IODP Proceedings    Volume contents     Search

Contents    Volume cited by

Preliminary pages     HTML | PDF

Expedition reports


Expedition 308 summary     HTML | PDF | Cited by
Expedition 308 Scientists

Methods     HTML | PDF | Cited by
Expedition 308 Scientists

Site U1319     HTML | PDF | Cited by
Expedition 308 Scientists

Site U1320     HTML | PDF | Cited by
Expedition 308 Scientists

Site U1321     HTML | PDF | Cited by
Expedition 308 Scientists

Site U1322     HTML | PDF | Cited by
Expedition 308 Scientists

Site U1323     HTML | PDF | Cited by
Expedition 308 Scientists

Site U1324     HTML | PDF | Cited by
Expedition 308 Scientists

Core descriptions

Visual core descriptions (VCDs), smear slide data tables, and digital images are included in this section. VCDs and smear slide data tables are combined into one PDF file for each site. The entire set of core images in PDF format are available in the IMAGES directory.

Site U1319
Visual core descriptions · Smear slides

Site U1320
Visual core descriptions · Smear slides

Site U1322
Visual core descriptions · Smear slides

Site U1324
Visual core descriptions · Smear slides

Expedition research results

Data reports

Data report: planktonic and benthic foraminifers from IODP Hole U1322B     HTML | PDF | Cited by
Qianyu Li, Rong Xiang, and Fan Zheng

Data report: planktonic foraminifer stable isotope results from IODP Hole U1322B     HTML | PDF | Cited by
Qianyu Li, Fan Zheng, Xinrong Cheng, and Rong Xiang

Data report: consolidation characteristics of sediments from IODP Expedition 308, Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico     HTML | PDF | Cited by
H. Long, P.B. Flemings, J.T. Germaine, D.M. Saffer, and B. Dugan

Data report: isotope compositions of sedimentary organic carbon and total nitrogen from Brazos-Trinity Basin IV (Sites U1319 and U1320) and Ursa Basin (Sites U1322 and U1324), deepwater Gulf of Mexico     HTML | PDF | Cited by
William P. Gilhooly III, Stephen A. Macko, and Peter B. Flemings

Data report: particle size analysis of sediments in the Ursa Basin, IODP Expedition 308 Sites U1324 and U1322, northern Gulf of Mexico     HTML | PDF | Cited by
Derek E. Sawyer, Ryan Jacoby, Peter Flemings, and Jack Germaine

Data report: penetrometer measurements of in situ temperature and pressure, IODP Expedition 308     HTML | PDF | Cited by
H. Long, P.B. Flemings, B. Dugan, J.T. Germaine, and D. Ferrell

Data report: strength characteristics of sediments from IODP Expedition 308, Sites U1322 and U1324     HTML | PDF | Cited by
Brandon Dugan and John T. Germaine

Data report: radiography and X-ray CT imaging of whole core from IODP Expedition 308, Gulf of Mexico     HTML | PDF | Cited by
H.M. Nelson, P.B. Flemings, J.T. Germaine, and B.E. Dugan

Data report: natural remanent magnetization of IODP Holes U1319A, U1320A, U1322B, and U1324B and magnetic carrier identification by scanning electron microscopy     HTML | PDF | Cited by
Christine Franke, Yanzhe Fu, David Heslop, and Tilo von Dobeneck

Data report: consolidation state and stress ratio of clay-rich sediments from Site U1320     HTML | PDF | Cited by
Maria Ask

Data report: X-ray analyses of bulk sediment in IODP Holes U1320A and U1324B, northern Gulf of Mexico     HTML | PDF | Errata | Cited by
Cédric M. John and Thierry Adatte

Data report: stress orientations from borehole breakouts, IODP Expedition 308, Ursa area, Mississippi Fan, Gulf of Mexico      HTML | PDF | Cited by
J. Casey Moore, Gerardo J. Iturrino, Peter B. Flemings, and Derek E. Sawyer

Data report: preliminary assessment of Pleistocene sediment strength in the Ursa Basin (Gulf of Mexico continental slope) from triaxial and ring shear test data     HTML | PDF | Cited by
Sandra Meissl, Jonas Behrmann, and Jan H. Behrmann


Expedition 308 synthesis: overpressure, consolidation, and slope stability on the continental slope of the Gulf of Mexico     HTML | PDF | Cited by
P.B. Flemings, C. John, and J. Behrmann

See "Syntheses" in the Expedition-related bibliography.

Supplementary material

See README.TXT for a full listing of directories and files.

Supplementary material for this volume includes physical properties (vane shear and water contents in Microsoft Excel and ASCII formats), downhole temperature and pressure measurements (APCT, DVTPP, and T2P data in Microsoft Excel and raw data formats), and Rhizone geochemistry data in Microsoft Excel.




CRSC consolidation data in Microsoft Excel formats are included for Long, Flemings, Germain, et al. (2008).


Pressure, temperature, and TruView data for DVTTP and T2P deployments in Microsoft Excel format are included for Long, Flemmings, Dugan, et al. (2008).





Particle size analysis test results in Microsoft Excel format are included for Sawyer, Jacoby, Flemings, and Germaine (2008).


Examples of consolidation and shear phase data in Adobe PDF and Microsoft Excel formatted are included for Dugan and Germaine (2009).



X-ray computed tomography data in Mocrosoft Powerpoint, Quicktime movie, and PDF formats are included for Nelson et al. (2009).


Preconsolidation and reconsolidation phase data in Microsoft Excel format are included for Ask (2009).


Drilling location maps

A site map showing the drilling locations for this expedition and maps showing the drilling locations of all Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP), Ocean Drilling Program (ODP), and Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) drilling sites are available in PDF format. These maps were produced using Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) of Paul Wessel and Walter H.F. Smith (

IODP Expedition 308 site map
IODP map (Expeditions 301–312)
ODP map (Legs 100–210)
DSDP map (Legs 1–96)

Expedition-related bibliography

The Expedition-related bibliography covers IODP, journal, book, and conference publications.