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Figure F56. Characteristic examples of carbonate veins in cuttings. A. Veins with different orientations (Sample 338-C0002F-56-SMW, >4 mm; 1085.5 mbsf). B. Carbonate vein with slickenlined surface (Sample 338-C0002F-62-SMW, 1–4 mm; 1105.5 mbsf). C. Fiber growth (Sample 338-C0002F-258-SMW, 1–4 mm; 1885.5 mbsf). D. Growth of calcite grains from the wall rock (limestone) (Sample 338-C0002F-56-SMW, >4 mm; 1085.5 mbsf; PPL). E. Mechanical twins in calcite grains (arrows) (Sample 338-C0002F-56-SMW, >4 mm; 1085.5 mbsf; XPL). F. Selvages in carbonate veins (Sample 338-C0002F-56-SMW, >4 mm; 1085.5 mbsf; PPL).

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