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Figure AF2 Summary of the site survey data used to select the alternate proposed Site HD-04B. A. Regional contoured bathymetric map of the Hess Deep Rift with locations of the primary and alternate proposed sites and ODP Sites 894 and 895. Contour intervals = 100 m. Black box identifies the area enlarged in B; dashed north–south line indicates the location of the seismic reflection profile shown in C. B. Contoured bathymetry map with location of alternate proposed site and the distribution of rock types recovered by the ROV Isis. Contour interval = 100 m. C. North–south trending multichannel seismic reflection across the Hess Deep Rift. Line HD207 was collected during Cruise EW0305 on board the R/V Ewing in 2003 (G. Christensen, unpubl. data). The poor quality of the profile is caused by the extreme topography at the Hess Deep Rift, therefore these data were not used to select the alternate drill sites.

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