
Scientific objectives

Generally, the “Lesser Antilles Volcanism and Landslide” project is designed to understand the constructive and destructive processes occurring along island arcs using the Lesser Antilles arc as a prime example. This project involves drilling, coring, and logging along one transect with three sites southeast of Montserrat, one site southwest of Montserrat, one site southwest of Dominica, one site northwest Martinique, as well as one transect with three sites southwest of Martinique (Fig. F1). The record of eruptive activity and volcanoclastic sedimentation obtained during coring and logging will be used to accomplish the following primary goals (three main topics [1–3] and two additional ones [4 and 5]).

1. Identify the mechanisms controlling processes and timing of potentially tsunamigenic, large volcanic debris avalanches emplacement.

Volcano flank collapses are an integral part in the lifetime of a volcano (Ida and Voight, 1995; McGuire, 1996; Voight, 2000) and are a large geohazard since they produce large debris avalanches and, in oceanic settings, tsunamis. However, up to now it is generally unclear what factors control the timing of large flank failures, how such failures evolve, and what are the emplacement mechanisms of the debris avalanches associated with these collapses (Voight, 2000; Voight and Elsworth, 1997). For example, understanding whether significant substrate erosion occurs during such processes is crucial for determining the mobility of debris avalanche and for including realistic parameters in numerical simulations of flow processes (Heinrich et al., 2001; Le Friant 2003b; Kelfoun and Druitt, 2005). Deplus et al. (2001) proposed that submarine debris avalanches in the Lesser Antilles erode significantly into underlying sedimentary layers, incorporating large amounts of marine sediment as well as disturbing the underlying stratigraphy. Such erosion and sediment deformation is apparent in some seismic profiles. In addition, the volume of deposits deduced from seismic data (several hundreds of cubic kilometers) is typically one order of magnitude larger than the estimated collapsed volume on land (Le Friant et al., 2003a). Cores will document the internal facies architecture and stratigraphy of debris avalanche deposits and reveal the degree to which given debris avalanche deposit volumes result from erosion and entrainment during emplacement. Identification of subunits within debris avalanche deposits will indicate multiple episodes of emplacement. In addition, deposits of longer run-out turbidity currents generated during debris avalanche emplacement may provide some of the best records of emplacement dynamics (Wynn and Masson, 2003). For instance, large-scale flank-collapse events on the Canary Islands and Hawaiian Islands have generated distinctive turbidites that comprise multiple fining-upward subunits (Wynn and Masson, 2003; Garcia and Meyerhoff Hull, 1994), which suggest that flank collapse occurred in a number of stages separated by days to weeks. Thus, with the cores recovered during this expedition we will investigate whether specific flank collapse events are random in time or if they are linked to some external or internal forcing as well as the controlling mechanisms of debris avalanche emplacement being triggered by such collapses. We will specifically try to answer the following questions:

  1. Are flank-collapses associated with magmatic intrusions, or major volcanic eruptions?

  2. Are failures triggered by factors such as more rapid volcano edifice construction, strength reduction by hydrothermal processes, or by rapid sea level change (Quidelleur et al., 2008)?

  3. Do flank collapses lead to changes in magmatic evolution by depressurizing the magma system (Voight, 1981; Pinel and Jaupart, 2000)?

  4. What is the frequency of occurring flank collapses?

  5. Are bulking, erosion, and sediment incorporation the same for subaerial and submarine landslides (Glicken, 1991; Komorowski et al., 1991; Voight, 1978; Voight and Sousa, 1994; Schneider et al., 2004)?

  6. What is the dynamic role of the undrained loading of overridden compressible marine sediments (Voight and Elsworth, 1997)?

  7. Is the sedimentary substratum deformed with the emplacement of the debris avalanche (Schneider et al., 2004)?

  8. Is the matrix facies of a debris avalanche more abundant at the bottom part of the deposit (Takarada et al., 1999) or do the submarine debris avalanche deposits contain thin basal layers of thoroughly homogenized sediment, indicating that the avalanche was emplaced above a thin horizon of localized shear (Gee et al., 1999; Clavero et al., 2002; Shea et al., 2008)?

  9. Do the mixed facies (debris avalanche + incorporated substratum) outcrop essentially at the base of the unit (Reubi et al., 2000), or is the shearing more pervasive due to the postulated high proportion of wet marine sediments in the debris avalanche?

  10. How large is the volume of reworked sediment (erosion and entrainment during emplacement) in a given debris avalanche deposit?

  11. Is a large flank collapse a singular failure involving a rapid virtually instantaneous movement of the entire slide mass into the ocean (Ward and Day, 2001), or do collapses occur retrogressively as several closely spaced failures leading to multiple debris avalanches (Wynn and Masson, 2003; Mattioli et al., 2007) and proportionately less severe consequences for tsunami generation?

2. Characterize the eruptive history to assess major volcanic hazards and volcano evolution.

It has to be emphasized that our knowledge of volcano history is mainly founded on the shore-based geological record. However, deciphering a complete eruption record from onshore geology is commonly problematic, due to burial by deposits from younger events, erosion, or removal of deposits by catastrophic events such as flank collapses. Marine sediment cores typically preserve a much more complete record of volcanism. However, this improvement from regular piston cores is still not sufficient to characterize the evolution of volcanic systems that can extend to a few million years and is also insufficient to diagnose the return periods of very large magnitude, infrequent but very high consequence volcanic events, such as explosive eruptions and major flank collapses. Drilling will allow us to get a complete eruptive history of a volcano and thus to address several important but yet unanswered questions:

  1. Are the volcanoes as discrete as onshore studies suggest?

  2. Are interpretations of the onshore record correct, or will the much more complete marine record show that, in contrast to the ideas of episodic activity, volcanism is continuous with onshore geology reflecting an artifact of deposit preservation?

  3. What are the characteristics of products erupted at the onset of activity from a specific center, particularly if they initially develop below sea level?

  4. What processes control the migration from one volcanic center to another?

  5. Are the end of activity of one center and the onset of another center synchronous, or are there eruptive hiatuses?

  6. What is the nature of volcanism during the construction of a volcanic complex (magma evolution, production rate, eruptive styles, spatio-temporal distribution of eruptive vents and products, and importance of constructional versus destructional processes)?

  7. Are there systematic patterns in the time series of volcanic eruptions in terms of eruptive style, eruption magnitude, and repose periods? If so, can these systematic patterns be linked to major processes of volcano construction and destruction (e.g., flank collapse), external factors (e.g., climate and sea level), or to deeper magmatic processes?

  8. Can the information from such studies be used for a present-day hazards assessment of the active arc volcanoes?

As each of the volcanic islands along the arc has erupted magmas with a distinctive mineralogy and geochemistry (Sigurdsson et al., 1980; Lindsay et al., 2005a), we are sure that the questions raised above can be answered from the material we core since the distinguishing of the sources of the tephra layers in the cores is straightforward.

3. Characterize the magmatic cycles and long-term magmatic evolution of the arc.

This third objective shares some common objectives with those aimed at elucidating volcanic history and behavior. Volcanism along the Lesser Antilles arc is characterized by large variability in magmatic activity, magma composition, and eruptive activity in space and time as summarized above. Even though we have acquired an enormous amount of information on this system and also have a great deal of knowledge on magma generation and evolution processes in general, this knowledge has given rise to reams of questions on the different controlling mechanisms of magmatism and eruptive activity in settings like this. Thus, we will use the time-series and spatial records of variations in magma composition (mineralogy, major and trace element composition, and isotopic signatures) and volume to be encountered at the different sites to characterize the processes governing magma composition (composition of the primary material, ascent rates, production rates, and differentiation processes), associated eruption mechanisms, and eruption frequencies. In particular, we will try to answer the following questions.

  1. Why do some magma systems remain steady state for long periods of time, generating very similar magmas (e.g., Montserrat and Mount Pelée), whereas others erupt compositionally diverse magmas?

  2. Why do others show much more variability in composition?

  3. Why are there marked excursions from mafic to silicic magmatism or vice versa?

  4. Are switches in composition sudden or gradual?

  5. Can changes in composition be linked to major explosive eruptions or flank collapses that perturb the crystal magma systems, or do these changes reflect internal dynamics of crustal magma systems, such as buoyancy instabilities related to accumulation of regions of partial melt?

4. Characterize nondebris avalanche-related sedimentation processes in the deep ocean around the arc.

The majority of detrital material resulting from the erosion of the islands of the arc is transported into the surrounding ocean (e.g., Sigurdsson et al., 1980; Le Friant et al., 2004; Picard et al., 2006). Volcanogenic sediments are channeled by debris flows, turbidity currents, and persistent ocean currents through deep submarine canyons located west of the volcanoes and which, for Guadeloupe and Dominica, lead into the northern part of the Grenada Basin (Fig. F1). In addition, around Montserrat there are examples of single, or multiple stacked, carbonate turbidites that contain reworked shallow-water sediment and fauna, the volume of which exceeds that of, for example, volcaniclastic deposits associated with the more recent (<100 ka) eruptions of the Soufrière Hills volcano. The source of these carbonates is most likely the large carbonate platforms associated with islands such as Antigua or Redonda (Fig. F1). Apparently, these turbidites have not been triggered by volcanic eruptions but either by platform instabilities during rapid sea level rises at the end of major glaciations or by major regional earthquakes. This points out that the sedimentation processes occurring along the Lesser Antilles arc might be more complex than previously thought. Thus, with the cores obtained during this expedition we will contribute to the understanding of the sedimentary facies on the submarine flanks and in the basins that surround arc volcanoes, characterize the sedimentation processes, and estimate local sedimentation rates in the northern and southern parts of the arc as well as the relative fraction of volcanogenic material in the sediment. Furthermore we will answer the following questions:

  1. What are the differences between the north and the south parts of the arc in terms of sedimentation processes?

  2. What is the proportion of volcanogenic sediments versus hemipelagic and carbonate sediments?

  3. Do debris avalanches have the potential to generate turbidity currents?

  4. Are most turbidite units linked to volcanic eruptions or can they also be linked to nonvolcanic processes such as submarine slope failures triggered by regional earthquakes or gravitational instabilities?

5. Determine the processes and element fluxes associated with submarine alteration of volcanic material.

The processes associated with submarine alteration of magmatic matter are of fundamental importance on a global as well as on a regional scale. For example, (1) the composition of ocean water is largely buffered by alteration of magmatic material in the ocean basins, (2) the composition of the Earth’s mantle is influenced by the subduction of altered oceanic crust and seamounts, and (3) major elements, trace elements, or isotopes are used to model the magmatic history of volcanic settings, requiring knowledge about which of the geochemical patterns encountered are of primary magmatic origin and which are not (Palmer and Edmond, 1989; Palmer et al., submitted). Nonetheless, systematic studies of natural alteration processes reflecting the diversity of magmatic systems on our Earth are generally rare (e.g., Gardner et al., 1986; Gérard and Person, 1994; Martin, 1994; Stroncik and Schmincke, 2001; Utzmann et al., 2002). Generally, submarine alteration processes (including, e.g., element fluxes and alteration rates) are controlled by the following parameters: (a) the structure, composition (e.g., glassy versus crystalline, microfracture density, and basaltic versus silicic), and grain size of the parent material, (b) the physical emplacement mechanism and resulting internal structure of the deposit (e.g., thin air fall deposits versus thick debris flows), and (c) temperature. Continued coring and logging at the proposed sites will allow us to systematically study alteration processes as a function of those different parameters in a magmatically relatively diverse system and will allow us to answer the following questions:

  1. How does the process of submarine alteration change (e.g., congruent versus incongruent dissolution) as a function of parent material composition (basalt, basaltic andesite, andesite, or dacite) for a given environment?

  2. How does the rate of alteration change as a function of grain size and structure of the parent material for a given environment?

  3. How does the process of alteration and the alteration rate change as a function of the structure of the deposit (e.g., air fall versus debris flow)?

  4. Do the temperature changes encountered in the studied environment have an effect on the alteration process and name?