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doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.310.201.2009 ReferencesBeuck, L., and Freiwald, A., 2005. Bioerosion patterns in a deep-water Lophelia pertusa (Scleractinia) thicket (Propeller Mound, northern Porcupine Seabight). In Freiwald, A., and Roberts, J.M. (Eds.), Cold Water Corals and Ecosystems: Heidelberg (Springer-Verlag), 915–936. Bromley, R.G., 2004. A stratigraphy of marine bioerosion. In McIlroy, D. (Ed.), The Application of Ichnology to Palaeoenvironmental and Stratigraphic Analysis. Geol. Soc. Spec. Publ., 228(1):455–479. doi:10.1144/GSL.SP.2004.228.01.20 Bromley, R.G., Wisshak, M., Glaub, I., and Botquelen, A., 2007. Ichnotaxonomie review of dendriniform borings attributed to foraminiferans: Semidendrina igen. nov. In Miller, W., III (Ed.), Trace Fossils: Concepts, Problems, Prospects: Amsterdam (Elsevier), 518–530. Bronn, H.G., 1837. Lethaea Geognostica: Abbildungen und Beschreibungen der für die Gebirge-Formationen Bezeichnendsten Versteinerungen: Schweizerbart, Stuttgart (Schweizerbart). Budd, D.A., and Perkins, R.D., 1980. Bathymetric zonation and paleoecological significance of microborings in Puerto Rican shelf and slope sediments. J. Sediment. Petrol., 50(3):881–904. Camoin, G.F., Cabioch, G., Hamelin, B., and Lericolais, G., 2003. Rapport de mission SISMITA. Institut de recherche pour le développement, Papeete, Polynesia Francaise. Camoin, G.F., Iryu, Y., McInroy, D.B, and the IODP Expedition 310 Scientists, 2007. IODP Expedition 310 reconstructs sea level, climatic, and environmental changes in the South Pacific during the last deglaciation. Sci. Drill., 5:4–12. doi:10.2204/ Glaub, I., 1994. Microspores in selected deposits of the European Jurassic and the Lower Creatceous: classification and paleontology. CFS, Cour. Forschungsinst. Senckenberg, 174. Glaub, I., 1999. Paleobathymetric reconstructions and fossil microborings. Bull. Geol. Soc. Den., 45:143–146. Glaub, I., Gektidis, M., and Vogel, K., 2002. Microborings from different North Atlantic shelf areas—variability of the euphotic zone extension and implications for paleodepth reconstructions. CFS, Cour. Forschungsinst. Senckenberg, 237:25–37. Glaub, I., and Vogel, K., 2004. The stratigraphic record of microborings. Fossils Strata, 51:126–135. Golubic, S., Brent, G., and LeCampion, T., 1970. Scanning electron microscopy of endolithic algae and fungi using a multipurpose casting-embedding technique. Lethaia, 3(2):203–209. doi:10.1111/j.1502-3931.1970.tb01858.x Golubic, S., Campbell, S., and Spaeth, C., 1983. Kunstharzausgüsse fossiler Mikroben-Bohrgänge. Präparator, 29:197–200. Golubic, S., Perkins, R.D., and Lukas, K.J., 1975. Boring microorganisms and microborings in carbonate substrates. In Frey, R.W. (Ed.), The Study of Trace Fossils: New York (Springer-Verlag), 229–259. Heindel, K., Wisshak, M., and Westphal, H., in press. Microbioerosion in Tahitian reefs: a record of environmental change during the last deglacial sea level rise (IODP 310). Lethaia. Liebau, A., 1984. Grundlagen der Ökobathymetrie. In Luterbacher, H. (Ed.), Paläobathymetrie. Palaeontol. Kursb., 2:149–184. Radtke, G., 1991. The microendolithic trace fossils in the lower Tertiary of Western Europe and their paleontological significance. CFS, Cour. Forschungsinst. Senckenberg, 138. Radtke, G., and Golubic, S., 2005. Microborings in mollusk shells, Bay of Safaga, Egypt: morphometry and ichnology. Facies, 51(1–4):118–134. doi:10.1007/s10347-005-0016-02 Schmidt, H., 1992. Mikrobohrspuren ausgewählter faziesbereiche der tethyalen und germanischen trias (Beschreibung, Vergleichund und bathymetrische interpretation). Frankf. Geowiss. Arb. A, 12:1–228. Vogel, K., Balog, S.-J., Bundschuh, M., Gektidis, M., Glaub, I., Krutschinna, J., and Radtke, G., 1999. Bathymetrical studies in fossil reefs, with microendoliths as paleoecological indicators. Profil, 16:181–191. Vogel, K., Bundschuh, M., Glaub, I., Hofmann, K., Radtke, G., and Schmidt, H., 1995. Hard substrate ichnocoenoses and their relations to light intensity and marine bathymetry. Neues Jahrb. Geol. Palaeontol., Abh., 195(1–3):49–61. Vogel, K., and Glaub, I., 2004. 450 million years of continuous evolution of endolithic microorganisms? Sitzungsber. Wiss. Ges. Univ. Frankfurt, 42(1). Vogel, K., and Marincovich, L., Jr., 2004. Paleobathymetric implications of microborings in Tertiary strata of Alaska, USA. Palaeogeogr., Palaeoclimatol., Palaeoecol., 206(1–2):1–20. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2003.12.017 Warme, J.E., 1975. Borings as trace fossils, and the process of marine bioerosion. In Frey, R.W. (Ed.), The Study of Trace Fossils: New York (Springer-Verlag), 181–227. Wisshak, M., 2006. High-Latitude Bioerosion: The Kosterfjord Experiment: Heidelberg (Springer-Verlag), 109. |