~37°56.3022′N, 143°54.8405′E
Water depth (m):
Target drilling depth (mbsf):
Survey coverage (track map; seismic profile):
Lines HD33B and HS41B; Figure F1B
Determine stress state on the fault
Characterize large earthquakes in the fault zone |
Drilling program:
Hole A: LWD to ~950 mbsf; install casing/temperature monitoring string to ~950 mbsf
Hole B: RCB to ~950 mbsf; install casing/temperature and pressure monitoring string to ~850 mbsf |
Logging/downhole measurements program:
Hole A: LWD⁄MWD to ~950 mbsf
LWD: resistivity, electrical imaging, gamma ray
MWD: annular pressure while drilling, temperature |
Nature of rock anticipated:
Highly disrupted hemipelagic deposits. A chert layer is anticipated within a 100 m zone above TD.