Figure F12. Lonestones and sedimentary and deformational structures, Site U1417. A. Argillite lonestone (interval 341-U1417B-27H-1A, 1–4 cm). B. Sandstone lonestone (interval 341-U1417C-24H-6A, 12–18 cm). C. Metabasalt lonestone (interval 341-U1417C-6H-3A, 58–64 cm). D. Granite lonestone (interval 341-U1417C-7H-5A, 41–43 cm). E. Load casts at base of normally graded sand (Facies F3a; interval 341-U1417C-20H-2A, 133–136 cm). F. Normal faults in diatom ooze (interval 341-U1417E-36R-2A, 18–23 cm). G. Woody fragment at base of a muddy and sandy diamict (Facies F4b; interval 341-U1417E-31R-1A, 40–41 cm). H. Microscope image of woody fragment encountered in a smear slide (interval 341-U1417D-60X-CC). I. Scanning electron microscope image of woody fragment (interval 341-U1417D-51X-3A, 74 cm). J. Detail of woody fragment shown in I. K. Pyritized worm tube (interval 341-U1417C-15H-1A, 46 cm).
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