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Below is the list of AMS parameters used in Table T1 and their mathematical expression.

Km = bulk magnetic susceptibility; (|K1| + |K2| + |K3|)/3 SI.

K1, K2, K3 = principal normed susceptibilities (K1  >  K2  >  K3),

where n1, n2 and n3 are their respective natural logarithms.

L = K1/K2

F = K2/K3

P = K1/K3

T = (2n2 – n1 – n3)/(n1 – n3)

q = (K1 – K2)/{(K1 + K2)/2 – K3}

K1 dec = declination of K1 in core coordinate system

K1 inc = inclination of K1 in core coordinate system

K2 dec = declination of K2 in core coordinate system

K2 inc = inclination of K2 in core coordinate system

K3 dec = declination of K3 in core coordinate system

K3 inc = inclination of K3 in core coordinate system