- Contents
- Title page
- Publisher's notes
Expedition 333 participants
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Overview of the NanTroSEIZE complex drilling project
Sites C0011 and C0012
NanTroSLIDE Ancillary Project Letter
Principal results
- Preliminary scientific assessment
- References
- F1. Bathymetric map.
- F2. Spliced composite profile.
- F3. Detailed bathymetry and structure, Site C0018.
- F4. Schematic sedimentary log, Hole C00018A.
- F5. Top of MTD 2.
- F6. Shear zone at base of MTD 2.
- F7. Fluidized ash layer, corresponding to MTD 4.
- F8. Chaotic style of internal deformation in MTD 6.
- F9. Cyclic succession of turbidites.
- F10. XRD data, Hole C0018A.
- F11. SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, Fe2O3, MgO, and TiO2, Site C0011.
- F12. Bedding dip angles and deformation structures, Site C0018.
- F13. Lower-hemisphere equal-area projections, Site C0018.
- F14. Appearance of slump fold.
- F15. Appearance of shear zone.
- F16. Physical properties, porosity, shear strength, and resistivity, Site C0018.
- F17. Interstitial water and sulfate, Hole C0018A.
- F18. Pore water constituents, Hole C0018A.
- F19. More pore water constituents, Hole C0018A.
- F20. Methane, ethane, and C1/C2 ratios, Site C0018.
- F21. CaCO3, TOC, TN, TOC/TNat, and TS, Hole C0018A.
- F22. Lithology on seismic profile, Site C0018.
- F23. APCT-3 temperature measurements.
- F24. Bathymetric map, Sites C0011, C0012, and C0018.
- F25. Lithology on seismic background, Sites C0011 and C0012.
- F26. Sedimentary log, Holes C0011C and C0011D.
- F27. XRD data, Holes C0011C and C0011D.
- F28. Ash alteration state across unit boundaries.
- F29. Units I and II lithologic and textural differences, Hole C0011D.
- F30. SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, Fe2O3, Na2O, K2O, and P2O5, Site C0011.
- F31. Bedding dip angles and deformation structures, Holes C0011C and C0011D.
- F32. Lower-hemisphere equal-area projections, Holes C0011C and C0011D.
- F33. Magnetic susceptibility and remanent magnetization, Site C0011.
- F34. Resistivity and porosity, Site C0011.
- F35. Penetrometer and vane shear, Site C0011.
- F36. P-wave velocity, Holes C0011D and C0011B.
- F37. Interstitial water and sulfate, Site C0011.
- F38. Interstitial water constituents, Site C0011.
- F39. More interstitial water constituents, Site C0011.
- F40. Methane concentration, Holes C0011C and C0011D.
- F41. CaCO3, TOC, TN, TOC/TNat, and TS, Holes C0011C and C0011D.
- F42. Sedimentary log, Holes C0012C and C0012D.
- F43. XRD data, Holes C0012C and C0012D.
- F44. SiO2, Al2O3, CaO, Fe2O3, MgO, MnO, and P2O5, Site C0012.
- F45. Bedding dip angles and deformation structures, Holes C0012C and C0012D.
- F46. Remanent magnetization and magnetic susceptibility, Sites C0011 and C0012.
- F47. Bulk density, porosity, and grain density, Site C0012.
- F48. Mudstone porosity, Sites C0011 and C0012.
- F49. P-wave velocity, Site C0012.
- F50. Interstitial water and sulfate, Site C0012.
- F51. Interstitial water constituents, Site C0012.
- F52. More interstitial water constituents, Site C0012.
- F53. Methane, ethane, and C1/C2, Holes C0012C, C0012D, and C0012E.
- F54. CaCO3, TOC, TN, TOC/TNat, and TS, Holes C0012C, C0012D, and C0012E.
- PDF file
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The Center for Deep Earth Exploration (CDEX) accomplished three Nankai Trough Seismogenic Zone Experiment (NanTroSEIZE) expeditions during 2010 and early 2011: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 326 (NanTroSEIZE Stage 3: plate boundary deep riser: top hole engineering), Expedition 332 (NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: riserless observatory), and Expedition 333 (NanTroSEIZE Stage 2: subduction inputs 2 and heat flow).
The objectives for Expedition 333 were to core and measure temperature within the shallow intervals at IODP Sites C0011 and C0012 that were not sampled during IODP Expedition 322 and to collect up to 220 m of additional basement material from Site C0012 (Fig. F1). These are the two subduction inputs sites for the Kumano transect, positioned above and on the northwest flank of a prominent basement high in the Shikoku Basin. Additionally, the coring objectives of an Ancillary Project Letter (738-APL), Nankai Trough Submarine Landslide History (NanTroSLIDE), were attempted to correlate the history of submarine landslides along the lower forearc slope to the history of slip along the megasplay fault.
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