
Site summaries (continued)

Site GC-05B

Priority: High
Position: Lat 36°25'40.01"N (36°25.666), Long 7°14'14.11"W (–7°14.235) (WGS 84)
Water depth (m) 660
Target depth (mbsf): 938 (primary operations plan based on 650 m penetration)
Approved maximum penetration (mbsf): Pending EPSP/TAMU Safety Panel approval
Previous drilling in area: None
Comments: Jurisdiction: Spain
Potential hazards: shallow gas, shallow-water flow, soft seabed, strong currents
Survey coverage (track map, seismic profile) • Bathymetric sketch with site location and seismic lines position around proposed Sites GC-05B and GC-11A (alternate) on the contourite depositional system on the middle slope of the Gulf of Cádiz (Fig. AF6)
• Multichannel seismic reflection (MCS) profile (Line HE91-20) across the sheeted Drifts (Fig. AF7)
Objectives (see text for complete details): MOW lower core (complete Pliocene and Quaternary record)
Drilling/coring program: Double APC to refusal, then single XCB/RCB hole to 650 mbsf
Temperature measurements: APCT-3
Downhole logging program: Standard tools: triple combo, FMS-sonic, VSI
Anticipated lithology: Sands, silts, and clays