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doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.302.103.2006 LithostratigraphyVisual core descriptionsExpedition 302 sedimentologists were responsible for visual core descriptions and smear slide analysis of cored sediment and rock. Lithology of recovered material is recorded on the barrel sheets (found in “Core Descriptions”) using symbols to represent up to three components in the Graphic Lithology column (Fig. F2). Where an interval of sediment is a mixture of lithologic components, the constituent categories are separated by a solid vertical line, with each category represented by its own symbol. In contrast, constituent categories separated by a dashed vertical line indicate intervals of thinly interbedded sediments comprising two or more lithologies of different compositions. Constituents accounting for <10% of the sediment in a given lithology are not shown in the Graphic Lithology column but are listed in the Lithologic Description section of the core description form. Because of the limited scale of the core summaries, the Graphic Lithology column usually shows only the composition of layers or intervals exceeding 20 cm in thickness. The Structure column indicates the presence of primary sedimentary structures, soft-sediment modification features, structural features, and diagenetic features observed visually (Fig. F3). The following definitions were adopted from Blatt et al. (1980, p. 128):
The following scale is used to describe bioturbation as measured by the percentage of burrow features:
Total mixing of sediment by bioturbating organisms produces homogeneous sediment with an appearance similar to nonbioturbated sediments that result from the deposition of material of homogeneous color and grain size. Therefore, a bioturbation scale can not be applied to homogeneous sediment with confidence. Deformation and disturbances of sediment that clearly resulted from the coring process are illustrated in the Drilling Disturbances column of the barrel sheets (see “Core Descriptions”). The degree of drilling disturbance is described for soft and firm sediments using the categories listed below (blank regions indicate the absence of drilling disturbance):
The degree of fracturing in indurated sediments is described in the Drilling Disturbance column using the following categories:
The hue and chroma attributes of color are recorded in the Color column of the barrel sheet and were determined using Munsell Soil Color Charts (1971). Figures summarizing key data from smear slides and XRD analyses appear in the “Sites M0001–M0004” chapter. The lithologic description that appears in the Description column of each barrel sheet lists all the major and minor sediment lithologies observed in the core, as well as a more detailed description of these sediments including features such as color, composition (determined from the analysis of smear slides), or other notable characteristics. Descriptions and locations of thin, interbedded, or minor lithologies or thin color banding that could not be depicted in the Graphic Lithology column are included in the text. Terms to describe sediment induration (e.g., firm) follow those used during ODP Leg 105 (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1987). X-ray diffractionEquipment parameterX-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements were performed at the Crystallography Department of Geosciences, University of Bremen, on a Philips X’Pert Pro X-ray diffractometer equipped with a Cu tube (Kα λ 1.541), a fixed divergence slit (¼°2θ), a 15-sample changer, a secondary monochromator, and the X’Celerator detector system. Measurements were made from 3° to 85°2θ with a calculated step size of 0.016°2θ. The calculated time per step was 100 s. Peak identification was done graphically through the MacIntosh program MacDiff (version 4.5) (available at (Petschick et al., 1996). Mineral identificationIntegrated intensities for the investigated mineral peaks were calculated by MacDiff. Based on this intensity, ratios were calculated. To provide an easy comparison to published data on surface samples of the potential source regions (Andersen et al., 1996; Vogt, 1997; Vogt et al., 2001), the fixed divergence was changed to automatic divergence using an algorithm integrated in MacDiff. Sediment classificationExpedition 302 sediment classification is based primarily on visual core descriptions and smear slide analyses. A modified version of the sediment classification format established during ODP Leg 151 (Shipboard Scientific Party, 1995) is used here to allow for easier comparison of the lithostratigraphy of cores retrieved during both cruises. As during Leg 151, the principal lithologic name (e.g., diatom ooze, silty clay) is based on the major (>50%) sediment component. Secondary components, composing 25% to 50% of the sediment, are included as major modifiers preceding the principal name (e.g., diatom ooze, silty clay). Minor constituents, composing 10% to 25% of the sediment, are included using the term “-bearing” (e.g., mud-bearing diatom ooze). The sediment modifiers are ordered so that minor modifier(s) precedes major modifier(s). Specific nomenclature for the two compositional groups, appropriate for sediments recovered during this expedition, is given below. Siliciclastic sedimentsThe siliciclastic category includes sediments having >50% siliciclastic sediments. These sediments are classified on the basis of grain size (Fig. F4). Siliciclastic sediment having >75% of a single component are given the name of that major component. For example, siliciclastic sediment containing 80% clay and 20% silt would be classified simply as “clay.” When siliciclastic sediment consists of a two-component mixture, the major component is preceded by a modifier describing the secondary grain size. For example, siliciclastic sediment containing 70% clay and 30% silt would be classified as “silty clay.” In situations where the siliciclastic sediment contains a mixture of sand, silt, and clay and the least abundant of these components comprises 10% of the sediment, the term “mud” is given as the major component and is modified by the name given to the most abundant grain size. For example, a mixture of 10% sand, 60% silt, and 30% clay would be classified as “silty mud.” Biogenic sedimentsThe biogenic category includes fine-grained sediments containing >50% biogenic sediments. Designation as siliceous or carbonate depends upon the relative abundance of these two biogenic categories (Fig. F5). When the biogenic component is >90%, the sediment is classified as ooze. When biogenic sediments are mixed with 10% to 25% siliciclastic components, the siliciclastic component name followed by the word “-bearing” is used as a major modifier. For example, if the sediment contains 80% biogenic silica of mixed types (e.g., diatoms, ebridians, and silicoflagellates) and 20% siliciclastic clay, it would be classified as “clay-bearing biosiliceous ooze.” When the siliciclastic component is a mixture of sand, silt, and clay, the modifier “mud-bearing” is used (e.g., mud-bearing siliceous ooze). |