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Table T25. Concentrations of molecular hydrogen and carbon monoxide in drilling sand that filled the void space between sediment cores and core liners in Hole C0020A, determined by the extraction method.

Core H2 (µM) CO (nM)
1R 1.62 198
1R 1.15 176
2R 1.28 229
4R 0.70 56
5R 1.79 90
6R 0.42 47
8L 74.6 19
9R 1.54 104
10R 5.67 257
11R 0.78 4
12R 0.63 43
13R 0.33 53
14R 3.83 105
15R 3.30 298
16R 7.65 171
17R 3.26 1,410
18R 0.89 548
22R 0.79 1,010
19R 2.41 239
20R 4.84 370
21R 3.09 1,120
27R 0.79 518
28R 1.37 101
29R 6.93 35
30R 1.07 15

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