66°24.8′S, 140°25.5′E
Water depth (m):
Target drilling depth (mbsf):
Approved maximum penetration (mbsf):
• 250 (approved by TAMU safety panels based on EPSP Dec 2005 recommendation)
• Limit penetration to Holocene drift
• Terminate when drilling encounters glacial diamict but no more than 250 mbsf
Survey coverage:
• Site survey data outlined in Proposal 638-APL2 (available at
• Track map (Fig. F15)
• Seismic profile (Figs. F8, F16, F17)
Objective (see text for full details):
Ultrahigh resolution of Holocene climate
Drilling, coring, and downhole measurement program:
• Hole A: APC to total depth; XCB one core of diamict; APC core orientation and formation temperature measurements
• Hole B: APC to total depth; APC core orientation
• Hole C: APC to total depth; APC core orientation; possibly wireline log (triple combo, FMS-sonic)
Anticipated lithology:
• 0–200 mbsf: very soft Holocene diatom ooze
• >200 mbsf: glacial diamict