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Table T24. Mass balance calculations based on degassing experiments, Site U1328.

Core Depth
Total C1
(10–3 mole)
C1 concentration (mM) In situ nondissolved C1
as percentage of pore
volume if present as
Potential pore water
freshening caused
by gas hydrate
release (mL)
Total At laboratory conditions In situ
Top Bottom Dissolved* Free Dissolved Nondissolved Free gas Gas hydrate
4P 14.5 15.5 955 1140 2.2 1138 50.2 1090 19.5 14.9 99 12
7P 26.0 27.0 135 190 2.1 188 52.6 137 2.4 1.9 11 1.5
5P 92.0 93.0 92.3 123 2.7 121 68.3 54.9 0.9 0.7 4.5 0.6
10P 92.0 93.0 781 2858 2.7 2855 68.3 2790 47.7 38.0 82 30
13P 233.0 234.0 2612 3775 1.5 3773 142.3 3633 58.1 49.5 272 56

Notes: * = obtained by HS analysis of extruded sediment core (Table T6). † = calculated based on the total amount of C1 released during the degassing experiment and the pore water volume recovered by the PCS. ‡ = methane saturation of pore water (Table T21).

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