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ASTM International, 2003. Standard test method for consolidated undrained triaxial compression test for cohesive soils (Standard D4767-02). In Annual Book of ASTM Standards (Vol. 04.08): Soil and Rock (I): West Conshohocken, PA (Am. Soc. Testing and Mater.), 911–934.

ASTM International, 2004. Standard test method for consolidated undrained triaxial compression test for cohesive soils (Standard D4767-04). In Annual Book of ASTM Standards (Vol. 04.08): Soil and Rock (I): West Conshohocken, PA (Am. Soc. Testing and Mater.).

Becker, D.E., Crooks, J.H.A., Been, K., and Jeffries, M.G., 1987. Work as a criterion for determining in situ and yield stresses in clays. Can. Geotech. J., 24(4):549–564. doi:10.1139/​t87-070

Flemings, P.B., Long, H., Dugan, B., Germaine, J., John, C.M., Behrmann, J.H., Sawyer, D., and IODP Expedition 308 Scientists, 2008. Pore pressure penetrometers document high overpressure near the seafloor where multiple submarine landslides have occurred on the continental slope, offshore Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 269(3–4):309–325. doi:10.1016/​j.epsl.2007.12.005

Ladd, C.C., 1986. Stability evaluation during staged construction. J. Geotech. Eng., 117(4):540–615.

Ostermeier, R.M., Pelletier, J.H., Winker, C.D., and Nicholson, J.W., 2001. Trends in shallow sediment pore pressure—deepwater Gulf of Mexico. Proc.—SPE/IADC Drill. Conf., 1–11.

Pelletier, J.H., Ostermeier, R.M., Winker, C.D., Nicholson, J.W., and Rambow, F.H., 1999. Shallow water flow sands in the deepwater Gulf of Mexico: some recent Shell experience [International Forum on Shallow Water Flows Conference, League City, TX, October 1999].

Sawyer, D.E., Flemings, P.B., Shipp, R.C., and Winker, C.D., 2007. Seismic geomorphology, lithology, and evolution of the late Pleistocene Mars-Ursa turbidite region, Mississippi Canyon area, northern Gulf of Mexico. AAPG Bull., 91(2):215–234. doi:10.1306/​08290605190