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Table T22. Core top and composite depth, Site U1404.

Core Depth Offset (m) Cumulative
offset (m)
Comment Data sets used
(mbsf) (m CCSF)
1H 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00   Physical properties
2H 4.70 5.30 0.60 0.60 Tentative Physical properties
3H 14.20 14.84 0.04 0.64 Tentative Physical properties
4H 23.70 24.35 0.01 0.65 No recovery  
5H 33.20 33.85 0.00 0.65 Tentative Physical properties
6H 42.70 45.35 2.00 2.65 Tentative Physical properties
7H 52.20 54.86 0.01 2.66 Tentative Physical properties
8H 61.70 64.37 0.01 2.67 Tentative Physical properties
9H 71.20 74.07 0.20 2.87 Tentative Physical properties
10H 80.70 83.67 0.10 2.97 Tentative Physical properties
11H 90.20 93.18 0.01 2.98 Tentative Physical properties
12H 96.20 99.78 0.60 3.58 Tentative Physical properties
13H 105.70 109.73 0.45 4.03 Tentative Physical properties
14H 115.20 119.24 0.01 4.04 Tentative Physical properties
15H 124.70 128.75 0.01 4.05 Tentative Physical properties
16H 134.20 139.00 0.75 4.80 Tentative Physical properties
17H 143.70 148.83 0.33 5.13 Tentative Physical properties
18H 153.20 158.83 0.50 5.63 Tentative Physical properties
19H 162.70 168.86 0.53 6.16 Tentative Physical properties
20H 172.20 178.51 0.15 6.31   XRF core scanning
21H 181.70 188.16 0.15 6.46   XRF core scanning
22H 191.20 197.67 0.01 6.47   XRF core scanning
23H 194.90 202.77 1.40 7.87   XRF core scanning
24H 204.30 212.92 0.75 8.62 Flow-in bottom 20 cm XRF core scanning
25H 212.80 223.97 2.55 11.17 Flow-in bottom sections XRF core scanning
26H 220.50 231.81 0.14 11.31   XRF core scanning
27H 228.60 240.13 0.22 11.53 Tentative XRF core scanning
28H 236.50 248.13 0.10 11.63   XRF core scanning
29H 244.10 255.87 0.14 11.77   XRF core scanning
30H 253.00 264.96 0.19 11.96   XRF core scanning
31H 259.70 271.82 0.16 12.12   XRF core scanning
32H 265.30 277.54 0.12 12.24   XRF core scanning
33X 271.00 283.36 0.12 12.36   XRF core scanning
34X 280.70 293.16 0.10 12.46   XRF core scanning
35X 289.40 302.42 0.56 13.02   XRF core scanning
36X 299.10 312.22 0.10 13.12   XRF core scanning
1H 0.00 0.60 0.60 0.60 Tentative Physical properties
2H 2.40 4.00 1.00 1.60 Tentative Physical properties
3H 11.90 15.10 1.60 3.20 Tentative Physical properties
4H 21.40 21.63 –2.97 0.23 Pulled up 3 m Physical properties
5H 27.40 30.18 2.55 2.78 Tentative Physical properties
6H 36.90 39.83 0.15 2.93 Tentative Physical properties
7H 46.40 49.52 0.19 3.12 Tentative Physical properties
8H 55.90 59.22 0.20 3.32 Tentative Physical properties
9H 65.40 68.73 0.01 3.33 Tentative Physical properties
10H 74.90 77.68 –0.55 2.78 Tentative Physical properties
11H 84.40 87.19 0.01 2.79 Tentative Physical properties
12H 93.90 96.70 0.01 2.80 Tentative Physical properties
13H 103.40 106.45 0.25 3.05 Tentative Physical properties
14H 112.90 116.15 0.20 3.25 Tentative Physical properties
15H 122.40 125.66 0.01 3.26 Tentative Physical properties
16H 131.90 134.96 –0.20 3.06 Tentative Physical properties
17H 141.40 145.56 1.10 4.16 Tentative Physical properties
18H 150.90 152.06 –3.00 1.16 Pulled up 4 m Physical properties
19H 156.40 161.86 4.30 5.46 Tentative Physical properties
20H 165.90 171.86 0.50 5.96 Tentative Physical properties
21H 175.40 181.37 0.01 5.97   XRF core scanning
22H 184.10 189.82 –0.25 5.72   XRF core scanning
23H 193.60 199.87 0.55 6.27 Flow-in bottom sections XRF core scanning
24H 202.20 207.77 –0.70 5.57   XRF core scanning
25H 208.70 212.58 –1.69 3.88 Tentative XRF core scanning
26H 215.20 221.68 2.60 6.48 Flow-in bottom sections XRF core scanning
27H 223.30 236.03 6.25 12.73   XRF core scanning
1H 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Drilling advance  
2H 16.00 31.50 15.50 15.50 Tentative Physical properties
3H 25.50 41.20 0.20 15.70 Tentative Physical properties
4H 35.00 50.71 0.01 15.71 Tentative Physical properties

XRF = X-ray fluorescence.

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