Figure F2. In-line (IL) 2529 extracted from 3-D seismic volume, showing Hole C0002F in relation to Stage 1 Sites C0001, C0003, and C0004. Dashed extension below the colored boxes = future planned oceanic plate basement interception at ~7000 mbsf, red box = 20 inch casing to 860 mbsf; yellow, green, and blue boxes = planned casing set points for 13⅜ inch, 11¾ inch, and 9⅝ inch casing at 2300, 3600, and 4400 mbsf, respectively. Target depth for Expedition 348 is ~3600 mbsf (possibly to ~4400 mbsf with good conditions), with open hole coring (black) shown from the 2300 mbsf casing shoe (also beyond the planned 9⅝ inch casing shoe position at 4400 mbsf). VE = vertical exaggeration.
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