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Data report: stratigraphic correlation of Site U1396 and creation of a composite depth scale and splice1

Robert G. Hatfield2


Composite depth scales and spliced records are routinely generated stratigraphic data sets on paleoceanographic Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) expeditions. They are constructed to generate a complete stratigraphic section that is more representative of a site than records from individual holes. Although sediments recovered from the three holes cored at Site U1396 during IODP Expedition 340 were correlated on board the JOIDES Resolution, a composite depth scale and complete stratigraphic section were not generated. After correction of the shipboard data for small positional errors, I used the shipboard acquired physical property data sets to recorrelate the stratigraphy and generate both a composite depth scale and a spliced record for Site U1396. Using the shipboard-generated paleomagnetic reversal record, I then estimated sedimentation rate at Site U1396 since ~4.5 Ma.

1 Hatfield, R.G., 2015. Data report: stratigraphic correlation of Site U1396 and creation of a composite depth scale and splice. In Le Friant, A., Ishizuka, O., Stroncik, N.A., and the Expedition 340 Scientists, Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 340: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.340.202.2015

2 104 CEOAS Administration Building, Oregon State University, Corvallis Oregon 97331, USA.

Initial receipt: 26 December 2014
Acceptance: 16 August 2015
Publication: 16 November 2015
MS 340-202