 322 and 333: terrigenous provenance, dispersed ash, and the Nankai “Subduction Factory” [presented at the 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract V33H-01) Thomas, B., and Daigle, H., 2013. Nuclear magnetic resonance properties of marine sediments from the Nankai Trough [presented at the 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T31G-2602) AGU Fall Meeting 2014Strasser, M., Dugan, B., Henry, P., Jurado, M.J., Kanagawa, K., Kanamatsu, T., Moore, G.F., Panieri, G., and Pini, G.A., 2014. Dynamics of large submarine landslide from analyzing the basal section of mass-transport deposits sampled by IODP Nankai Trough Submarine Landslide History (NanTroSLIDE) [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract OS31E-01) AGU Fall Meeting 2015Haraguchi, S., and Nakamura, K., 2015. Alkali element enrichments on the BABBs at the IODP Expedition 333 Site C0012 in the northern Shikoku Basin [presented at the 2015 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 14–18 December 2015]. (Abstract V13C-3135) Tadai, O., and Lin, W., 2015. Estimation of sediment friction coefficient from heating upon APC penetration during the IODP NanTroSEIZE [presented at the 2015 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 14–18 December 2015]. (Abstract MR33B-2663) AGU Fall Meeting 2016Scudder, R., Murray, R.W., Schindlbeck, J.C., Kutterolf, S., Underwood, M., and Wang, K.L., 2016. Quantification and implications of dispersed volcanic ash as an input to the Nankai subduction zone [presented at the 2016 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 11–15 December 2016]. (Abstract T31C-2898) AGU Fall Meeting 2017Li, Y., 2017. Sr-Nd isotopic constraints on sediment provenances in the Shikoku Basin: variation of sediment dynamic transport with the climate change in the past 30 ka [presented at the 2017 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 11–15 December 2017]. (Abstract PP51A-1055) Saffer, D.M., Ikari, M., Rooney, T.O., and Marone, C., 2017. Frictional behavior of altered basement approaching the Nankai Trough [presented at the 2017 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 11–15 December 2017]. (Abstract T23A-0590) Blue Earth ’11 SymposiumKanamatsu, T., Pierre, H., Moe, K.T., and Expedition 333 Science Party, 2011. IODP Expedition 333: drilling the subduction input 2, heat flow and landslides, JAMSTEC [Blue Earth ’11 Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, 7 and 8 March 2011]. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2011Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Strasser, M., and the IODP Expedition 333 Scientists, 2011. Drilling Quaternary submarine landslides on the Nankai accretionary wedge: results from IODP Expedition 333. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 13:EGU2011-4550-1. (Abstract) Kanamatsu, T., Henry, P., Moe, K., and the IODP Expedition 333 Scientists, 2011. Drilling inputs to the Nankai subduction zone: heat flow, diagenesis and basement alteration. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 13:EGU2011-4543. (Abstract) Strasser, M., 2011. An underwater perspective on the significance of mass-movement processes. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 13:EGU2011-5162. (Abstract) Geological Society of America (GSA) Annual Meeting 2011Novak, B.A., Housen, B.A., Kanamatsu, T., Kitamura, Y., and Kawamura, K., 2011. Magnetic fabric analyses of deep-sea sediments: identifying depositional processes at IODP Expedition 333 Sites C0018 and C0011, Nankai Trough and Shikoku Basin. Geol. Soc. Am. Abstr., Progr., 43(5):591. Tobin, H.J., Kington, J., and Streiff, C., 2011. Fault zone properties and processes in the Nankai Trough subduction zone: a synthesis. Geol. Soc. Am. Abstr. Progr., 43(5):325. GSA Penrose Conference 2012Alves, T.M., Strasser, M., Moore, G.F., Kokinou, E., Kamberis, E., and IODP Expedition 333 Scientists, 2012. Erosional features as proxies for dating diachronous thrust fault activity on convergent margins: examples from the Nankai Trough (Japan) and South Crete (Eastern Mediterranean) [Geological Society of America Penrose Conference, Lucca, Italy, 25–31 March 2012]. International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, 5thStrasser, M., Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., Moe, K.T., Moore, G.F., and the IODP Expedition 333 Scientists, 2012. Scientific drilling of mass-transport deposits in the Nankai accretionary wedge: first results from IODP Expedition 333. In Yamada, Y., Kawamura, K., Ikehara, K., Ogawa, Y., Urgeles, R., Mosher, D., Chaytor, J., and Strasser, M. (Eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Adv. Nat. Technol. Hazard Res., 31(8):671–681. doi:10.1007/ International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, 6th Amsler, H.E., Reusser, E., Millikin, K., and Strasser, M., 2014. Elemental distribution and microfabric characterization across a buried slump scar: new insights on the long-term development and reactivation of scar surfaces from a microscopic perspective. In Krastel, S., Behrmann, J.-H., Völker, D., Stipp, M., Berndt, C., Urgeles, R., Chaytor, J., Huhn, K., Strasser, M., and Harbitz, C.B. (Eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Adv. Nat. Technol. Hazards Res., 37:2332. doi:10.1007/ Kitamura, Y., Strasser, M., Novak, B., Kanamatsu, T., Kawamura, K., and Zhao, X., 2014. Characteristics of magnetic fabrics in mass transport deposits in the Nanka Trough trench slope, Japan. In Krastel, S., Behrmann, J.-H., Völker, D., Stipp, M., Berndt, C., Urgeles, R., Chaytor, J., Huhn, K., Strasser, M., and Harbitz, C.B. (Eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Adv. Nat. Technol. Hazards Res., 37:649658 doi:10.1007/ Wiemer, G., Reusch, A., Strasser, M., Kreiter, S., Otto, D., Mörz, T., and Kopf, A., 2014. Static and cyclic shear strength of cohesive and non-cohesive sediments. In Krastel, S., Behrmann, J.-H., Völker, D., Stipp, M., Berndt, C., Urgeles, R., Chaytor, J., Huhn, K., Strasser, M., and Harbitz, C.B. (Eds.), Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. Adv. Nat. Technol. Hazards Res., 37:111121. doi:10.1007/ Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2011Kanamatsu T., Henry, P., Moe, K.T., and the IODP Expedition 333 Scientists, 2011. Preliminary results from IODP Expedition 333: subduction inputs 2 and heat flow [presented at the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2011, Chiba, Japan, 22–27 May 2011]. (Abstract) Kanamatsu, T., Henry, P., Strasser, M., Moe, K.T., and the IODP Expedition 333 Scientists, 2011. Summary of IODP Expedition 333: drilling of subduction input sediments, and mass transport deposits [presented at the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2011, Chiba, Japan, 22–27 May 2011]. (Abstract) Strasser, M., Henry, P., Kanamatsu, T., and IODP Expedition 333 Scientists, 2011. A new record of submarine landslide history in the Nankai accretionary wedge: results from IODP Expedition 333 [presented at the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2011, Chiba, Japan, 22–27 May 2011]. (Abstract) Strasser, M., Moore, G., Kimura, G., Sakaguchi, A., Underwood, M., and the IODP Expedition 333 Scientists, 2011. Alternating periods of high and low activity along the megasplay fault in the Nankai Trough [presented at the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2011, Chiba, Japan, 22–27 May 2011]. (Abstract) Sedimentological Society of Japan Annual Meeting 2011Saitoh, Y., Ishikawa, T., Tanimizu, M., and IODP Expedition 333 Science Party, 2011. Chemical, isotopic, and grain size analysis of hemipelagic mud from IODP Site C0011 in Nankai Trough [Sedimentological Society of Japan Annual Meeting, Nagasaki, Japan, 23 and 24 December 2011]. *The Expedition-related bibliography is continually updated online. Please send updates to |