Figure F2. Bathymetry of the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, including Leg 168 and Expedition 301 work areas. Bathymetric data comprises a compilation of earlier surveys and results from the 2000 ImageFlux and RetroFlux surveys, as described in the text. Distribution of seismic and heat flow coverage is also shown. Heat flow data are from the following sources: RetroFlux (2000) = this study; Hydrocell (1997) = Davis et al., 1997a; SO111 (1996) = previously unpublished data (H. Villinger, pers. comm., 2004), FlankFlux (1992) = Davis et al., (1992) (shows locations of values omitted from Davis et al. [1997a] compilation because of concerns about data quality) (see "Supplementary Material" for the high-resolution version of this figure in its native format).