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doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.322.202.2013 ReferencesAshi, J., Lallemant, S., Masago, H., and the Expedition 315 Scientists, 2009. Expedition 315 summary. In Kinoshita, M., Tobin, H., Ashi, J., Kimura, G., Lallemant, S., Screaton, E.J., Curewitz, D., Masago, H., Moe, K.T., and the Expedition 314/315/316 Scientists, Proc. IODP, 314/315/316: Washington, DC (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Management International, Inc.). doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.314315316.121.2009 Biscaye, P.E., 1964. Distinction between kaolinite and chlorite in recent sediments by X-ray diffraction. Am. Miner., 49:1281–1289. Biscaye, P.E., 1965. Mineralogy and sedimentation of recent deep-sea clay in the Atlantic Ocean and adjacent seas and oceans. Geol. Soc. Am. Bull., 76(7):803–831. doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1965)76[803:MASORD]2.0.CO;2 Blenkinsop, T.G., 1988. Definition of low-grade metamorphic zones using illite crystallinity. J. Metamorph. Geol., 6(5):623–636. doi:10.1111/j.1525-1314.1988.tb00444.x Chamley, H., 1980. 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