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ASTM International, 2007. Standard test method for particle-size analysis of soils (Standard D422-63[2007]). In Annual Book of ASTM Standards (Vol. 04.08): Soil and Rock (I): West Conshohocken, PA (Am. So. Testing Mater.). doi:10.1520/​D0422-63R07

British Standards Institution, 1990. Methods of Test for Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes (Standard BS-1377[1990]): London (British Standards Inst.).

Craig, R.F., 1992. Soil Mechanics (5th ed.): London (Chapman and Hall).

Expedition 319 Scientists, 2010. Site C0009. In Saffer, D., McNeill, L., Byrne, T., Araki, E., Toczko, S., Eguchi, N., Takahashi, K., and the Expedition 319 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 319: Tokyo (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.319.103.2010

Germaine, J.T., and Germaine, A.V., 2009. Geotechnical Laboratory Measurements for Engineers: Hoboken, NJ (Wiley). doi:10.1002/​9780470548790

Heki, K., 2007. Secular, transient, and seasonal crustal movements in Japan from a dense GPS array: implication for plate dynamics in convergent boundaries. In Dixon, T.H., and Moore, J.C. (Eds.), The Seismogenic Zone of Subduction Thrust Faults: New York (Columbia Univ. Press), 512–539.

Saffer, D., McNeill, L., Araki, E., Byrne, T., Eguchi, N., Toczko, S., Takahashi, K., and the Expedition 319 Scientists, 2009. NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: NanTroSEIZE riser/riserless observatory. IODP Prel. Rept., 319. doi:10.2204/​

Sawyer, D.E., Jacoby, R., Flemings, P., and Germaine, J.T., 2008. Data report: particle size analysis of sediments in the Ursa Basin, IODP Expedition 308 Sites U1324 and U1322, northern Gulf of Mexico. In Flemings, P.B., Behrmann, J.H., John, C.M., and the Expedition 308 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 308: College Station, TX (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/​iodp.proc.308.205.2008

Seno, T., Stein, S., and Gripp, A.E., 1993. A model for the motion of the Philippine Sea plate consistent with NUVEL-1 and geological data. J. Geophys. Res.: Solid Earth, 98(B10):17941–17948. doi:10.1029/​93JB00782

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