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Expedition 347 participants
Expedition 347 scientists
Thomas Andrén* Co-Chief Scientist School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies Södertörn University SE-141 89 Huddinge Sweden
Bo Barker Jørgensen* Co-Chief Scientist Center for Geomicrobiology Aarhus University NyMunkegade 114 8000 Aarhus C Denmark
Carol Cotterill* Expedition Project Manager British Geological Survey Murchison House West Mains Road Edinburgh EH9 3LA United Kingdom
Annick Fehr* Petrophysics Staff Scientist RWTH Aachen University Institute for Applied Geophysics and Geothermal Energy E.ON Energy Research Center Mathieustrasse 10 D-52074 Aachen Germany
Sophie Green* Assistant Expedition Project Manager British Geological Survey Murchison House West Mains Road Edinburgh EH9 3LA United Kingdom
Elinor Andrén Silicoflagellate and Diatom Specialist School of Natural Sciences, Technology and Environmental Studies Södertörn University SE-14189 Huddinge Sweden
Jeanine Ash* Inorganic Geochemist Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences University of California, Los Angeles 595 Charles Young Drive East Box 951567 Los Angeles CA 90095 USA
Thorsten Bauersachs* Organic Geochemist Institute of Geosciences Christian-Albrechts-University Ludewig-Meyn-Strasse 10 24118 Kiel Germany
Barry Cragg* Microbiologist School of Earth and Ocean Sciences Cardiff University Main Building Park Place Cardiff CF10 3AT United Kingdom
Anne-Sophie Fanget* Physical Properties Specialist Aarhus University Department of Geoscience Høegh-Guldbergs Gade 2 Building 1672 8000 Aarhus C Denmark
Wojciech Granoszewski Palynologist Polish Geological Institute—National Research Institute Skrzatów 1 31-560 Kraków Poland
Jeroen Groeneveld* Planktonic Foraminifer Specialist MARUM—Center for Marine Environmental Sciences University of Bremen Leobenerstrasse 28359 Bremen Germany
Dalton Hardisty* Inorganic Geochemist Earth Sciences University of California, Riverside 900 University Avenue Riverside CA 92521 USA
Emilio Herrero-Bervera Paleomagnetist SOEST-Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology (HIGP) University of Hawaii at Manoa 1680 East West Road Honolulu HI 96822 USA
Outi Hyttinen* Stratigraphic Correlator University of Helsinki Department of Geosciences and Geography PO Box 64 00014 University of Helsinki Finland
Jørn Bo Jensen Sedimentologist Department of Marine Geology and Glaciology Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland Øster Voldgade 10 DK-1350 Copenhagen K Denmark
Sean Johnson Sedimentologist CODES, Centre of Excellence in Ore Deposits University of Tasmania Clarke Road, Sandy Bay Hobart TAS7001 Australia
Michael Kenzler* Sedimentologist (onshore) Institut of Geography and Geology University of Griefswald Friedrich-Ludwig_jahn Strasse 17a 17487 Griefswald Germany
Aarno Kotilainen* Stratigraphic Correlator/Physical Properties Specialist Geological Survey of Finland Betonimiehenkuja 4 PO Box 96 Espoo 02151 Finland
Ulrich Kotthoff Palynologist Institute for Geology University of Hamburg Bundesstrasse 55 Hamburg 20146 Germany
Ian P.G. Marshall* Microbiologist Center for Geomicrobiology Aarhus University NyMunkegade 114 Building 1540 C 8000 Aarhus Denmark
Ellen Martin Inorganic Geochemist Geological Sciences University of Florida 241 Williamson Hall PO Box 112120 Gainesville FL 32611 USA
Stephen Obrochta Physical Properties Specialist The University of Tokyo Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute 5-1-5 Kashiwanoha Kashiwa Chiba 277-8564 Japan
Sandra Passchier Sedimentologist Earth and Environmental Studies Montclair State University 1 Normal Avenue 252 Mallory Hall Montclair NJ 07043 USA
Nadine Quintana Krupinski* Benthic Foraminifer Specialist Earth and Planetary Sciences University of California Santa Cruz 1156 High Street Santa Cruz CA 95064 USA
Natascha Riedinger Organic Geochemist Earth Sciences University of California, Riverside 900 University Avenue Riverside CA 92521 USA
Caroline Slomp* Inorganic Geochemist Department of Earth Sciences—Geochemistry Faculty of Geosciences Utrecht University (UU) Budapestlaan 4 3584 CD Utrecht Netherlands
Ian Snowball Paleomagnetist Department of Earth and Ecosystem Sciences Division of Geology—Quaternary Sciences Lund University Sölvegatan 12 S-223 62 Lund Sweden
Anna Stepanova Ostracod Specialist Texas A&M University Oceanography Department 1204 Oceanography and Meteorology Building Office 410 College Station TX 77843 USA
Sarah Strano Physical Properties Specialist College of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science Oregon State University 104 CEOAS Administration Building Corvallis OR 97331 USA
Andrea Torti* Microbiologist Center for Geomicrobiology Aarhus University NyMunkegade 114 Building 1540 C 8000 Aarhus Denmark
Jonathan Warnock Diatom Specialist Geology and Environmental Geosciences Northern Illinois University 300 Davis Hall Normal Road DeKalb IL 60115 USA
Nan Xiao* Microbiologist Japan Agency For Marine-Earth Science and Technology Kochi Institute for Core Sample Research 200 Monobe Otsu Nankoku City Kochi Prefecture Japan
Rui Zhang† Microbiologist Xiamen University State Key Laboratory for Marine Environmental Sciences 422 Simingnan Road Xiamen 361005 China
*Participated in shipboard and shore-based operations.
†Participated in shipboard operations only.
Technical support
ECORD Science Operator and technical representatives
David Smith† ESO Operations Superintendent
Ursula Röhl Laboratory and Curation Manager/Onshore Operations Manager
Vera Bender† Core Curator
Volker Diekamp Freeze drying
Thomas Frederichs ESO Paleomagnetist
Patrizia Geprägs† ESO Geochemit
Alan Gillies† ESO Electrical Engineer
Walter Hale* Core Curator
Elke Hanenkamp EPC Petrophysicist
Brit Kockisch LECO Operator
Nicole Kniebel HF Laboratory Technician
Martin Kölling MARUM Inorganic Geochemistry Laboratory Manager
Holger Kuhlmann* Core Curator/Assistant Laboratory Manager
David Long† ESO Drilling Coordinator
Vera Lukies ESO Petrophysics Technician
Annette Gail McGrath* EPC Petrophysicist
Kristen Morgan EPC Petrophysics Technician
Mary Mowat* ESO Database Manager
Silvana Pape†† MARUM Inorganic Geochemistry Laboratory Technician
Luzie Schnieders* ESO Geochemist
Alistair Skinner† ESO Drilling Coordinator
Alyssa Stephens USIO Publications Specialist
Joanne Tudge EPC Petrophysics Technician
Graham Tulloch† ESO Drilling Coordinator
Hans-Joachim Wallrabe-Adams†† ESO Data Manager
Thomas Westerhold ESO Petrophysicist
Alex Wülbers* Core Curator/Logistics
* Participated in shipboard and shore-based operations.
† Participated in shipboard operations only.
†† Participated in the Falmouth–Kiel transit and shore-based operations.
University of Bremen (temporary student assistants)
Afolabi Adetunji Sampling
Adrian Baumeister Sampling
Robert Büssing Core Splitting
Christin Feist Sampling
Dario Fussmann Catering
Andreas Greve Catering
Mustafa Kamal Core handling
Elena Kamschilow Catering
Neele Meyer Catering
Lindan Mlambo Sampling
Johannes Monkenbusch Database/Yeoperson
Nils Monsees Core splitting
Marie Rex Core handling
Alexander Rösner Database/Yeoperson
Melanie Siegburg Sampling
Jessica Volz Core handling
Julian Wecht Core Splitting
Weatherford Logging
Dirk Neuhaus Weatherford Logging Operator
Christian Sedlatschek Weatherford Logging Engineer
Island Drilling, Geoquip, and Geocean
Andrew Frazer Project Manager
Damion Abder Electrician
Ian Abraham Pygs Driller
Vilvo Fernandes Steward
Marianne Herve Surveyor
Peter Indenyi Roughneck
Guillaume Jesberger Surveyor
Darren Murphy Driller
Muhammad Z. Bin Mohd Razally Roughneck
Mark Rundle Roughneck
Marius Cosmin Sicoe Roughneck
Liam Tregembo Roughneck
Ben Ward Roughneck
Greatship Manisha
Nikhil Arun Kanetkar Master of the Vessel
Rayan D’ Coutho Chief Officer
Melwvn John Gomes Oiler
Joshvin Paradise John Able Seaman
Roman Kolesnyk Camp Boss
Arun Kumar Steward
Harendra Kumar Steward
Joginder Kumar AB
Raniith Kumar K. Second Officer
Akash Majhi Steward
Sergiy Mayko Cook
Harikumar Pullil Third Engineer
Kuldeep Purtv AB
Chetan Raje Second Engineer
Ragbir Singh Cook
AshokSingh Sandhal Oiler
Saju Sebastian Chief Engineer
Vinay Kumar Sharma Second Officer
Nair Babu R. Shivachandran ETO
Joginder Singh Cook
Peter Trink Chief Officer
Binoj Vettumury Vinayakan AB
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