Figure F11. Glacial sequences and interpreted lithofacies of GOA-2505 seismic section based on glacial systems tracts at proposed drill sites. The Glacial Minimum Systems Tract (GMiST) includes sediment accumulated during interglacial periods. The Glacial Retreat Systems Tract (GRST) includes glacial sediment deposited at the glacial grounding-line, and the Glacial Maximum Systems Tract (GMaST) is composed of sediment deposited at the continental slope during glacial advance. Each proposed drill core should sample at least eight interglacial intervals with thicknesses up to 5 ms TWT. Sequence geometries indicate an overall reduction in shelf accommodation space over the past 2 m.y. Such a reduction in accommodation space could be eustatic in nature and influenced by fluctuations of the Cordilleran ice sheet. SB = seismic boundary. VE = vertical exaggeration. AK 1-1 to 1-9 = seismic stratigraphic Units 1–9. After Willems (2009).
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