Figure F6. Proposed locations of drill sites with backtracked position of paleoequator, corresponding to time slices targeted. Shown are present-day bathymetry in grayscale (darker = deeper); revised magnetic anomaly isochrons (thin yellow lines, modified with new points from Petronotis 1991; Petronotis et al., 1994); and paleoequator position at the crustal age obtained by backtracking, using fixed-hotspot stage-poles from Koppers et al. (2001; pink) and Engebretson et al. (1985; orange), as well as palaeomagnetic poles from Sager and Pringle (1988; purple). The shaded band lies within 1° north and south of the paleoequator (averaged from fixed-hotspot rotation models). Colored areas correspond to time intervals of interest; the age range is indicated on the figure. These were obtained by intersecting the white paleoequator area with the younger end of the time interval of interest, which was then backrotated to the older boundary of the time slice. This method requires correction if backtracking occurs across fracture zones. Red numbers 1–8 indicate PEAT Sites 1–8. Note that PEAT sites as plotted are slightly different from final positions. Gray dots and numbers refer to the locations of existing DSDP and ODP sites.
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