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Crouch, E.M., Mildenhall, D.C., and Neil, H.L., 2010. Distribution of organic-walled marine and terrestrial palynomorphs in surface sediments, offshore eastern New Zealand. Mar. Geol., 270(1–4):235–256. doi:10.1016/j.margeo.2009.11.004

Expedition 317 Scientists, 2011. Site U1352. In Fulthorpe, C.S., Hoyanagi, K., Blum, P., and the Expedition 317 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 317: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.317.104.2011

Heusser, L.E., and Van de Geer, G., 1994. Direct correlation of terrestrial and marine paleoclimate records from four glacial–interglacial cycles—DSDP Site 594, Southwest Pacific. Quat. Sci. Rev., 13(3):273–282. doi:10.1016/0277-3791(94)90030-2

Large, M.F., and Braggins, J.E., 1991. Spore Atlas of New Zealand Ferns and Fern Allies: Wellington, New Zealand (SIR Publishers).

Marret, F., de Vernal, A., Benderra, F., and Harland, R., 2001. Late Quaternary sea-surface conditions at DSDP Hole 594 in the southwest Pacific Ocean based on dinoflagellate cyst assemblages. J. Quat. Sci., 16(7):739–751. doi:10.1002/jqs.648

Marret, F., and Zonneveld, K.A.F., 2003. Atlas of modern organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst distribution. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol., 125(1–2):1–200. doi:10.1016/S0034-6667(02)00229-4

Mertens, K.N., Verhoeven, K., Verleye, T., Louwye, S., Amorim, A., Ribeiro, S., Deaf, A.S., Harding, I.C., De Schepper, S., González, C., Kodrans-Nsiah, M., De Vernal, A., Henry, M., Radi, T., Dybkjaer, K., Poulsen, N.E., Feist-Burkhardt, S., Chitolie, J., Heilmann-Clausen, C., Londeix, L., Turon, J.-L., Marret, F., Matthiessen, J., McCarthy, F.M.G., Prasad, V., Pospelova, V., Kyffin Hughes, J.E., Riding, J.B., Rochon, A., Sangiorgi, F., Welters, N., Sinclair, N., Thun, C., Soliman, A., Van Nieuwenhove, N., Vink, A., and Young, M., 2009. Determining the absolute abundance of dinoflagellate cysts in recent marine sediments: the Lycopodium marker-grain method put to the test. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol., 157(3–4):238–252. doi:10.1016/j.revpalbo.2009.05.004

Moar, N.T., 1993. Pollen Grains of New Zealand Dicotyledonous Plants: Christchurch, New Zealand (Manaaki Whenua Press).

Moar, N.T., Wilmshurst, J.M., and McGlone, M.S., 2011. Standardizing names applied to pollen and spores in New Zealand Quaternary palynology. N. Z. J. Bot., 49(2):201–229.

Prebble, J.G., Crouch, E.M., Carter, L., Cortese, G., Bostock, H., and Neil, H., 2013. An expanded modern dinoflagellate cyst dataset for the Southwest Pacific and Southern Hemisphere with environmental associations. Mar. Micropaleontol., 101:33–48. doi:10.1016/​j.marmicro.2013.04.004

Pocknall, D.T., 1981a. Pollen morphology of Phyllocladus L. C. et A. Rich. N. Z. J. Bot., 19(3):259–266. doi:10.1080/​0028825X.1981.10426378

Pocknall, D.T., 1981b. Pollen morphology of the New Zealand species of Dacrydium Selander, Podocarpus L’Heritier, and Dacrycarpus Endlicher (Podocarpaceae). N. Z. J. Bot., 19(1):67–95. doi:10.1080/0028825X.1981.10425191

Pocknall, D.T., 1981c. Pollen morphology of the New Zealand species of Libocedrus Endlicher (Cupressaceae) and Agathis Salisbury (Araucariaceae). N. Z. J. Bot., 19(3):267–272. doi:10.1080/​0028825X.1981.10426379

Radi, T., Bonnet, S., Cormier, M.-A., de Vernal, A., Durantou, L., Faubert, É., Head, M.J., Henry, M., Pospelova, V., Rochon, A., and Van Nieuwenhove, N., 2013. Operational taxonomy and (paleo-)autecology of round, brown, spiny dinoflagellate cysts from the Quaternary of high northern latitudes. Mar. Micropaleontol., 98:41–57. doi:10.1016/​j.marmicro.2012.11.001

Rochon, A., de Vernal, A., Turon, J.L., Mathiessen, J., and Head, M.J., 1999. Distribution of Recent dinoflagellate cysts in surface sediments from the North Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas in relation to sea-surface parameters. Am. Assoc. Stratigr. Palynol. Contrib. Ser., 35.

Siegenthaler, U., Stocker, T.F., Monnin, E., Lüthi, D., Schwander, J., Stauffer, B., Raynaud, D., Barnola, J.-M., Fischer, H., Masson-Delmotte, V., and Jouzel, J., 2005. Stable carbon cycle–climate relationship during the late Pleistocene. Science, 310(5752):1313–1317. doi:10.1126/science.1120130

Sutton, P.J.H., 2003. The Southland Current: a subantarctic current. N. Z. J. Mar. Freshwater Res., 37(3):645–652. doi:10.1080/00288330.2003.9517195

Tzedakis, P.C., Raynaud, D., McManus, J.F., Berger, A., Brovkin, V., and Kiefer, T., 2009. Interglacial diversity. Nat. Geosci., 2(11):751–755. doi:10.1038/ngeo660

Zonneveld, K.A.F., 1997. New species of organic walled dinoflagellate cysts from modern sediments of the Arabian Sea (Indian Ocean). Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol., 97(3–4):319–337. doi:10.1016/​S0034-6667(97)00002-X