Figure F23. Smear slide and binocular microscope images of mineralogy in cuttings samples. A. Representative quartz and plagioclase feldspar (Sample 338-C0002F-80-SMW; 1185.5 mbsf; cross-polarized light [XPL]). B. Glauconite grains under binocular microscope (Sample 338-C0002F-37-SMW; 1000.5 mbsf). C, D. Glauconite (Sample 338-C0002F-29-SMW; 965.5 mbsf) in (C) plane-polarized light (PPL) and (D) XPL. E, F. Hornblende (Sample 338-C0002F-66-SMW; 1125.5 mbsf) in (E) PPL and (F) XPL.
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