- Contents
- Title page
- Publisher's notes
Expedition 322 participants
- Abstract
- Introduction
Principal results
- Summary
- Preliminary scientific assessment
- References
- F1. Nankai Trough.
- F2. Bathymetric map, drill sites.
- F3. Composite profile.
- F4. Line 95.
- F5. LWD summary, Hole C0011A.
- F6. Seismic stratigraphy, Site C0011.
- F7. Lithology and log character compared, Hole C0011A.
- F8. Lithologic column and core recovery, Hole C0011B.
- F9. Lithologic units and depositional ages, Hole C0011B.
- F10. Pyroclastic and volcaniclastic sandstone.
- F11. XRD profiles, Hole C0011B.
- F12. XRF profiles, Hole C0011B.
- F13. Sedimentation rates, Hole C0011B.
- F14. Volcaniclastic-rich facies.
- F15. Planar structures, Hole C0011B.
- F16. Age-depth model, Hole C0011B.
- F17. Magnetic susceptibility, Unit II.
- F18. Discrete grain density, porosity, P-wave velocity, and thermal conductivity, Hole C0011B.
- F19. P-wave velocity profiles, Hole C0011B.
- F20. Pore water geochemistry, Hole C0011B.
- F21. Organic geochemistry, Hole C0011B.
- F22. Hydrocarbon concentrations, Hole C0011B.
- F23. Lithologic units and depositional ages, Hole C0012A.
- F24. Lithologic column and core recovery, Hole C0012A.
- F25. XRD profiles, Hole C0012A.
- F26. XRF profiles, Hole C0012A.
- F27. Sandstone and sediment/basalt interface.
- F28. Planar structures, Hole C0012A.
- F29. Age-depth model, Hole C0012A.
- F30. Discrete density, porosity, P-wave velocity, and thermal conductivity, Hole C0012A.
- F31. Pore water geochemistry, Hole C0012A.
- F32. Hydrocarbon concentrations, Hole C0012A.
- F33. Organic geochemistry, Hole C0012A.
- F34. Seismic stratigraphy, Hole C0012A. VE = vertical exaggeration.
- F35. Stratigraphic correlation between Sites C0011 and C0012.
- F36. Lithostratigraphic columns on seismic background, Sites C0011 and C0012.
- F37. Chlorinity profiles on seismic background, Sites C0011 and C0012.
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Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 322 Preliminary Report