Sample test suite
Sample preparation
Methods text section
Shipboard community samples*
“Onboard incubation for shore-based microbiological
cultivation experiments” |
5 cm3 sample in 20 cm3 gas vial with silicon stopper; handed to technician.
“Chemical tracer” |
DNA contamination
2 cm3 sample from core exterior and halfway to core interior into 15 mL Falcon tubes; frozen at –20°C.
“DNA-based contamination tracers” |
Cell counts + FISH
2 cm3 sample into round-bottom (13 cm3) tube, added 8 mL of 4% PFA, and shaken to slurry; stored at
4°C. Note: if too stiff to slurry by shaking, crushed in aluminum bag using hammer. If too hard to crush
with hammer, inserted into round-bottom tube and without PFA addition. |
“Cell separation and enumeration” |
DNA for qPCR and T-RFLP
10 cm3 into 15 mL Falcon tube; frozen at –20°C.
“DNA extraction and purification” |
Sulfate reduction rates
5–10 cm WRC in gas-tight bag, flushed with N2, and sealed; stored at 4°C. Processed within 24 h.
“Potential sulfate reduction rates” |
Shore-based testing†
“Sampling for shore-based investigations” |
10 cm WRC in gas-tight bag, flushed with N2, vacuumed, and sealed; stored at 4°C.
“Cultivation experiments” |
10 cm WRC in gas-tight bag, flushed with N2, vacuumed, and sealed; stored at 4°C.
“Single-cell analyses of carbon and nitrogen assimilation
rates of subseafloor microbes” |
Extracellular DNA/functional genes/
amino acids and amino sugars
10 cm WRC in gas-tight bag, flushed with N2, vacuumed, and sealed; stored at 4°C. Processed within 24 h.
“Shore-based DNA extraction, functional gene
characterization, and organic acid analyses” |
Sulfate reduction rates
5–10 cm WRC in gas-tight bag, flushed with N2, and sealed.
“Shore-based 35S incubations” |
20+ cm3 sample in gas-tight bag, flushed with N2, and sealed; stored at 4°. Processed within 24 h.
“Cultivation experiments” |
Chemical degradation of coal/lignite and
release of short-chain fatty acids
Sampled from split cores.
“Hydrogenase activity measurements” |