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doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.308.212.2009 ReferencesGoldberg, D., and Janik, A., 2006. Data report: stress orientation in gas hydrate–bearing sediments near Hydrate Ridge: evidence from borehole breakouts observed from logging-while-drilling resistivity images. In Tréhu, A.M., Bohrmann, G., Torres, M.E., and Colwell, F.S. (Eds.), Proc. ODP, Sci. Results, 204: College Station, TX (Ocean Drilling Program), 1–14. doi:10.2973/ McNeill, L.C., Ienaga, M., Tobin, H., Saito, S., Goldberg, D., Moore, J.C., and Mikada, H., 2004. Deformation and in situ stress in the Nankai accretionary prism from resistivity-at-bit images, ODP Leg 196. Geophys. Res. Lett., 31(2):L02602. doi:10.1029/2003GL018799 Moos, D., Wilson, S., and Barton, C.A., 2007. Impact of rock properties on the relationship between wellbore breakout width and depth. In Eberhardt, E., Stead, D., and Morrison, T. (Eds.), Rock Mechanics: Proceedings of the 1st Canada–US Rock Mechanics Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, 27–31 May 2007: London (Taylor & Francis Group), 1677–1683. Sawyer, D.E., Flemings, P.B., Shipp, R.C., and Winker, C.D., 2007. Seismic geomorphology, lithology, and evolution of the late Pleistocene Mars-Ursa turbidite region, Mississippi Canyon area, northern Gulf of Mexico. AAPG Bull., 91(2):215–234. doi:10.1306/08290605190 Urgeles, R., Locat, J., Flemings, P., Behrmann, J., John, C., and the Expedition 308 Scientific Party, 2005. Triggering mechanisms of slope instability processes on the Gulf of Mexico continental slope: preliminary results from IODP Expedition 308. Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 86(52)(Suppl.):OS24A-06. (Abstract) Zoback, M.D., and Zoback, M.L., 1991. Tectonic stress field of North America and relative plate motions. In Slemmons, D.B., Engdahl, E.R., Zoback, M.D., and Blackwell, D.D. (Eds.), Neotectonics of North America: Boulder, CO (Geol. Soc. Am.), 339–366. |