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Faunal references

Candeina nitida d’Orbigny, 1839b, p. 107, pl. 2, figs. 27–28.

Dentoglobigerina altispira altispira (Cushman and Jarvis), 1936, p. 5, pl. 1, figs. 13a–13c.

Globigerina bulloides d’Orbigny, 1826; Banner and Blow, 1960, pl. 1, figs. 1–4.

Globigerina falconensis Blow, 1959, p. 177, pl. 9, figs. 40a–40c, 41.

Globigerina umbilicata Orr and Zaitzeff, 1971, p. 18, pl. 1, figs. 1–4.

Globigerinella calida (Parker), 1962, p. 221, pl. 1, figs. 9–13, 15.

Globigerinella obesa (Bolli), 1957, p. 119, pl. 29, figs. 2a, 3.

Globigerinella siphonifera (d’Orbigny), 1839b, p. 83, pl. 4, figs. 15–18; Banner and Blow, 1960, pp. 22–23, figs. 2a–2c.

Globigerinita glutinata (Egger), 1893, p. 371, pl. 13, figs. 19–21.

Globigerinita iota Parker, 1962, p. 250, pl. 10, figs. 26–30.

Globigerinita uvula (Ehrenberg), 1861, pl. 2, figs. 24–25.

Globigerinoides bollii Blow, 1959, p. 189, pl. 10, figs. 65a–65c.

Globigerinoides conglobatus (Brady), 1879, p. 28; Brady, 1884, pl. 80, figs. 1–5.

Globigerinoides ruber (d’Orbigny), 1839b, p. 82, pl. 4, figs. 12–14.
Note: G. ruber is divided into two morphotypes (white and pink). Gradstein et al. (2004, table A2.3) call the pink-type morphotype G. ruber rosa.

Globigerinoides sacculifer (Brady), 1877, p. 535; Brady, 1884, pl. 80, figs. 11–17.

Globoconella conoidea (Walters), 1965, p. 124, figs. 8i–8m.

Globoconella conomiozea (Kennett), 1966, p. 235, figs. 10a–10c.

Globoconella inflata (d’Orbigny), 1839c, p. 134, pl. 12, figs. 7–9.
Note: The evolutional trend of G. inflata is characterized by a reduction in the number of chambers in the uppermost whorl (e.g., Malmgren and Kennett, 1981). We distinguished G. inflata into two morphotypes, namely transitional and modern forms, by the number of chambers (Hayashi et al., 2003). The modern form differs from the transitional form in having three chambers in its last whorl, in contrast to the four chambers of the transitional form.

Globoconella puncticulata (Deshayes), 1832, p. 170; Banner and Blow, 1960, pt. 1, p. 15, pl. 5, figs. 7a–7c.

Globoconella sphericomiozea (Walters), 1965, p. 126, figs. 8n–8s.

Globoquadrina baroemoenensis (LeRoy), 1939, p. 263, pl. 6, figs. 1–2.

Globorotalia lenguaensis Bolli, 1957, p. 120, pl. 29, figs. 5a–5c.

Globorotalia plesiotumida Banner and Blow, 1965, p. 1353, figs. 2a–2c.

Globorotalia tumida (Brady), 1877, p. 535; Brady, 1884, pl. 103, figs. 4–6.

Globorotaloides variabilis Bolli, 1957, p. 117, pl. 27, figs. 15a–20c.

Globoturborotalita decoraperta (Takayanagi and Saito), 1962, p. 85, pl. 28, figs. 10a–10c.

Globoturborotalita nepenthes (Todd), 1957, p. 301, figs. 7a–7b.

Globoturborotalita extremus (Bolli and Bermudez), 1965, p. 139, pl. 1, figs. 10–12.

Globoturborotalita obliquus (Bolli), 1957, p. 113, pl. 25, figs. 10a–10c.

Globoturborotalita rubescens (Hofker), 1956, p. 234, pl. 32, fig. 26.

Globoturborotalita tenella (Parker), 1958, p. 280, pl. 6, figs. 7–11.

Globoturborotalita woodi (Jenkins), 1960, p. 352, pl. 2, figs. 2a–2c.

Hastigerina pelagica (d’Orbigny), 1839a, pt. 5, p. 27, pl. 3, figs. 13–14.

Hirsutella hirsuta (d’Orbigny), 1839c, p. 131, pl. 1, figs. 34–36; Banner and Blow, 1960, pt. 1, p. 33. pl. 5, fig. 4.

Hirsutella margaritae (Bolli and Bermudez), 1965, p. 139, pl. 1, figs. 16–18; Bolli and Bermudez, 1978, p. 138, pl. 1, figs. 1–9.

Hirsutella scitula (Brady), 1882, p. 716; Banner and Blow, 1960, pt. 1, p. 27, pl. 5, fig. 5.

Menardella menardii (Parker, Jones, and Brady), 1865, Pt. XII.

Menardella multicamerata (Cushman and Jarvis), 1930, p. 367, pl. 34, figs. 8a–8c.

Menardella pseudomiocenica (Bolli and Bermudez), 1965, p. 140, pl. 1, figs. 13–15.

Neogloboquadrina acostaensis (Blow), 1959, p. 208, pl. 17, figs. 106a–106c.

Neogloboquadrina asanoi (Maiya, Saito, and Sato), 1976, p. 409, pl. 3, figs. 1a–1c, 2a–2c, 3.

Neogloboquadrina dutertrei (d’Orbigny), 1839b, p. 84, pl. 4, figs. 19–21; Banner and Blow, 1960, pt. 1, pl. 2, fig. 1.

Neogloboquadrina humerosa (Takayanagi and Saito), 1962, p. 78, figs. 1a–2b.

Neogloboquadrina incompta (Cifelli), 1961, p. 83, pl. 4, figs. 1–7.

Neogloboquadrina inglei Kucera and Kennett, 2000, pl. 1, figs. 1–13.

Neogloboquadrina kagaensis (Maiya, Saito, and Sato), 1976, p. 409, pl. 3, figs. 4a–4b, 5, 6a–6c.

Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (Ehrenberg), 1861, p. 276; Banner and Blow, 1960, pt. 1, p. 4, pl. 3, figs. 4a–4c.

Neogloboquadrina praehumerosa (Natori), 1976, p. 232, pl. 2, figs. 1a–1c, 3a–3c.

Neogloboquadrina pseudopima (Blow), 1969, p. 387, pl. 35, figs. 1–3.

Orbulina suturalis Brönnimann, 1951, pt. 4, p. 135, text fig. IV, figs. 15, 16, 20.

Orbulina universa d’Orbigny, 1839b, p. 3, pl. 1, fig. 1.

Pulleniatina finalis Banner and Blow, 1967, p. 140, pl. 2, figs. 4–10.

Pulleniatina obliquiloculata (Parker, Jones, and Brady), 1865, p. 368, pl. 19, figs. 4a–4b.

Pulleniatina primalis Banner and Blow, 1967, p. 142, pl. 1, figs. 2a–2c.

Sphaeroidinella dehiscens (Parker, Jones, and Brady), 1865, p. 369, pl. 19, fig. 5.

Sphaeroidinellopsis seminulina (Schwager), 1866, p. 256, pl. 7, fig. 112.

Sphaeroidinellopsis subdehiscens (Blow), 1959, p. 195, pl. 12, figs. 71a–72; Banner and Blow, 1960, p. 15, figs. 5a–5c.

Truncorotalia crassaformis (Galloway and Wissler), 1927, p. 41, pl. 7, fig. 12.

Truncorotalia crassaformis hessi (Bolli and Premoli Silva), 1973.

Truncorotalia crassaformis viola (Blow), 1969, p. 397, pl. 5, figs. 4–9.

Truncorotalia tosaensis (Takayanagi and Saito), 1962, p. 81, pl. 28, figs. 11a–12c.

Truncorotalia truncatulinoides (d’Orbigny), 1839c, p. 132, pl. 2, figs. 25–27.

Turborotalita quinqueloba (Natland), 1938, p. 149, pl. 6, figs. 7a–7c.