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Bown, P.R. (Ed.), 1998. Calcareous Nannofossil Biostratigraphy: New York (Springer).

Brickley, P.J., and Thomas, A.C., 2004. Satellite-measured seasonal and inter-annual chlorophyll variability in the Northeast Pacific and Coastal Gulf of Alaska. Deep Sea Research II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 51(1–3):229–245.​10.1016/​j.dsr2.2003.06.003

Clemens, S.C., Kuhnt, W., LeVay, L.J., Anand, P., Ando, T., Bartol, M., Bolton, C.T., Ding, X., Gariboldi, K., Giosan, L., Hathorne, E.C., Huang, Y., Jaiswal, P., Kim, S., Kirkpatrick, J.B., Littler, K., Marino, G., Martinez, P., Naik, D., Peketi, A., Phillips, S.C., Robinson, M.M., Romero, O.E., Sagar, N., Taladay, K.B., Taylor, S.N., Thirumalai, K., Uramoto, G., Usui, Y., Wang, J., Yamamoto, M., and Zhou, L., 2016. Expedition 353 methods. In Clemens, S.C., Kuhnt, W., LeVay, L.J., and the Expedition 353 Scientists, Indian Monsoon Rainfall. Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 353: College Station, TX (International Ocean Discovery Program).​10.14379/​iodp.proc.353.102.2016

Gradstein, F.M., Ogg, J.G., Schmitz, M.D., and Ogg, G.M. (Eds.), 2012. The Geological Time Scale 2012: Amsterdam (Elsevier).​10.1016/​C2011-1-08249-8

Hodell, D.A., Charles, C.D., and Sierro, F.J., 2001. Late Pleistocene evolution of the ocean’s carbonate system. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 192(2):109–124.​10.1016/​S0012-821X(01)00430-7

Jaeger, J.M., Gulick, S.P.S., LeVay, L.J., Asahi, H., Bahlburg, H., Belanger, C.L., Berbel, G.B.B., Childress, L.B., Cowan, E.A., Drab, L., Forwick, M., Fukumura, A., Ge, S., Gupta, S.M., Kioka, A., Konno, S., März, C.E., Matsuzaki, K.M., McClymont, E.L., Mix, A.C., Moy, C.M., Müller, J., Nakamura, A., Ojima, T., Ridgway, K.D., Rodrigues Ribeiro, F., Romero, O.E., Slagle, A.L., Stoner, J.S., St-Onge, G., Suto, I., Walczak, M.H., and Worthington, L.L., 2014a. Expedition 341 summary. In Jaeger, J.M., Gulick, S.P.S., LeVay, L.J., and the Expedition 341 Scientists, Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 341: College Station, TX (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program).​10.2204/​iodp.proc.341.101.2014

Jaeger, J.M., Gulick, S.P.S., LeVay, L.J., Asahi, H., Bahlburg, H., Belanger, C.L., Berbel, G.B.B., Childress, L.B., Cowan, E.A., Drab, L., Forwick, M., Fukumura, A., Ge, S., Gupta, S.M., Kioka, A., Konno, S., März, C.E., Matsuzaki, K.M., McClymont, E.L., Mix, A.C., Moy, C.M., Müller, J., Nakamura, A., Ojima, T., Ridgway, K.D., Rodrigues Ribeiro, F., Romero, O.E., Slagle, A.L., Stoner, J.S., St-Onge, G., Suto, I., Walczak, M.H., and Worthington, L.L., 2014b. Site U1418. In Jaeger, J.M., Gulick, S.P.S., LeVay, L.J., and the Expedition 341 Scientists, Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program, 341: College Station, TX (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program).​10.2204/​iodp.proc.341.104.2014

Lim, E., Eakins, B.W., and Wigley, R., 2011. Coastal Relief Model of Southern Alaska: Procedures, Data Sources and Analysis. NOAA Technical Memorandum NESDIS NGDC-43.​noaa_documents.lib/​NESDIS/​NGDC/​TM/​NOAA_TM_NESDIS_NGDC_43.pdf

Perch-Nielsen, K., 1985. Cenozoic calcareous nannofossils. In Bolli, H.M., Saunders, J.B., and Perch-Nielsen, K. (Eds.), Plankton Stratigraphy: Cambridge, United Kingdom (Cambridge University Press), 427–554.

Plafker, G., Keller, G., Barron, J.A., and Blueford, J.R., 1985. Paleontologic data on the age of the Orca Group, Alaska. USGS Open-File Report, 85-429.​10.3133/​ofr85429

Young, J.R., Bown, P.R., and Lees, J.A. (Eds.). Nannotax3. Accessed 22 August 2018.​Nannotax3/

Ziveri, P., Baumann, K.-H., Böckel, B., Bollman, J., and Young, J.R., 2004. Biogeography of selected Holocene coccoliths in the Atlantic Ocean. In Thierstein, H., and Young, J. (Eds.), Coccolithophores: From Molecular Processes to Global Impact: Berlin (Springer Verlag), 403–428.​10.1007/​978-3-662-06278-4_15