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Data report: planktonic foraminifer stable isotope results from IODP Hole U1322B1

Qianyu Li,2,3 Fan Zheng,4 Xinrong Cheng,2 and Rong Xiang4


We measured planktonic foraminifer stable isotopes in samples from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Hole U1322B in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Among the 97 samples measured, 35 lie in sediment intervals visibly affected by turbidites and 12 are considered affected either by freshwater discharges or by diagenetic overprinting across boundaries between slumped and in situ sediment intervals. Samples affected by freshwater show very light δ18O values, whereas those with sudden δ18O increases are likely influenced by diagenesis. The remaining 50 measurements appear to represent true hemipelagic δ18O records useful for establishing a preliminary oxygen isotopic stratigraphy for the site. Comparison between isotopic results from Hole U1322B and other similar records from the region indicates that the sediment sequence recovered in Hole U1322B was mainly deposited during marine isotopic Stages (MIS) 1, 2, 3, and 4, separable at 23 (MIS 1/2), 89, and 200 meters below seafloor (MIS 3/4), respectively.

1 Li, Q., Zheng, F., Cheng, X., and Xiang, R., 2008. Data report: planktonic foraminifer stable isotope results from IODP Hole U1322B. In Flemings, P.B., Behrmann, J.H., John, C.M., and the Expedition 308 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 308: College Station, TX (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.308.201.2008

2 State Key Laboratory of Marine Geology, School of Ocean and Earth Sciences, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, P.R. China.

3 Also at: School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Adelaide, Adelaide SA 5005, Australia.

4 South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou 510301, P.R. China.

Initial receipt: 16 May 2007
Acceptance: 10 December 2007
Web publication: 5 March 2008
MS 308-201