Figure F11. Primary lithologies of Site U1417. A. Dark gray (N 4) mud (Facies F1b; interval 341-U1417D-3H-3A, 93–100 cm). B. Interbedded sand and mud; sand is normally graded (Facies F3c; interval 341-U1417C-17H-6A, 80–96 cm). C. Muddy diamict with upward increasing abundance of subangular to subrounded clasts (Facies F4a; interval 341-U1417B-38X-1A, 56–66 cm). Note the gradational lower and sharp upper contacts. D. Muddy and sandy diamict with abundant mud rip-up clasts (Facies F4b; interval 341-U1417D-52X-3A, 4–11 cm). E. Muddy and sandy diamict with abundant dark coal clasts (Facies F4b; interval 341-U1417D-64X-1A, 40–47 cm). Note that the diamict grades upward into coarse sand of Facies F3b. F. Muddy and sandy diamict with dark organic components and lighter-colored mud clasts (Facies F4b; interval 341-U1417E-39R-1A, 43–52 cm). G. Bioturbated diatom ooze with Zoophycos burrows (Facies F5a; interval 341-U1417D-57X-1A, 69–77 cm). The ooze is the lighter colored greenish lithology in the center of the photo. H. Color-banded and bioturbated diatom ooze (Facies F5a; interval 341-U1417E-29R-2A, 12–38 cm).
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