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doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.308.215.2012 ReferencesAlberty, M., 2000. Shallow water flows: a problem solved or a problem emerging. Proc.—Annu. Offshore Technol. Conf., 1–7. Binh, N.T.T., Tokunaga, T., Nakamura, T., Kozumi, K., Nakajima, M., Kubota, M., Kameya, H., and Taniue, M., 2010. Physical properties of shallow sediments in late Pleistocene formations, Ursa Basin, Gulf of Mexico, and their implications for generation and preservation of shallow overpressures. Mar. Pet. Geol., 26(4):474–486. doi:10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2009.01.018 Boehm, A., and Moore, J.C., 2002. Fluidized sandstone intrusions as an indicator of paleostress orientation, Santa Cruz, California. Geofluids, 2(2):147–161. doi:10.1046/j.1468-8123.2002.00026.x Burland, J.B., 1990. On the compressibility and shear strength of natural clays. Geotechnique, 40:329–378. Chandler, R.J., 2000. The Third Glossop Lecture—clay sediments in depositional basins: the geotechnical cycle. Q. J. Eng. Geol. 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