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Buchanan, S.K., Scrutton, R.A., Edwards, R.A., and Whitmarsh, R.B., 1996. Marine magnetic data processing in equatorial regions off Ghana. Geophys. J. Int., 125(1):123–131. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.1996.tb06539.x

Bullard, E.C., and Mason, R.G., 1961. The magnetic field astern of a ship. Deep-Sea Res., 8(1):20–27. doi:10.1016/0146-6313(61)90012-0

General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans, 2008. The GEBCO_08 Grid: Liverpool (British Oceanographic Data Centre).

Maus, S., Macmillan, S., Chernova, T., Choi, S., Dater, D., Golovkov, V., Lesur, V., Lowes, F., Lühr, H., Mai, W., McLean, S., Olsen, N., Rother, M., Sabaka, T., Thomson, A., and Zvereva, T., 2005. The 10th-generation International Geomagnetic Reference Field. Geophys. J. Int., 161(3):561–565. doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.2005.02641.x

McLean, S., Macmillan, S., Maus, S., Lesur, V., Thomson, A., and Dater, D., 2004. The US/UK World Magnetic Model for 2005–2010. NOAA Tech. Rep., NESDIS/NGDC-1.

Nakanishi, M., Sager, W.W., and Klaus, A., 1999. Magnetic lineations within Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific Ocean: implications for hot spot–triple junction interaction and oceanic plateau formation. J. Geophys. Res., [Solid Earth], 104(B4):7539–7556. doi:10.1029/1999JB900002

Sager, W.W., Kim, J., Klaus, A., Nakanishi, M., and Khankishieva, L.M., 1999. Bathymetry of Shatsky Rise, northwest Pacific Ocean: implications for ocean plateau development at a triple junction. J. Geophys. Res., [Solid Earth], 104(4):7557–7576. doi:10.1029/1998JB900009

Tominaga, M., Sager, W.W., Tivey, M.A., and Lee, S.-M., 2008. Deep-tow magnetic anomaly study of the Pacific Jurassic Quiet Zone and implications for the geomagnetic polarity reversal timescale and geomatic field behavior. J. Geophy. Res., [Solid Earth], 113(B7):B07110. doi:10.1029/2007JB005527

Wessel, P., and Smith, W.H.F., 1995. New version of the Generic Mapping Tools released. Eos, Trans. Am. Geophys. Union, 76(33):329. doi:10.1029/95EO00198