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Expedition-related bibliography*Citation data for IODP publications and journal articles in RIS format IODP publicationsScientific ProspectusMori, J., Chester, F.M., Eguchi, N., and Toczko, S., 2012. Japan Trench Fast Earthquake Drilling Project (JFAST). IODP Sci. Prosp., 343. doi:10.2204/ Preliminary ReportChester, F.M., Mori, J.J., Toczko, S., Eguchi, N., and the Expedition 343/343T Scientists, 2012. Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST). IODP Prel. Rept., 343/343T. doi:10.2204/ Proceedings volumeChester, F.M., Mori, J., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 343/343T Scientists, 2013. Proc. IODP, 343/343T: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/ Expedition reportsExpedition 343/343T Scientists, 2013. Expedition 343/343T summary. In Chester, F.M., Mori, J., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 343/343T Scientists, Proc. IODP, 343/343T: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/ Expedition 343/343T Scientists, 2013. Methods. In Chester, F.M., Mori, J., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 343 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 343/343T: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/ Expedition 343/343T Scientists, 2013. Site C0019. In Chester, F.M., Mori, J., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 343/343T Scientists, Proc. IODP, 343/343T: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/ Expedition research resultsIkari, M.J., 2015. Data report: rate- and state-dependent friction parameters of core samples from Site C0019, IODP Expedition 343 (JFAST). In Chester, F.M., Mori, J., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 343/343T Scientists, Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 343/343T: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). http:// Keren, T.T., and Kirkpatrick, J.D., 2016. Data report: tectonic and induced structures in the JFAST core. In Chester, F.M., Mori, J., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 343/343T Scientists, Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 343/343T: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). Valdez, R.D., II, Lauer, R.M., Ikari, M.J., Kitajima, H., and Saffer, D.M., 2015. Data report: permeability and consolidation behavior of sediments from the northern Japan Trench subduction zone, IODP Site C0019. In Chester, F.M., Mori, J., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 343/343T Scientists, Proc. IODP, 343/343T: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/ Journals/BooksBose, S., Saha, P., Mori, J.J., Rowe, C., Ujiie, K., Chester, F.M., Conin, M., Regalla, C., Kameda, J., Toy, V., Kirkpatrick, J., Remitti, F., Moore, J.C., Wolfson-Schwehr, M., Nakamura, Y., and Gupta, A., 2015. Deformation structures in the frontal prism near the Japan Trench: insights from sandbox models. Journal of Geodynamics, 89:29–38. Boston, B., 2015. Plate to backstop: a geophysical investigation of two Japanese subduction zones, from the outer rise to the forearc slope [PhD dissertation]. University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Boston, B., Moore, G.F., Nakamura, Y., and Kodaira, S., 2017. Forearc slope deformation above the Japan Trench megathrust: implications for subduction erosion. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 462:26–34. Brodsky, E.E., Ma, K.F., Mori, J., Saffer, D.M., and the participants of the, I.S.I.W., 2009. Rapid response fault drilling past, present, and future. Scientific Drilling, 8:66–74. Brodsky, E.E., Mori, J.J., Anderson, L., Chester, F.M., Conin, M., Dunham, E.M., Eguchi, N., Fulton, P.M., Hino, R., Hirose, T., Ikari, M.J., Ishikawa, T., Jeppson, T., Kano, Y., Kirkpatrick, J., Kodaira, S., Lin, W., Nakamura, Y., Rabinowitz, H.S., Regalla, C., Remitti, F., Rowe, C., Saffer, D.M., Saito, S., Sample, J., Sanada, Y., Savage, H.M., Sun, T., Toczko, S., Ujiie, K., Wolfson-Schwehr, M., and Yang, T., 2020. The state of stress on the fault before, during, and after a major earthquake. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 48(1):49–74. Brodsky, E.E., Saffer, D., Fulton, P., Chester, F., Conin, M., Huffman, K., Moore, J.C., and Wu, H.-Y., 2017. The post-earthquake stress state on the Tohoku megathrust as constrained by reanalysis of the JFAST breakout data. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(16):8294–8302. Chester, F.M., Rowe, C., Ujiie, K., Kirkpatrick, J., Regalla, C., Remitti, F., Moore, J.C., Toy, V., Wolfson-Schwehr, M., Bose, S., Kameda, J., Mori, J.J., Brodsky, E.E., Eguchi, N., and Toczko, S., 2013. Structure and composition of the plate-boundary slip zone for the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Science, 342(6163):1208–1211. Cook, B.J., 2014. Along and across strike variations in the structure, material and fault properties of the Sumatran Subduction Zone [PhD dissertation]. University of Southampton, England. Fink, H.G., Strasser, M., Römer, M., Kölling, M., Ikehara, K., Kanamatsu, T., Dinten, D., Kioka, A., Fujiwara, T., Kawamura, K., Kodaira, S., and Wefer, G., 2014. Evidence for mass transport deposits at the IODP JFAST-site in the Japan Trench. In Krastel, S., Behrmann, J.-H., Völker, D., Stipp, M., Berndt, C., Urgeles, R., Chaytor, J., Huhn, K., Strasser, M., and Harbitz, C.B. (Eds.), Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research (Volume 37): Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. 33–43. Fujie, G., Kodaira, S., Nakamura, Y., Morgan, J.P., Dannowski, A., Thorwart, M., Grevemeyer, I., and Miura, S., 2020. Spatial variations of incoming sediments at the northeastern Japan arc and their implications for megathrust earthquakes. Geology, 48(6):614–619. Fulton, P.M., Brodsky, E., Mori, J.J., and Chester, F.M., 2019. Tōhoku-oki fault zone frictional heat measured during IODP Expeditions 343 and 343T. Oceanography, 32(1):102–104. Fulton, P.M., and Brodsky, E.E., 2016. In situ observations of earthquake-driven fluid pulses within the Japan Trench plate boundary fault zone. Geology, 44(10):851–854. Fulton, P.M., Brodsky, E.E., Kano, Y., Mori, J.J., Chester, F.M., Ishikawa, T., Harris, R.N., Lin, W., Eguchi, N., and Toczko, S., 2013. Low coseismic friction on the Tōhoku-Oki fault determined from temperature measurements. Science, 342(6163):1214–1217. Hirono, T., Tsuda, K., and Kaneki, S., 2019. Role of weak materials in earthquake rupture dynamics. Scientific Reports, 9(1):6604. Hirono, T., Tsuda, K., Tanikawa, W., Ampuero, J.-P., Shibazaki, B., Kinoshita, M., and Mori, J.J., 2016. Near-trench slip potential of megaquakes evaluated from fault properties and conditions. Scientific Reports, 6(1):28184. Ikari, M.J., 2019. Laboratory slow slip events in natural geological materials. Geophysical Journal International, 218(1):354–387. Ikari, M.J., Ito, Y., Ujiiie, K., and Kopf, A.J., 2015. Spectrum of slip behaviour in Tohoku fault zone samples at plate tectonic slip rates. Nature Geoscience, 8(11):870–874. Ikari, M.J., Kameda, J., Saffer, D.M., and Kopf, A.J., 2015. Strength characteristics of Japan Trench borehole samples in the high-slip region of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 412:35–41. Ikari, M.J., and Kopf, A.J., 2017. Seismic potential of weak, near-surface faults revealed at plate tectonic slip rates. Science Advances, 3(11):e1701269. Ito, Y., Ikari, M.J., Ujiie, K., and Kopf, A., 2017. Coseismic slip propagation on the Tohoku plate boundary fault facilitated by slip-dependent weakening during slow fault slip. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(17):8749–8756. Jamali Hondori, E., and Park, J.-O., 2022. Connection between high pore-fluid pressure and frictional instability at tsunamigenic plate boundary fault of 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Scientific Reports, 12(1):12556. Janssen, C., Naumann, R., Morales, L., Wirth, R., Rhede, D., and Dresen, G., 2015. Coseismic and/or aseismic microstructures of JFAST 343 core samples from the Japan Trench. Marine Geology, 362:33–42. Jeppson, T.N., 2017. Seismic velocity and elastic properties of plate boundary faults [PhD dissertation]. University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, WI. Jeppson, T.N., Tobin, H.J., and Hashimoto, Y., 2018. Laboratory measurements quantifying elastic properties of accretionary wedge sediments; implications for slip to the trench during the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Geosphere, 14(4):1411. Kameda, J., and Hamada, Y., 2020. Cohesional slip on a plate subduction boundary during a large earthquake. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(18):e2020GL088395. Kameda, J., Inaoi, C., and Conin, M., 2016. Exchangeable cation composition of the smectite-rich plate boundary fault at the Japan Trench. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(7):3112–3119. Kameda, J., Okamoto, A., Sato, K., Fujimoto, K., Yamaguchi, A., and Kimura, G., 2017. Opal-CT in chert beneath the toe of the Tohoku margin and its influence on the seismic aseismic transition in subduction zones. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(2):687–693. Kameda, J., Shimizu, M., Ujiie, K., Hirose, T., Ikari, M., Mori, J.J., Oohashi, K., and Kimura, G., 2015. Pelagic smectite as an important factor in tsunamigenic slip along the Japan Trench. Geology, 43(2):155–158. Kameda, J., Uno, M., Conin, M., Ujiie, K., Hamada, Y., and Kimura, G., 2019. Fault weakening caused by smectite swelling. Earth, Planets and Space, 71(1):131. Kawagucci, S., Sakai, S., Tasumi, E., Hirai, M., Takaki, Y., Nunoura, T., Saitoh, M., Ueno, Y., Yoshida, N., Shibuya, T., Clifford Sample, J., Okumura, T., and Takai, K., 2023. Deep subseafloor biogeochemical processes and microbial populations potentially associated with the 2011 Tohoku-oki 3arthquake at the Japan Trench accretionary wedge (IODP Expedition 343). Microbes and Environments, 38(2). Keren, T.T., 2015. Fault damage zones and friction: insights from shallow Japan Trench drill core [MS thesis]. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. Keren, T.T., and Kirkpatrick, J.D., 2016. The damage is done: low fault friction recorded in the damage zone of the shallow Japan Trench décollement. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(5):3804–3824. Kirkpatrick, J.D., Rowe, C.D., Ujiie, K., Moore, J.C., Regalla, C., Remitti, F., Toy, V., Wolfson-Schwehr, M., Kameda, J., Bose, S., and Chester, F.M., 2015. Structure and lithology of the Japan Trench subduction plate boundary fault. Tectonics, 34(1):53–69. Kodaira, S., Fujiwara, T., Fujie, G., Nakamura, Y., and Kanamatsu, T., 2020. Large coseismic slip to the trench during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 48(1):321–343. Kodaira, S., No, T., Nakamura, Y., Fujiwara, T., Kaiho, Y., Miura, S., Takahashi, N., Kaneda, Y., and Taira, A., 2012. Coseismic fault rupture at the trench axis during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Nature Geoscience, 5(9):646–650. Koge, H., Yamada, Y., Ohde, A., Bauville, A., Yamaguchi, A., and Ashi, J., 2018. Dynamic formation process of thick deformation zone on the shallow plate boundary fault of the Japan Trench: insight from analog experiments of half-graben subduction. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 5(1):69. Kubota, T., Hino, R., Inazu, D., and Suzuki, S., 2019. Fault model of the 2012 doublet earthquake, near the up-dip end of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, based on a near-field tsunami: implications for intraplate stress state. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 6(1):67. Lin, W., Byrne, T.B., Kinoshita, M., McNeill, L.C., Chang, C., Lewis, J.C., Yamamoto, Y., Saffer, D.M., Casey Moore, J., Wu, H.-Y., Tsuji, T., Yamada, Y., Conin, M., Saito, S., Ito, T., Tobin, H.J., Kimura, G., Kanagawa, K., Ashi, J., Underwood, M.B., and Kanamatsu, T., 2016. Distribution of stress state in the Nankai subduction zone, southwest Japan and a comparison with Japan Trench. Tectonophysics, 692:120–130. Lin, W., Conin, M., Moore, J.C., Chester, F.M., Nakamura, Y., Mori, J.J., Anderson, L., Brodsky, E.E., and Eguchi, N., 2013. Stress state in the largest displacement area of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Science, 339(6120):687–690. Lin, W., Fulton, P.M., Harris, R.N., Tadai, O., Matsubayashi, O., Tanikawa, W., and Kinoshita, M., 2014. Thermal conductivities, thermal diffusivities, and volumetric heat capacities of core samples obtained from the Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST). Earth, Planets and Space, 66(1):48. Lin, W., Yamamoto, Y., and Hirose, T., 2023. Three-dimensional stress state above and below the plate boundary fault after the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku earthquake. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 601:117888. Moore, J.C., Plank, T.A., Chester, F.M., Polissar, P.J., and Savage, H.M., 2015. Sediment provenance and controls on slip propagation: lessons learned from the 2011 Tohoku and other great earthquakes of the subducting northwest Pacific plate. Geosphere, 11(3):533–541. Mori, J., Chester, F., Brodsky, E.E., and Kodaira, S., 2015. Investigation of the huge tsunami from the 2011 Tōhoku-Oki, Japan, earthquake using ocean floor boreholes to the fault zone. Oceanography, 27(2):132–137. Nakamoto, K., Kamei, M., and Kameda, J., 2023. Surface physicochemical properties of smectite-rich fault gouge: a case study of the Japan Trench plate-boundary fault. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(11):e2023GL104271. Nakamura, Y., Kodaira, S., Cook, B.J., Jeppson, T., Kasaya, T., Yamamoto, Y., Hashimoto, Y., Yamaguchi, M., Obana, K., and Fujie, G., 2014. Seismic imaging and velocity structure around the JFAST drill site in the Japan Trench: low Vp, high Vp/Vs in the transparent frontal prism. Earth, Planets and Space, 66(1):121. Nakamura, Y., Kodaira, S., Miura, S., Regalla, C., and Takahashi, N., 2013. High-resolution seismic imaging in the Japan Trench axis area off Miyagi, northeastern Japan. Geophysical Research Letters, 40(9):1713–1718. Rabinowitz, H., 2018. The seismogenic potential of subducting sediments [PhD dissertation]. Columbia University, New York. Rabinowitz, H.S., Savage, H.M., Plank, T., Polissar, P.J., Kirkpatrick, J.D., and Rowe, C.D., 2015. Multiple major faults at the Japan Trench: chemostratigraphy of the plate boundary at IODP Exp. 343: JFAST. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 423:57–66. Rabinowitz, H.S., Savage, H.M., Polissar, P.J., Rowe, C.D., and Kirkpatrick, J.D., 2020. Earthquake slip surfaces identified by biomarker thermal maturity within the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake fault zone. Nature Communications, 11(1):533. Regalla, C., Bierman, P., and Rood, D.H., 2019. Meteoric 10Be reveals a young, active accretionary prism and structurally complex décollement in the vicinity of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake rupture. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20(11):4956–4971. Remitti, F., Festa, A., Nirta, G., Barbero, E., and Mittempergher, S., 2024. Role of folding-related deformation in the seismicity of shallow accretionary prisms. Nature Geoscience, 17(7):600–607. Remitti, F., Smith, S.A.F., Mittempergher, S., Gualtieri, A.F., and Di Toro, G., 2015. Frictional properties of fault zone gouges from the J-FAST drilling project (Mw 9.0 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake). Geophysical Research Letters, 42(8):2691–2699. Rowe, C.D., Moore, J.C., and Remitti, F., 2013. The thickness of subduction plate boundary faults from the seafloor into the seismogenic zone. Geology, 41(9):991–994. Sawai, M., Hirose, T., and Kameda, J., 2014. Frictional properties of incoming pelagic sediments at the Japan Trench: implications for large slip at a shallow plate boundary during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. Earth, Planets and Space, 66(1):65. Sawai, M., Niemeijer, A.R., Hirose, T., and Spiers, C.J., 2017. Frictional properties of JFAST core samples and implications for slow earthquakes at the Tohoku subduction zone. Geophysical Research Letters, 44(17):8822–8831. Schleicher, A.M., Boles, A., and van der Pluijm, B.A., 2015. Response of natural smectite to seismogenic heating and potential implications for the 2011 Tohoku earthquake in the Japan Trench. Geology, 43(9):755–758. Schottenfels, E., 2022. Evaluating spatial variations in upper plate deformation at the northeast Japan and Nankai subduction zones using submarine tectonic geomorphology and seismic reflection data [PhD dissertation]. Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ. Shibazaki, B., 2023. Progress in modeling the Tohoku-oki megathrust earthquake cycle and associated crustal deformation processes. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 10(1):43. Shibazaki, B., Noda, H., and Ikari, M.J., 2019. Quasi-dynamic 3D modeling of the generation and afterslip of a Tohoku-oki earthquake considering thermal pressurization and frictional properties of the shallow plate boundary. Pure and Applied Geophysics, 176(9):3951–3973. Sun, T., Wang, K., Fujiwara, T., Kodaira, S., and He, J., 2017. Large fault slip peaking at trench in the 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake. Nature Communications, 8(1):14044. Takai, K., Nakamura, K., Larowe, D., and Amend, J.P., 2014. Life at subseafloor extremes. In Stein, R., Blackman, D.K., Inagaki, F., and Larsen, H.–C. (Eds.), Developments in Marine Geology (Volume 7): Earth and Life Processes Discovered from Subseafloor Environments: A Decade of Science Achieved by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP). R. Stein (Series Ed.). New York (Elsevier), 149–174. Tanikawa, W., Hirose, T., Mukoyoshi, H., Tadai, O., and Lin, W., 2013. Fluid transport properties in sediments and their role in large slip near the surface of the plate boundary fault in the Japan Trench. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 382:150–160. Tobin, H., Henry, P., Vannucchi, P., and Screaton, E., 2014. Subduction zones: structure and deformation history. In Stein, R., Blackman, D.K., Inagaki, F., and Larsen, H.-C. (Eds.), Developments in Marine Geology (Volume 7): Earth and Life Processes Discovered from Subseafloor Environments: A Decade of Science Achieved by the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP). R. Stein (Series Ed.). New York (Elsevier), 599–640. Ujiie, K., Inoue, T., and Ishiwata, J., 2016. High-velocity frictional strength across the Tohoku-Oki megathrust determined from surface drilling torque. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(6):2488–2493. Ujiie, K., and Kimura, G., 2014. Earthquake faulting in subduction zones: insights from fault rocks in accretionary prisms. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science, 1(1):7–37. Ujiie, K., Tanaka, H., Saito, T., Tsutsumi, A., Mori, J.J., Kameda, J., Brodsky, E.E., Chester, F.M., Eguchi, N., and Toczko, S., 2013. Low coseismic shear stress on the Tohoku-Oki megathrust determined from laboratory experiments. Science, 342(6163):1211–1214. Vannucchi, P., 2019. Scaly fabric and slip within fault zones. Geosphere, 15(2):342. Xie, Z., and Cai, Y., 2022. Integrated mechanical environment of pre- and post-rupture fault and asperity origin of the 2011 giant Tohoku-Oki earthquake. Scientific Reports, 12(1):21211. Yang, T., Dekkers, M.J., and Chen, J., 2018. Thermal alteration of pyrite to pyrrhotite during earthquakes; new evidence of seismic slip in the rock record. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 123(2):1116. Yang, T., Dekkers, M.J., and Zhang, B., 2016. Seismic heating signatures in the Japan Trench subduction plate-boundary fault zone; evidence from a preliminary rock magnetic 'geothermometer'. Geophysical Journal International, 205(1):332. Yang, T., Mishima, T., Ujiie, K., Chester, F.M., Mori, J.J., Eguchi, N., and Toczko, S., 2013. Strain decoupling across the décollement in the region of large slip during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 381:31. Yoshikawa, S., Kanamatsu, T., and Kasaya, T., 2016. Small-scale spatial variation in near-surface turbidites around the JFAST site near the Japan Trench. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 17(3):1238–1246. ConferencesAmerican Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting 2013Brodsky, E.E., Chester, F.M., Fulton, P., and Kodaira, S., 2013. Finding the fault: sampling the source of the M9.0 Tohoku Earthquake [AAAS 2013 Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 1418 February 2013]. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2011Mori, J.J., Brodsky, E.E., and Kodaira, S., 2011. J-FAST: a proposal to drill into the fault zone of 2011 Tohoku earthquake [presented at the 2011 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 5–9 December 2011]. (Abstract U53D-0088) AGU Fall Meeting 2012Boston, B., Moore, G.F., Nakamura, Y., and Kodaira, S., 2012. Structure and kinematic history of the Japan Trench toe off Tohoku [presented at the 2012 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T13A-2580) Chester, F.M., Mori, J.J., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., Fulton, P.M., and Brodsky, E.E., 2012. The Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST): success in logging, sampling and instrumenting the megathrust in the region of large slip during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake [presented at the American Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T21F-03) Dresen, G.H., Janssen, C., Wirth, R., Naumann, R., Morales, L.G., and Toy, V.G., 2012. Micro- and nanostructures of J-FAST 343 core samples—first results [presented at the American Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T13B-2604) Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., Maeda, L., Sawada, I., Saruhashi, T., Kyo, N., Namba, Y., Chester, F., Mori, J.J., and the IODP Expedition 343 Science Party, 2012. The Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (IODP Exp. 343 & 343T; JFAST): making scientific drilling history in the Japan Trench [presented at the American Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T13F-2692) Ikari, M.J., Kopf., A.J., and Hirose, T., 2012. What can friction tell us about shallow megathrust slip behavior? [presented at the American Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T23G-04) Ishikawa, T., Sample, J.C., Takai, K., Chester, F., Mori, J.J., Eguchi, N., and Toczko, S., 2012. Boron and strontium isotope systematics of interstitial water from IODP Expedition 343, Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST) [presented at the American Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T13B-2607) Kyo, N., Namba, Y., Saruhashi, T., Sawada, I., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., Kano, Y., Yamano, M., Muraki, H., Fulton, P.M., Brodsky, E.E., Davis, E.E., Sun, T., Mori, J.J., and Chester, F.M., 2012. Development of observatories for the Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project [presented at the American Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T13F-2691) Lin, W., Conin, M., Moore, J.C., Chester, F.M., Nakamura, Y., Anderson, L.M., Mori, J.J., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 343 Scientific Team, 2012. Horizontal stress orientations in the largest displacement area of the Mw9.0 Tohoku earthquake [presented at the American Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T21F-04) Mishima, T., Yang, T., Mori, J.J., Chester, F.M., Eguchi, N., and Toczko, S., 2012. Preliminary rock-magnetic studies of core samples from the IODP Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST) [presented at the American Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T13B-2608) Moore, J.C., Conin, M., Cook, B.J., Kirkpatrick, J.D., Remitti, F., Chester, F., Nakamura, Y., Lin, W., Saito, S., and the Scientific Team, 2012. Finding faults: Tohoku and other active megathrusts/megasplays [presented at the 2012 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T22A-01) Mori, J.J., Chester, F., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., Brodsky, E.E., and Kodaira, S., 2012. The Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST): investigating large slip of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki, Japan earthquake with seafloor boreholes [presented at the American Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T12C-04) Nakamura, Y., Cook, B.J., Conin, M., Miura, S., Takahashi, N., Kodaira, S., Mori, J.J., Chester, F.M., Eguchi, N., and Toczko, S., 2012. High-resolution seismic profiling in the trench axis area of the Japan Trench and its preliminary correlation with the results of IODP Expedition 343 [presented at the American Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T13A-2582) Sample, J.C., Ishikawa, T., Takai, K., Chester, F., Mori, J.J., Eguchi, N., and Toczko, S., 2012. Interstitial water chemistry from the Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST): results from stable isotopes and dissolved ions [presented at the American Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T21F-07) Savage, H.M., Polissar, P.J., Sheppard, R.E., Rowe, C.D., and Kirkpatrick, J.D., 2012. Organic geochemical evidence for frictional heating of the NE Japan décollement in drillcores from Expedition 343: JFAST [presented at the American Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Abstract T21F-06) Sawai, M., and Hirose, T., 2012. High-velocity frictional behavior of incoming pelagic sediments to the Tohoku subduction zone [presented at the American Geophysical Union 2012 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 3–7 December 2012]. (Poster T13B-2602) AGU Fall Meeting 2013Chester, F.M., 2013. Structure and fault mechanics of the shallow rupture zone of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake, IODP expedition 343/343T [presented at the 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T52B-01) Fulton, P.M., Brodsky, E.E., Kano, Y., Mori, J.J., Chester, F.M., Eguchi, N., and Toczko, S., 2013. Changes in advective flow rates and flow paths in response to earthquakes recorded by Japan Trench subseafloor temperature observations [presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall 2013 Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract H52D-04) Fulton, P.M., Brodsky, E.E., Kano, Y., Mori, J.J., Chester, F.M., Ishikawa, T., Harris, R.N., Lin, W., Eguchi, N., and Toczko, S., 2013. Low coseismic friction on the Tohoku fault determined from subseafloor temperature measurements [presented at the 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T41F-08) Ishikawa, T., Matsuoka, J., Mori, J.J., Chester, F.M., Eguchi, N., and Toczko, S., 2013. Geochemical characteristics of core samples from IODP Expedition 343, Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST) [presented at the 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T41F-05) Kirkpatrick, J.D., Ujiie, K., Mishima, T., Chester, F.M., Rowe, C.D., Regalla, C., Remitti, F., Moore, J.C., Toy, V.G., Kameda, J., Bose, S., and Wolfson-Schwehr, M., 2013. Internal structure of the shallow Japan Trench décollement: insights into the long-term evolution of the margin and coseismic slip processes [presented at the 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T41F-03) Lin, W., Yamamoto, Y., and Tanikawa, W., 2013. Preliminary results of three-dimensional stress orientation determined by anelastic strain recovery (ASR) measurements of core samples retrieved from IODP Expedition 343 [presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall 2013 Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T31G-2590) Mishima, T., Yang, T., Ujiie, K., Kirkpatrick, J.D., Chester, F.M., Rowe, C.D., Regalla, C., Remitti, F., Kameda, J., Wolfson-Schwehr, M., Bose, S., Ishikawa, T., and Toy, V.G., 2013. Paleomagnetic records of core samples of the plate-boundary thrust drilled during the IODP Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST) [presented at the 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T31G-2603) Moore, J.C., Chester, F.M., Plank, T.A., Polissar, P.J., Savage, H.M., 2013. The decollement of the 2011 great Tohoku Earthquake: oceanographic provenance and a potential model for tsunami earthquake production [presented at the 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T41F-01) Mori, J.J., 2013. Great earthquakes with and without large slip to the trench [presented at the 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T34C-08) Nakamura, Y., Kodaira, S., Yamamoto, Y, Fujie, G., Obana, K., Miura, S., Takahashi, N., Cook, B.J., Conin, M., Chester, F.M., Mori, J.J., Eguchi, N., and Toczko, S., 2013. Results from a new seismic survey around the JFAST drill site [presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall 2013 Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T31F-2571) Obana, K., Kodaira, S., Takahashi, T., Yamamoto, Y., Nakamura, Y., No, T., Fujie, G., Hino, R., and Shinohara, M., 2013. Seismicity and state of stress near the Japan Trench axis off Miyagi, northeast Japan, after the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake [presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall 2013 Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T31G-2589) Rabinowitz, H.S., Savage, H.M., Polissar, P.J., Plank, T.A., Rowe, C.D., and Kirkpatrick, J.D., 2013. Detecting the frictional temperature rise during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake using the thermal maturity of biomarkers [presented at the 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T41F-07) Regalla, C., Bierman, P.R., Rood, D.H., Motoyama, I., and Fisher, D.M., 2013. Using meteoric 10Be to constrain the age and structure of the frontal wedge at the Japan Trench [presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall 2013 Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T31F-2576) Shimizu, M., Kameda, J., Hamada, Y., and Kimura, G., 2013. Dehydration of incoming sediments at the Japan Trench [presented at the 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T31F-2577) Tanikawa, W., Hirose, T., Mukoyoshi, H., Tadai, O., and Lin, W., 2013. Permeability in sediments and their role in large slip near the surface of the plate boundary fault in the Japan Trench [presented at the American Geophysical Union Fall 2013 Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T41F-04) Ujiie, K., Tanaka, H., Saito, T., Tsutsumi, A., Mori, J.J., and Kameda, J., 2013. The huge shallow slip during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake as a result of very low coseismic shear strength of the Japan Trench décollement material [presented at the 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T41F-02) Valdez, R.D., II, Lauer, R.M., Ikari, M., Kitajima, H., and Saffer, D.M., 2013. Physical properties and consolidation behavior of sediments from the N. Japan subduction zone [presented at the 2013 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 9–13 December 2013]. (Abstract T31G-2599) AGU Fall Meeting 2014Chester, F.M., 2014. Mechanics of slip-to-the-trench and frontal prism deformation for the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract T41E-02) Di Toro, G., Smith, S.A.F., Kuo, L.W., Mittempergher, S., Remitti, F., Spagnuolo, E., Mitchell, T.M., Gualtieri, A., Hadizadeh, J., and Carpenter, B.M., 2014. Inferring earthquake physics from deep drilling projects of active faults [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract T33A-4638) Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., Sanada, Y., Igarashi, C., Kubo, Y., Maeda, L., Sawada, I., Takase, K., and Kyo, N., 2014. New era of scientific ocean drilling [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract OS53D-1073) Fulton, P.M., and Brodsky, E.E., 2014. In-situ observations of earthquake-driven fluid pulses within the Japan Trench plate boundary fault zone [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract T12C-05) Ikari, M., Ito, Y., Ujiie, K., and Kopf, A., 2014. Laboratory-observed frictional slip instabilities in samples of the Tohoku plate boundary megathrust [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract T41E-03) Ishikawa, T., Matsuoka, J., Kameda, J., Sample, J.C., Mori, J.J., and Chester, F.M., 2014. Boron isotope constraints on fluid-rock interactions in the shallow megathrust at the Japan Trench [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract T51A-4563) Jeppson, T., and Tobin, H.J., 2014. Elastic properties of subduction zone materials in the large shallow slip environment for the Tohoku 2011 earthquake: laboratory data from JFAST core samples [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract T51A-4564) Keren, T., and Kirkpatrick, J.D., 2014. The fault damage zone of the shallow Japan Trench megathrust [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract T51A-4559) Mittempergher, S., Smith, S.A.F., Remitti, F., Gualtieri, A., and Di Toro, G., 2014. Frictional properties of experimentally sheared gouges from the 2011 Mw 9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake fault zone [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract T51A-4562) Mori, J.J., 2014. Frictional and radiated energy of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract S51D-02) Rabinowitz, H.S., Savage, H.M., Polissar, P.J., Plank, T.A., Rowe, C.D., and Kirkpatrick, J.D., 2014. Detecting seismic signatures in the rock record at the Japan Trench [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract S53B-4501) Sawai, M., Niemeijer, A.R., Hirose, T., and Spiers, C.J., 2014. Depth limits of slow slip events at the Japan Trench: insights from friction experiments under in-situ conditions [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract T51A-4569) Schleicher, A., Boles, A., and Van der Pluijm, B., 2014. The thermal memory of smectite and implications for seismogenic heating during the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake in the Japan Trench [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract T51A-4561) Shimizu, M., Kameda, J., Hamada, Y., Tanikawa, W., and Kimura, G., 2014. Dehydration of incoming sediments at the Japan Trench [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract T51A-4566) Toy, V.G., Fagereng, A., Kirkpatrick, J.D., Remitti, F., Rowe, C.D., Ujiie, K., and Wolfson-Schwehr, M., 2014. Microscale relationships between fault rock fabric and structural style in megathrusts—observations from Tohoku-Oki via J-FAST [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract T51A-4560) Toy, V.G., Maeda, L., Toczko, S., Eguchi, N., Chester, F.M., Mori, J.J., Sawada, I., and Saruhashi, T., 2014. Operations summary during riserless drilling to >7700 mbsl in the Japan Trench for IODP Expedition 343 & 343T: JFAST, and discussion of the relationship between drilling parameters and rock damage [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract OS53D-1074) Wu, H.Y., Brodsky, E.E., Moe, K., and Kinoshita, M., 2014. Stress induced near fault-zone breakout rotation: two case studies in TCDP and JFAST [presented at the 2014 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, 15–19 December 2014]. (Abstract T51A-4565) AGU Fall Meeting 2015Brodsky, E.E., and Mori, J.J., 2015. JFAST constraints on the Tohoku Earthquake fault [presented at the 2015 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 14–18 December 2015]. (Abstract T43G-02) Fulton, P.M., and Brodsky, E.E., 2015. Fault zone hydrogeologic properties and processes revealed by borehole temperature monitoring [presented at the 2015 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 14–18 December 2015]. (Abstract MR41E-08) Lotto, G.C., and Dunham, E.M., 2015. The effect of a compliant accretionary wedge on earthquake rupture and tsunamigenesis [presented at the 2015 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 14–18 December 2015]. (Abstract T14B-02) Moore, J.C., and Chester, F.M., 2015. Sediment accretion during horst and graben subduction associated with the Tohoku Oki M9 earthquake, northern Japan [presented at the 2015 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 14–18 December 2015]. (Abstract T14B-03) Mori, J.J., 2015. Slip to the trench for great subduction earthquakes [presented at the 2015 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 14–18 December 2015]. (Abstract T43G-03) Sample, J.C., and Fulton, P.M., 2015. Bouncing core barrels: measuring elastic rebound in recovering inner core barrels from 7000 mBRT [presented at the 2015 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 14–18 December 2015]. (Abstract H11B-1330) Tobin, H.J., and Jeppson, T., 2015. Physical properties architecture of large displacement faults in the upper crust: a synthesis of sample- and log-based observations [presented at the 2015 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 14–18 December 2015]. (Abstract T11G-06) Ujiie, K., and Inoue, T., 2015. High-velocity frictional strength across the Tohoku-Oki megathrust determined from surface drilling torque [presented at the 2015 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 14–18 December 2015]. (Abstract MR31B-03) AGU Fall Meeting 2016Dekkers, M.J., Yang, T., and Zhang, B., 2016. A preliminary rock magnetic geothermometer to evaluate seismic heating signatures: example from the Japan Trench subduction plate-boundary fault zone drilled by IODP Expedition 343 (JFAST) [presented at the 2016 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 11–15 December 2016]. (Abstract GP43D-08) Fulton, P.M., and Brodsky, E.E., 2016. Earthquake-driven fluid flow rates inferred from borehole temperature measurements within the Japan Trench plate boundary fault zone [presented at the 2016 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 11–15 December 2016]. (Abstract T31G-03) Ito, Y., Ikari, M., Ujiie, K., and Kopf, A., 2016. Velocity- and slip-dependent weakening on the Tohoku plate boundary fault: shallow coseismic slip facilitated by foreshock afterslip [presented at the 2016 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 11–15 December 2016]. (Abstract T21C-2827) Mori, J.J., 2016. Estimates frictional and radiated energy for the shallow fault of the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake [presented at the 2016 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, 11–15 December 2016]. (Abstract S13A-2520) AGU Fall Meeting 2017Yamaguchi, A., Nakamura, Y., Fukuchi, R., Kurano, H., Ikehara, K., Kanamatsu, T., Arai, K., Usami, K., and Ashi, J., 2017. Heterogeneous distribution of pelagic sediments incoming the Japan Trench possibly controlling slip propagation on shallow plate boundary fault [presented at the 2017 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 11–15 December 2017]. (Abstract T14B-06) Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Annual Meeting 2013Mori, J., Chester, F.M., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., Brodsky, E.E., Kodaira, S., and the Expedition 343 Scientists, 2013. The Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST): studying large slip of the 2011 Tohoku-oki, Japan earthquake with seafloor boreholes [presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Brisbane, Australia, 2428 June 2013]. (Abstract SE27-A005) Chikyu+10 International Workshop 2013Mori, J., Chester, F.M., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., Brodsky, E.E., Kodaira, S., and the Expedition 343 Scientists, 2013. Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST): investigating the large slip of the Tohoku Earthquake [presented at the Chikyu+10 International Workshop, Tokyo, Japan, 2123 April 2013]. European Center for Geodynamics and Seismology (ECGS) Workshop 2012Toy, V.G., Boulton, C.J., Barth, N.C., Carpenter, B., IODP Expedition 343 Scientists and IODP-MI, Goldsby, D., Kopf, A., Mitchel, T., Marone, C., Sutherland, R., Townend, J., and Tullis, T., 2012. What can microstructural observations of natural faults tell us about the dissipative mechanisms that operated at the earthquake source? [ECGS Workshop: Earthquake Source Physics on Various Scales, Luxembourg, 35 October 2012]. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2013Behrmann, J.H., Chester, F.M., Fulton, P., Ujiie, K., Lin, W., Mori, J.J., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 343 and 343T Scientists Team, 2014. Fast response drilling and instrumentation of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake fault: reviewing present accomplishments of IODP Expeditions 343 and 343T. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 16:EGU2014-3475-2. Ikari, M., Kameda, J., Kopf, A., Saffer, D., Marone, C., and the IODP Expedition 343 Scientific Party Team, 2013. Frictional behavior of the plate boundary décollement zone in the Japan Trench, sampled during the Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST): implications for shallow coseismic slip propagation. Geophys. Res. Abstr., 15:EDGU2013-733. Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan, 18thKido, Y., Saito, S., Sanada, Y., Thu, M., Anderson, L., Conin, M., Lin, W., Moore, C., Nakamura, Y., Cook, B., Jeppson, T., Wolfson, M., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., Maeda, L., Sawada, I., Saruhashi, T., Mori, J., Chester, F., and the Expedition 343 Shipboard Science Party, 2012. Preliminary result of logging while drilling during Expedition 343, Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project [presented and awarded best paper at the 18th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan, Chiba, Japan, 27 and 28 September 2012]. Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section Meeting 2013Rowe, C.D., Moore, C., Remitti, F., and the IODP Expedition 343 Science Party, 2013. The thickness of plate boundary thrust faults: implications for deformation mechanisms and the rock record of subduction. Geol. Soc. Am. Abstr. Progr., 45(6):1. Geosciences 2013Toy, V., Expedition 343 and 343T Scientists, and IODP-MI, 2013. Japan Trench rapid drilling (J-FAST) yields new insights into the mechanics and structure of subduction thrust faults [Geoscience Society of NZ Annual Meeting (Geosciences 2013), Christchurch, New Zealand, 2427 November 2013]. ICDP/IODP Kolloquium 2013Behrmann, J.H., 2013. Short report on IODP Expedition 343/343T (JFAST): drilling and instrumenting the Tohoku-oki 2011 earthquake rupture zone [ICDP/IODP Kolloquium 2013, Freiberg, Germany, 2527 March 2013]. International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior Joint Assembly 2013Mori, J., Chester, F., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., Brodsky, E., Kodaira, S., and the Expedition 343 Scientists, 2013. JFAST: drilling to the plate boundary to study large slip of the 2011 Tohoku-oki Japan earthquake [invited keynote presentation at the 2013 International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth’s Interior Joint Assembly, Gothenberg, Sweden, 2226 July]. International Conference on a New Perspective of Great Earthquakes along Subduction Zones 2013Brodsky, E.E., Li, H.-B., Mori, J., Chester, F., Fulton, P., and Kano, Y., 2012. Measuring stress through rapid response drilling after recent large earthquakes: Wenchuan fault zone scientific drilling project and JFAST [International Conference on a New Perspective of Great Earthquakes along Subduction Zones, Kochi, Japan, 28 February1 March 2013]. International Symposium on In Situ Rock Stress, 6thMori, J., Chester, F., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., Brodsky, E., Kodaira, S., and the Expedition 343 Scientists, 2013. Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST): investigations of the shallow large slip of the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake [invited keynote presentation at the 6th International Symposium on In Situ Rock Stress, Sendai, Japan, 2022 August 2013]. International Symposium on Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences, 6thFink, H.G., Strasser, M., Römer, M., Kölling, M., Ikehara, K., Kanamatsu, T., Dinten, D., Kioka, A., Fujiwara, T., Kawamura, K., Kodaira, S., and Wefer, G., 2014. Evidence for mass transport deposits at the IODP JFAST-site in the Japan Trench. In Krastel, S., Behrmann, J.-H., Völker, D., Stipp, M., Berndt, C., Urgeles, R., Chaytor, J., Huhn, K., Strasser, M., and Harbitz, C.B. (Eds.), Advances in Natural and Technological Hazards Research (Volume 37): Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: Dordrecht, The Netherlands (Kluwer), 33–43. International Workshop of Special Project for Reducing Vulnerability for Urban Mega Earthquake DisastersMori, J., Chester, F.M., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., Brodsky, E.E., Kodaira, S., and the Expedition 343 Scientists, 2012. Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project: investigating the large slip of the Tohoku Earthquake [presented at the International Workshop of Special Project for Reducing Vulnerability for Urban Mega Earthquake Disasters, Matsushima, Japan, 913 October 2012]. Geological Society of Japan (JGS) Annual Meeting 2011Mori, J., Chester, F.M., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., Brodsky, E.E., Kodaira, S., and the Expedition 343 Scientists, 2011. Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST) [invited presentation at the Geological Society of Japan Annual Meeting, Osaka, Japan, 1517 September 2011]. JGS Annual Meeting 2012Lin, W., Moore, J.C., Nakamura, Y., Conin, M., Anderson, L., Mori, J., Chester, F., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., Maeda, L., and the Expedition 343 Scientists, 2012. Horizontal stress orientations in Hole C0019B drilled during IODP Expedition 343 [presented at the Geological Society of Japan Annual Meeting, Osaka, Japan, 16 September 2012]. Ujiie, K., Mori, J.J., Chester, F.M., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 343 Scientists, 2012. Characteristics of the plate-boundary fault in the source region of the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake: coring results of IODP Expedition 343 Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST) [presented at the Geological Society of Japan Annual Meeting, Osaka, Japan, 16 September 2012]. JGS Annual Meeting 2013Kameda, J., Shimizu, M., and Kimura, G., 2013. Mineralogical properties of incoming deposits to the Japan Trench [Geological Society of Japan Annual Meeting, Osaka, Japan, 15 September 2013]. Ujiie, K., Tanaka, H., Saito, T., Tsutsumi, A., Mori, J.J., Kameda, J., Chester, F.M., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., and the IODP Expedition 343 Scientists, 2013. The huge shallow slip during the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake as a result of very low coseismic shear strength of the plate-boundary thrust material [Geological Society of Japan Annual Meeting, Osaka, Japan, 15 September 2013]. Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU) Meeting 2013Brodsky, E.E., Li, H., Xue, L., Fulton, P., Mori, J., and Kano, Y., 2013. Using temperature to measure fault stress [Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Chiba, Japan, 1924 May 2013]. Fulton, P.M., Brodsky, E.E., Kano, Y., Mori, J., Chester, F., Kyo, M., Namba, Y., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., Ito, Y., and the IODP Expedition 343 Scientists, 2013. The JFAST fault zone observatory: monitoring the frictional heat from the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake [Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Chiba, Japan, 1924 May 2013]. Hirose, T., Tanikawa, W., Mukohoshi, H., Tadai, O., Lin, W., and the Expedition 343 Scientific Party, 2013. Extreme low friction of the Tohoku plate boundary as a possible factor for seismic slip propagation toward the trench, S-SS01 [Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Chiba, Japan, 1924 May 2013]. Ikari, M.J., Kameda, J., Kopf, A.J., Saffer, D.M., Marone, C., and the IODP Expedition 343 Scientific Party, 2013. Frictional behavior of shallow subduction zone thrusts: comparison of the Japan Trench and Nankai Trough [Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Chiba, Japan, 1924 May 2013]. Kameda, J., Ujiie, K., Hirose, T., Ikari, M., Remitti, F., Shimizu, M., Hamada, Y., Kimura, G., Chester, F., Mori, J., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., and the 343 Expedition Scientists, 2013. Clay mineral characteristics of the plate-boundary fault at the Japan Trench [Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Chiba, Japan, 1924 May 2013]. Kirkpatrick, J.D., and the Expedition 343 Scientists, 2013. Structure and composition of the plate boundary décollement in the area of maximum slip during the 2011 Tohoku-Oki Earthquake [Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Chiba, Japan, 1924 May 2013]. Mishima, T., Yang, T., Mori, J.J., Chester, F., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 343 Scientists, 2013. Rock-magnetic properties of the plate-boundary thrust material drilled during IODP Expedition 343 (JFAST) [Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Chiba, Japan, 1924 May 2013]. Mori, J., Chester, F.M., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., Brodsky, E.E., Kodaira, S., and the Expedition 343 Scientists, 2013. JFAST: drilling to the plate boundary to investigate the large slip of the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake [Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Chiba, Japan, 1924 May 2013]. Tanikawa, W., Hirose, T., Weirin, L., and the IODP Expedition 343 Scientific Party, 2013. Fluid transport property of sediments near the plate boundary fault at Japan Trench, S-SS01 [Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Chiba, Japan, 1924 May 2013]. Ujiie, K., Tanaka, H., Saito, T., Tsutsumi, A., Mori, J.J., Kameda, J., Chester, F.M., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., and the Expedition 343 Scientists, 2013. Laboratory experiments on the Japan Trench plate-boundary thrust material reveal very low co-seismic shear strength [Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013, Chiba, Japan, 1924 May 2013]. JpGU Meeting 2019Yabe, S. Fukuchi, R., Ueki, K., and Hamada, Y., 2019. Quantitative logging unit classification with Hidden Markov Model. Presented at the Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2019, Chiba, Japan, 26–30 May 2019. Seismological Society of Japan (SSJ) Fall Meeting 2012Mori, J., Chester, F.M., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., Brodsky, E.E., Kodaira, S., and the Expedition 343 Scientists, 2012. Japan Trench Fast Drilling Project (JFAST): studying large slip of the Tohoku Earthquake with ocean boreholes [presented at the Seismological Society of Japan Fall Meeting, Hakone, Japan, 1619 October 2012]. (Abstract A22-08) SSJ Fall Meeting 2013Ujiie, K., Tanaka, H., Saito, T., Tsutsumi, A., Mori, J., and Kameda, J., 2013. Characteristics and high velocity frictional property of the Japan Trench plate-boundary fault: primary results of JFAST [invited presentation at the Seismological Society of Japan Fall Meeting, Yokohama, Japan, 710 October 2013]. Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Annual Meeting 2012Kirkpatrick, J.D., and the Expedition 343 Scientists, 2012. Key results from JFAST: location and structure of the plate boundary in the area of maximum slip during the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake [presented at the Southern California Earthquake Center Annual Meeting, Palm Springs, CA, 912 September 2012]. SCEC Annual Meeting 2013Chester, F.M., 2013. Insights into subduction thrust structure and mechanics from drilling the rupture zone of the 2011 Tohoku-oki Earthquake [Plenary talk presented at the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Annual Meeting, Pasadena, CA, 811 September 2013]. Fulton, P.M., Brodsky, E.E., Kano, Y., Mori, J., Chester, F., Ishikawa, T., Harris, R.N., Lin, W., Eguchi, N., and Toczko, S., 2013. Low coseismic friction on the Tohoku fault determined from subsurface temperature measurements [presented at the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Annual Meeting, Pasadena, CA, 811 September 2013]. Kirkpatrick, J.D., and the Expedition 343 Scientists, 2013. Internal structure of the shallow Japan trench décollement: insights into the long-term evolution of the margin and coseismic slip processes [presented at the Southern California Earthquake Center (SCEC) Annual Meeting, Pasadena, CA, 811 September 2013]. The Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science of Texas (TAMEST) Annual Conference 2013Chester, F.M., 2013. The challenge of ocean drilling into the earthquake source [featured presentation at the TAMEST Annual Conference: Probing the Depths: Under the Sea and Into the Brain, Dallas, TX, 17 and 18 January 2013]. UK-IODP Student Conference 2012Cook, B.J., Chester, F.M., Mori, J.J., Toczko, S., Eguchi, N., and the Expedition 343/343T Scientists, 2012. A day in the life of a record-breaking scientific drilling team [invited presentation at the UK-IODP Student Conference, Oxford, England, 911 September 2012]. U.S.-Japan Natural Resources (UJNR) Panel on Earthquake Research, 9thChester, F.M., 2012. Location and structure of the subduction thrust in the region of maximum slip during the 2011 MW 9.0 Tohoku-oki Earthquake [presented at the 9th UJNR Panel on Earthquake Research, Denver, CO, 912 October 2012]. *The Expedition-related bibliography is continually updated online. 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