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Tests of standard mineral mixtures show that best-fit regressions are nonlinear for plots of both peak-intensity ratio and fitted-area ratio versus the concentration ratio of kaolinite and chlorite. Using the peak-intensity ratio method, accuracy improves if the chlorite to kaolinite ratio is close to 50:50. Using the fitted-area-ratio method, the results are more reliable when kaolinite contents are between 20% and 80%. Our refined approach uses a doubled peak-area ratio. This reduces the error to a maximum of 7.7% and an average of 2.6% because it avoids measuring minor peaks obscured by the dominant peak’s shoulder. Either of two equations can be used, depending on which mineral is dominant. For kaolinite-dominant specimens, kaolinite wt% = 100 × (PA/TA)1.613. For chlorite-dominant specimens, chlorite wt% = 100 × (PA/TA)1.433.