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doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.325.106.2011 Hole M0052COperationsSite 6, Hole M0052CAt 0815 h on 27 March 2010, API pipe was run in at the same location as for Hole M0052B. Open-hole coring to 6.9 mbsf commenced at 0915 h (Table T1). At 1020 h, the first standard rotary corer core was recovered. On recovering the second core at 1130 h, the bit was found to be missing, and the hole had to be terminated at 8.8 mbsf. Tripping the API pipe began at 1140 h and was completed at 1330 h. The bottom-hole assembly and API standard rotary corer systems were checked while the Greatship Maya moved to a new location at Site 6. Sedimentology and biological assemblagesHole M0052C contains a single lithostratigraphic unit. Unit 1: Section 325-M0052C-1R-CC: coralgal boundstone and grainstoneUnit 1, consisting only of Section 325-M0052C-1R-CC, is composed of fragments of coralgal boundstone and grainstone with bioclasts of corals (including one solitary coral), mollusks, nongeniculate coralline algae, and echinoids (Fig. F12). The only large coral is a finely branched to submassive base of an Acropora(?) or Porites(?) colony. Fragments include Acropora, Isopora, Seriatopora, Porites(?), Heliopora coerulea, and a large ahermatypic coral. Physical propertiesA total of 0.10 m of core was recovered from Hole M0052C, which was drilled to a depth of 8.80 m DSF-A (5.26% recovery). There was insufficient recovery from Hole M0052C for multisensor core logger measurements or discrete samples to be taken. As such, the petrophysics data set for the hole is limited to color reflectance spectrophotometry and digital line scanning. This data are summarized in Table T2. Digital line scans and color reflectanceThe core from Hole M0052C was digitally scanned and measured for color reflectance. Only two discrete measurements of color reflectance spectrophotometry were taken for Hole M0052C. Their values for L* were 73.61% and 75.14%. Because of the small number of values, results were not plotted for this borehole. This section is mainly composed of granules and pebbles of corals. ChronologyThis hole has one calibrated radiocarbon age of 17 cal y BP from Core 325-M0052C-1R (Fig. F13). Limited recovery beneath this 17 cal y BP core indicates that this hole probably only contains material from the last deglaciation. |