Figure F80. Orthogonal vector plots of thermal demagnetization data from discrete samples prepared during Expedition 335 from working half core sections recovered during Expedition 312. Data were measured using the AGICO JR-6A spinner magnetometer and demagnetized using the Schonstedt TSD-1 system. Expanded views (blue arrows) show details of characteristic remanence components isolated after removal of drilling-induced components. Solid circles = projection onto the horizontal plane, open circles = projection onto either the vertical north–south or east–west planes. NRM = natural remanent magnetization. A. Samples from Gabbro 1. Note removal of significant vertical drilling-induced remanence by low-temperature demagnetization (77 K step) in Sample 335(312)-1256D-222R-2W, 47 cm. (Continued on next page.)
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